• 巴黎附近一带住房极其昂贵

    Houses in the neighbourhood of Paris are extremely expensive.


  • 昂贵首饰衣服上开销很大

    I spend a lot on expensive jewellery and clothing.


  • 三文鱼认为是一道昂贵佳肴

    Smoked salmon was considered an expensive delicacy.


  • 这座办公大楼成了昂贵摆设

    The new office block has become an expensive white elephant.


  • 确保需要支付昂贵额外费用

    Make sure that you don't have to pay expensive excess charges.


  • 错误决策可能付出昂贵的代价。

    Making the wrong decision could prove expensive.


  • 一家费用昂贵诊所戒酒瘾。

    He went to an expensive clinic to dry out.


  • 衣柜挂着昂贵的衣服。

    There were several expensive suits hanging in the wardrobe.


  • 想你了解昂贵

    I don't think you appreciate how expensive it will be.


  • 认为昂贵服装身份高贵标志

    She thinks expensive clothes are a mark of gentility.


  • 修理需要熟练技工,人工费昂贵

    Repairs involve skilled labour , which can be expensive.


  • 酒店狼吞虎咽昂贵饭菜有钱人

    Hotels were full of rich people wolfing expensive meals.


  • 黑色套装素净昂贵

    Her black suit was restrained and expensive.


  • 既有普通的也昂贵专营面条餐馆

    There are restaurants, both humble and expensive, that specialize in noodles.


  • 确实知道玉米欧洲非常昂贵

    I know for a fact that baby corn is very expensive in Europe.


  • 因为那东西昂贵

    I didn't get it because it cost too much.


  • 穿着一身昂贵衣裳

    She was wearing an expensive new outfit.


  • 穿着一套昂贵深蓝色细条纹西装

    He wore an expensive, dark blue pinstripe suit.


  • 食品居然并不那么昂贵

    The food was not actually all that expensive.


  • 尽管能源绝对售价下降,但仍然昂贵

    Although prices are falling in absolute terms , energy is still expensive.


  • 如果能够的话你希望避免昂贵法律诉讼

    You want to avoid costly legal proceedings if you can.


  • 滑雪用具有时昂贵

    Skiing gear can be expensive.


  • 比基尼泳装那种价格昂贵名牌产品。

    Her bikini was one of those expensive designer jobbies.


  • 一看,有机耕作农民来说似乎昂贵

    At first glance, organic farming looks much more expensive for the farmer.


  • 食物匮乏而且昂贵

    Food was scarce and expensive.


  • 有时昂贵药物其他疗法从长远来看省钱的。

    Sometimes expensive drugs or other treatments can be economical in the long run.


  • 如果淡季,就有可能一些较为昂贵旅游胜地度假

    It is possible to holiday at some of the more expensive resorts if you go in the off season.


  • 要使电脑动画视觉效果达到要求逼真程度花费会十分昂贵

    At the required level of visual verisimilitude, computer animation is extremely costly.


  • 拉斯维加斯警局出了一连串差错,他们为此付出了昂贵的代价。

    Las Vegas police committed a string of costly missteps.


  • 医生有时比较便宜非注册商标的药品而不比较昂贵品牌

    Doctors sometimes prescribe cheaper generic drugs instead of more expensive brand names.


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