• 64岁诊断患有糖尿

    He was diagnosed (as) a diabetic when he was 64.


  • 花粉发作常会误认为是热伤风

    When hay fever first occurs it is often mistaken for a summer cold.


  • WiFi信号覆盖地方,她就会咳嗽心脏剧烈的头痛等症状。

    She had a cough, heart trouble and great pains in her head when she stayed at the places covered with WiFi signals.


  • 医生已经患有心脏服用维生素E ,维生素似乎没有什么帮助

    When doctors give vitamin E to patients who already have heart disease, the vitamin doesn't seem to help.


  • 每当北京任何官员公开商议中国持有2.1万亿美元外汇储备寻找替代美元的货币,外汇交易员就会心脏发作

    Every time any official in Beijing deliberates publicly about seeking an alternative to the U.S. dollar for the $2.1 trillion China holds in reserve, currency traders have a heart attack.


  • 如果流行学家能介入玩家众多游戏他们就可以观看玩家面临不同种类危险行为是如何变化的。

    If epidemiologists had access to a heavily populated game, they could watch how players' behavior changes in response to variations in the risks they face.


  • 感染性支气管炎一般具有普通感冒症状出现流鼻涕、痛、疲乏寒战

    Infectious bronchitis generally begins with the symptoms of a common cold: runny nose, sore throat, fatigue, and chilliness.


  • 在医院和爸爸聊他的,你说,“如果我们能熬过这一关,我们就能熬过任何事!”

    When you talked with daddy about his illness in the hospital, you said, "if we can get through this, we can get through anything!"


  • 5,他的父亲死于心脏

    At the age of 5, his father died of heart disease.


  • 天下午,当她试图上床,她摔倒了,最终查明是因为心脏发作。

    One afternoon, while attempting to get into bed she collapsed from what was eventually discovered to be a heart attack.


  • 三发表在《神经学》杂志上的一项研究表明,需要大量分析思维、计划和其他管理技能的挑战性工作可能有助于你年纪渐长保持大脑敏锐。

    Challenging work that requires lots of analytical thinking, planning and other managerial skills might help your brain stay sharp as you age, a study published on Wednesday in the journal Neurology suggests.


  • 大脑引起电场具有影响大脑本身活动这种能力似乎癫痫发作表现得格外明显

    The ability of electric fields generated by the brain to influence its own activity appears to be particularly prominent during epileptic seizures.


  • 意味着某人患有心脏,他心脏一定会损伤他们生活质量常常会严重下降

    That meant when someone had a heart attack they had to live with damage and their quality of life was often severely curtailed.


  • 照片被命名为大家,我为大家”。我女儿们安慰了我,希望他们永远记得我们能够举重若轻的对待这种拍的疾,其实也就那么可怕了。

    We named the pictures' All for One, One for All. '... my girls lessened my sense of unease and I hope they will always remember that scary stuff isn't quite so scary when you can laugh about it.


  • 没有国家或是产业全球金融心脏发作毫发无伤

    No country or industry would be spared from the equivalent of a global financial heart attack.


  • :在应对当今大流行威胁我们可以30年前流感反应吸取哪些教训?

    Q: What lessons can we draw from the swine flu response 30 years ago, when dealing with today's threat of a pandemic?


  • 人们患有精神我们可能在其所处的地区实施小额信贷项目试图他们重新塑造成企业家式的人物。

    You are not going to go into some place and say let's have micro-credit programs and try to get people retrained and entrepreneurial when they are depressed.


  • 那厚厚的长发剪去一点,现在简单地梳梳,听自然地披鬓角颈子上

    Her thick, long hair had been partly removed at the beginning of her illness, and now she wore it simply combed in its natural tresses over her temples and neck.


  • 然而,从理论上人类克隆可以用来获得治疗帕金森糖尿所需组织

    By contrast, human cloning could, in theory, be used to obtain tissues needed to treat disorders such as Parkinson's disease and diabetes.


  • 检查患有糖尿医生一般要求改变饮食习惯控制体重、注意锻炼药物治疗使情受到控制。

    When diabetes is detected, a doctor may prescribe changes in eating habits, weight control, exercise programs and medication to keep it in check.


  • 2型糖尿细胞抵抗胰岛素作用使葡萄糖难以进入细胞。

    In type 2 diabetes, the cells resist insulin's action, so glucose has trouble getting into the cells.


  • 由于风暴导致斯洛男子木板加固房屋心脏突发而死亡

    One death was attributed to the storm: A man in Onslow County who died from a heart attack while boarding up his home.


  • 尤其是女性年纪,特别容易这种

    Women are especially vulnerable to this as they get older.


  • 滞留使细菌真菌滋生就会生这种

    It happens when water gets trapped in your ears and allows bacteria or fungi to flourish.


  • 45岁却死心脏

    He died of a heart attack at 45.


  • 每天电视超过2患上糖尿心脏风险分别会提高20%和15%。

    Watching TV an average of two more hours per day increases the risk of diabetes and heart disease by 20 and 15 percent respectively.


  • 那天晚上,的丈夫试图接通她的电话心脏突然发作就这样离开了她。

    He had a heart attack when he was still trying to get thru her phone line.


  • 假设人们感染这种他们通常6075岁左右。

    Suppose that whenever people contract the disease, they always get it in their mid-60s and live to the age of 75.


  • 米哈伊尔博士表示女性第1次被诊断出患有心脏年龄往往要比男性10左右,她们首次经历心脏发作,这一年龄差距则扩大到了20岁。

    Dr Mikhail said when women first turned up with heart disease they tended to be 10 years older than men, and 20 years older when they had their first heart attack.


  • 如果父亲50心脏而死亡心脏几率很大

    If your father died from a heart attack at the age of 50, then chances are you may be headed down that same road.


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