• 关心中,所有这些都是时尚研究的伟大材料

    In my concern, all of these are great materials for fashion research.


  • 埃森哲研究总经理约翰·柯伦表示:“一种时尚一些小玩意。”

    "It is about the flashiness and the gadgets," said John Curran, managing director of research at Accenture.


  • 研究显示青少年女生朋友同伴他们关于自己身体满意度的影响时尚模特的大,大多数被采访女孩对自己的身体还是满意的。

    Studies show that teen girls' friends and peers have much more influence over how they feel about their bodies than do fashion models, and the majority of girls report being happy with their bodies.


  • 研究1922年至今的“时尚”杂志的服装尺码广告,阿莱娜·瑞丽一位关注服装历史设计师发现服装尺寸数十年来一直无规范

    Studying dress sizes in Vogue advertisements from 1922 on, Alaina Zulli, a designer focusing on costume history, found clothing sizes have been irregular for decades.


  • 重大突破可能时尚早,研究还处于打基础阶段

    While blockbusters may still be far off, researchers are laying foundations for discovery.


  • 研究发现,那些心态年轻、爱赶时髦的妈妈可能自己女儿视为时尚达人然后模仿风格

    It discovered that if a mum is young at heart and fashion conscious she is more likely to view her daughter as a style expert and copy her.


  • 科学家最新研究表明,在男性看来,与时尚模特花花公子》插页女郎相比,一般身材的女性有魅力

    Men find averagely shaped women more attractive than fashion models and Playboy centrefolds, claim scientists.


  • 这位真人明星时尚有点研究,她好莱坞式的卷发以及红唇现代的巧克力迷你礼服裙Kwiat珠宝以及高跟。

    The reality star does a little time traveling in style, mixing Old Hollywood-glam pin curls and red lips with a modern-vixen chocolate mini, Kwiat jewels and major platform sandals.


  • 名古屋商科大学研究院的位名叫增田达夫(Tatsuo Masuda)能源专家认为日本能够服装方面能够发起时尚利基来抵御盛夏炎热

    Tatsuo Masuda, an energy expert at the NUCB Graduate School in Nagoya, thinks Japan could develop a fashion niche for clothing that beats the summer heat.


  • Mashable编辑劳伦•尹德维克、购物网站GiltGroup创始人亚历克斯•梅班克、L2研究莫琳·马伦以及时尚先生》杂志(Esquire)主编大卫·格兰杰讨论内容商务模式

    Mashable editor Lauren Indvik, Gilt Group founder Alexis Maybank, L2 researcher Maureen Mullen and Esquire's editor in chief David Granger discussed the new model of content and commerce.


  • 研究人员尤其弄明白所有物种为什么只有座头对于多变古板时尚热爱跟人类如此相似

    Most of all, the researchers would like to understand why humpback whales, of all species, resemble humans in their love for ever-changing yet conformist fashion.


  • 甚至研究更进了一步。我接受了葬礼庆典仪式训练所以技术上,我是时尚设计师,也是一个葬礼司仪

    I've even taken my work a step further. I did funeral celebrancy training so that, technically, I'm a fashion designer and funeral celebrant.


  • 一个年轻研究领域指数定律模式研究也许答案一部分考虑讨论潜在影响时尚早。

    This is still a young field of research, and the study of power law patterns may be part of the answer, but it isn't too early to consider and discuss potential implications.


  • 对着《时尚》《十七岁》《小姐》等时尚杂志,仔细研究了一番,其实相当肤浅研究了一番。

    I researched her deeply, that is to say shallowly, in Vogue, in Seventeen, and in Mademoiselle Magazines.


  • 巴塞罗纳环境流行病研究中心的流行病学家马诺里斯•柯格维纳斯表示,这项研究还处于初期,建议人们停止游泳时尚早。

    The work is too preliminary to suggest that people should stop swimming, said Manolis Kogevinas, an epidemiologist at the Center for Research in Environmental Epidemiology in Barcelona.


  • 伊拉克战事远结束,举杯相庆还时尚!”周四国际战略研究中心专家安东尼·柯蒂斯曼发出警告

    "The Iraq war is not over and it is not won," Anthony Cordesman of the Center for International and Strategic Studies warned Thursday.


  • 虽然现在就根据有限数量健康青少年研究结果下结论为时尚早,但是,我们希望这种鼓励事件进行积极阐释方法的有效性以后能得到证明

    Although these results are early, and among a limited number of healthy teenagers, we hope this approach to encourage positive interpretations of events will prove to be a powerful tool.


  • 其他研究者称现在就下结论时尚

    It's too early to be drawing conclusions, say other researchers.


  • Google用户体验研究保罗·亚当斯(Paul Adams)认为:“社交网络不是一种时尚而且不会消失。”

    Paul Adams, user experience researcher at Google, thinks that "the social web is not a fad, and it's not going away."


  • 研究显示男性开始像女性那样追求时尚

    Research shows that men are beginning to follow fashion.


  • 本文研究重点放在时尚报刊、广告这样的文化现象上,放到人们寄予厚望媒体上面

    This paper focuses on the study of the fashion press, a kind of cultural phenomenon of advertising, people pinned high hopes on the media to be put above.


  • 研究笔记发现了现代时尚精致设计业务常识目前标志样式描绘

    My research notes found more of a modern, sleek and refined sense of design and business styles than their current logo portrays.


  • 时尚摄影时尚重要研究

    Fashion photography is an important study in fashion.


  • 虽然研究人员饮茶和没有心脏病之间建立直接联系时尚早,但是他们确实认识到天然保护特性

    While it's too soon for the researchers to establish a direct link between the consumption of teaand the absence of heart disease, they do recognize the natural protective properties of thedrink.


  • 虽然研究人员饮茶和没有心脏病之间建立直接联系时尚早,但是他们确实认识到天然保护特性

    While it's too soon for the researchers to establish a direct link between the consumption of teaand the absence of heart disease, they do recognize the natural protective properties of thedrink.


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