• 我们联想时代读者工作中做的粉

    We're doing a great job of building readership for The Times.


  • 听说了吗?三个之内,我们本地时代就会关闭了。

    Have you heard the local newspaper the Times is closing down in three months 'time?


  • 时代报》的记者说,“厌倦总是求助女性朋友们。”

    I was tired of always asking female friends to make things for me.


  • 例如根据印度时代报说法,IBM印度私有部门排名第二的用工方。

    For instance, according to the Times of India, IBM is now the country's second-largest private-sector employer.


  • 每次所有人需要牺牲时,那些加速危机人也应该牺牲意识奥巴马告诉金融时代报

    "At a time when everybody is needing to sacrifice, there has to be a similar sense of sacrifice on the part of those that helped to precipitate this crisis," Obama told the Financial Times.


  • 我们很快就提供嫌犯脸部图片,”侦缉警长BrettKahan墨尔本时代说道。

    "We'll soon be in a position to provide face images of people we believe responsible," Detective Sergeant Brett Kahan told the Melbourne age.


  • 由于刊登同样广告编辑内容上略有差别,当地人它们合称广告人和时代

    The Advertiser & Times,as local people call the papers collectively, are black-and-whiteweekly broadsheets, with the same ads but slightly different editorialcontent.


  • 指定的可以取阅免费的《时代》,车站内的自动售货出售早餐冷热饮料小吃

    The free newspaper Metro Express is available at dedicated newsstands, and vending machines at the stations dispense breakfast, selling hot and cold drinks and snacks.


  • 也是人们在外出可能随身携带C2原因”,泰国际公司的史蒂夫?特跟《时代》说。

    "It's one more reason why you might be carrying the Taser C2 when you're out and about," Taser International's Steve Tuttle told the Age.


  • 时代这个城市最好纸,如果也停办了剩下《先锋《城市周刊》了,两个更糟糕

    The Times is the best newspaper in the city. If that closes, we'll only have the Pioneer and that city Journal, which is too awful for words.


  • 什么意思?时代报我们这个城市最好如果关了,我们只能看先锋城市杂志了,两种更糟糕

    What do you mean?The Times is the best newspaper in the city. If that closes, we'll only have the Pioneer and that City Journal, which is too awful for words.


  • Broyard纽约时代书评编辑曾经抨击一位卓越外科医生因为喜欢手术室戴帽子样子

    Broyard, a book critic and editor at the New York Times, had fired a prominent surgeon because he hadn't liked the way the man wore a cap in the operating room.


  • 热刺利物浦追逐名中场但是星期天时代报》说,“听说过一些传闻,但是我觉得没有必要靠转会促进职业生涯的进步。”

    Tottenham and Liverpool have been chasing the midfielder, but he told the Sunday Times: "I heard the rumours, but I don't feel the need to move to enhance my career."


  • 当地人喜欢两家合起来称为广告人&时代报,他们都是黑白印刷的,而且每周都只会出一版。 他们广告都差不多,只是社论部分会稍有区别

    The Advertiser &Times, as local people call the papers collectively, are black-and-white weekly broadsheets, with the same ads but slightly different editorial content.


  • 喜欢时代只是因为每天20版面体育消息,《城市周刊一份伟大的,你喜欢它只是因为它不会每天贡献出哪怕5个版面棒球比赛结果

    You only like The Times because it takes up to 20 pages every day with sports. The City Journal is a great paper. And you don't like it because it doesn't devote 5 pages every day to baseball results.


  • 最近德里游客都会注意印度时代the TimesofIndia)展开的宣传活动,上写:“时刻准备着,印度”(Indiapoised)。

    Recent visitors to Delhi were greeted by a poster campaign by the Times of India announcing “India poised”.


  • 新奥尔良时代花絮连续刊登题为“我们生活选择”的4篇尖刻社论

    The New Orleans Times-Picayune ran a series of four scathing editorials entitled "The Choice of Our Lives."


  • 2010年,美国时代周刊英国泰晤士发行iPad版本时,同时设立了自己付费墙。

    During 2010 both Time magazine in America and the Times newspaper in Britain bolstered their paywalls in parallel with the launch of their iPad editions.


  • 世界工作人员只见这位缩减开支计划策划者照片但他们却在某个清晨接到一通打破睡眠粗鲁电话被动持股时代宣告结束,主管已经偏离权利中心。

    Until then, people at le Monde had only seen pictures of cost-killers; they got a rude wake-up call: gone is the era of passive shareholders and out-of-the-way board of directors.


  • 程乐建议我们好的英文时代英语》。

    Cheng Le advised us to read a good English newspaper, like Times English Post.


  • 随着3g时代到来,传统互动模式又要有新的改变

    As the approach of 3g era, the traditional mode of interaction of thee-newspapers net meets a new change.


  • 1995年,时代公司董事长艾尔·凯西分享了他关于工作什么不该做什么的想法

    Back in 1995, Times Mirror Company President Al Casey shared some thoughts on what to do and what not to do after you take a new job.


  • 尼亚警署的警官斯科特·克拉克在接受时代先驱》采访时表示,这些参与者并没有做好滞留在某处的准备,他还补充说,许多参与者甚至都没有配备救生衣

    Sarnia Police Service Staff Sgt Scott Clarke told the Times Herald newspaper that participants "were unprepared to be stranded anywhere," adding that many were not equipped with life jackets.


  • 21世纪知识经济时代到来,必将使高校宣传搭信息高速公路的快车道。

    With the coming of the age of knowledge-based economy in the 21st century, the propaganda of university newspaper must use Internet, through the information superhighway.


  • 但是时代相信试运营实际上扩展实验范围内获得成功证明系统基本设备能够工作

    But the Age believes the trial was actually extensive testing, which was successful on a small scale and showed the basics of the system could work.


  • 加入了明镜》杂志,后来成为名记者,在成为一名作家之前时代杂志》,《每日《世界以及很多其他写作

    She joined the Mirror and later became a journalist, writing for the Times, the Daily Mail and Cosmopolitan amongst many others, before turning to fiction.


  • 历。阿城市交界镇旧石器时代洞穴遗址发现意义中国文物,1997-6-1,第3版。

    Yu Huili. The discovery of Jiaojie Paleolithic Site at Acheng and its significance. China Cultural Heritage News, 1997-6-1, 3.


  • 历。阿城市交界镇旧石器时代洞穴遗址发现意义中国文物,1997-6-1,第3版。

    Yu Huili. The discovery of Jiaojie Paleolithic Site at Acheng and its significance. China Cultural Heritage News, 1997-6-1, 3.


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