• 这件上,我们没有一个过错

    None of us is blameless in this matter.


  • 这件上,我们没有一个过错

    None of us is blameless in this matter.


  • 公司或者过错发起人承担赔偿责任可以过错的发起人追偿

    After bearing the liabilities for compensation, the company or the promoter that is not at fault may institute recourse against the promoter at fault.


  • 实践表明国际原子能机构-安理会实施NPT义务时从未接受主观过错抗辩

    Practices show that in implementing NPT obligations, IAEA and UN Security Council have never accepted non-fault defence.


  • 因为法律涉及许多记录并不区分有过错司机过错的司机,使群体行为研究变得非常困难

    Because of legal implications, many such records do not distinguish the 'at fault' driver from those not at fault, which makes research in group behavior very difficult.


  • 随着过错离婚普及愿意继续维系婚姻关系讨价还价能力有所降低。

    The spread of no-fault divorce has reduced the bargaining power of whichever spouse is more interested in continuing the relationship.


  • 他们要求确认合同中含有过错离婚”的条款,这会使投资者除掉一个普通合伙人或者终止合作关系容易些。

    They also want to make sure their contracts containno-fault divorceclauses, which make it easier for investors to remove a general partner or terminate the partnership.


  • 他们要求确认合同中含有过错离婚”的条款,这会使投资者除掉一个普通合伙人或者终止合作关系容易些。

    They also want to make sure their contracts contain "no-fault divorce" clauses, which make it easier for investors to remove a general partner or terminate the partnership.


  • 不过更好方式采取一种过错制度,1974年以来新西兰一直试用这种制度。

    But a better approach is to adopt a no-fault system, as has been tried here in New Zealand since 1974.


  • 从不接受自己失误并且拒绝作出任何调整——他的所作所为无过错,对此他深信不疑。

    He never accepts his mistakes and refuses to make any adjustments, because everything he does is always right, as he believes he is never wrong.


  • 我们一般认为,大部分看来-,某些贫富差异坏事,对于那些本身过错,却深陷贫困泥沼来说是不公平的。

    We have a philosophy that — most of us — that some kind of economic inequality is a bad thing and that it's unjust for someone who is, for no fault of his or her own, suffering economic hardship.


  • 第四十六条下列情形之一导致离婚过错有权请求损害赔偿

    Article 46 a no-fault party shall have the right to make a request for damage compensation under any of the following circumstances bringing about divorce.


  • 阐述了过错责任原则过错推定责任原则以及过错责任原则,以及这些原则精神损害赔偿中的适用

    Expounded fault liability principle and the principle of responsibility and the presumption of fault principle of no-fault liability and damages the spirit of these principles in the application.


  • 本文将具体经济学社会学方面过错责任原则加以理性分析以求更好实践发挥作用

    This article also specifically from economics, sociology and other aspects of the principle of liability without fault to rational analysis, in order to better play a role in practice.


  • 婚姻法规定离婚损害赔偿制度使无过错配偶一方合法权利获得了法律救济

    The system of divorce damages enacted in the new marriage law provides legal relief for the innocent spouse.


  • 如果没有犯过罪,而且过错但是男性离开忽视女性免罪,她回她的嫁妆回到父亲

    If she is guiltless, and there is no fault on her part, but he leaves and neglects her, then no guilt attaches to this woman, she shall take her dowry and go back to her father's house.


  • 离婚损害赔偿制度是我国婚姻法建立旨在保护离婚无过错合法权益的一项制度。

    Law of compensation for divorce established in our newly issued Law of Marriage aims to protect the benefit of the innocent party during the divorce.


  • 为了进一步澄清危险责任概念厘清相关概念差异,笔者过错责任、严格责任做了一一比较

    In order to further clear the concept of dangerous liability and clarify the difference between the related concept, the author also take no-fault liability, strict liability for comparison.


  • 离婚理由批准离婚合法原因理由:过错过错

    Grounds for divorce: grounds for divorce is the legal reason a divorce is granted. There are two kinds of grounds: fault or no fault.


  • 违约赔偿原则弥补损失,使过错状况如同合同如约履行时一样

    The fundamental principle of claims for breaking contracts is to making up for losses, making the innocent parties's condition the same as contract being performed.


  • 尤其是某些媒体学者新法确立的无过错责任原则横加指责

    Especially some media and scholars have arbitrarily blamed the no-fault liability principle.


  • 脸上露出内疚的神色,尽管嘴上过错

    His face showed guilt, though he said he had done nothing wrong.


  • 人类社会进入现代高度风险社会后,事故损害赔偿责任的归原则过错责任过错责任演变。

    In this modern society with high risks, the imputation principle in responsibility of compensation for accidents changed from fault liability to no fault liability.


  • 合同法颁布,确立合同法领域无过错责任原则

    The promulgation of the new "contract law" has determined the principle of unfaulted responsibility in the field of contract law.


  • 侵权行为法原则包括过错责任原则无过错责任原则。

    The liability principle in tort law consists of the liability of fault and that of unfault.


  • 除了那些传统上归类为严格绝对责任情况所讨论的)外,过错责任存在其他一些情况。

    There are a number of instances in the law of liability without fault, besides those (discussed in this chapter) which traditionally are collected under the heading "strict" or "absolute" liability.


  • 药品生产商药品警示缺陷应承担过错责任

    Drug manufacturers should bear the no-fault liability for drugs' warning defects.


  • 我国道路交通事故民事损害赔偿责任归责原则经历了一个过错责任过错责任无过错责任相结合过程。

    Our country's principle of compensation for civil damage in road traffic accident has changed from liability of fault to the link of liability without fault and liability of fault.


  • 我国道路交通事故民事损害赔偿责任归责原则经历了一个过错责任过错责任无过错责任相结合过程。

    Our country's principle of compensation for civil damage in road traffic accident has changed from liability of fault to the link of liability without fault and liability of fault.


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