• 现实世界确实使许多人手无足

    We live in a world that can and does overwhelm many people.


  • 一种无足爬行动物。

    A snake is a limbless reptile.


  • 徽章用作饰章饰章图案,表明佩戴者为第四

    A representation of a bird without feet, used as a crest or bearing to indicate a fourth son.


  • 维吉诺钢琴16世纪到17世纪流行一种长方形无足小型古钢琴。

    A small, legless rectangular harpsichord popular in the16th and17th centuries. Often used in the plural.


  • 认为正如先知劝告忏悔,是无足为奇说,判决上帝愿意全部得救

    I contend that, as the prophet is exhorting to penitence, it is no wonder that he pronounces God willing that all be saved.


  • 为奇 -迪拜朱美拉海滩一个商业大楼34400英尺公寓

    Nothing odd about that – except that the apartment was located 400ft up on the 34th floor of a tower block in Jumeirah Beach, Dubai.


  • 他们打电话他们吃饭时候,我只是一个普通工作挂齿

    I am an average person when I talk with them on the phone or invite them to go out dinner together with my job of no consequence.


  • 不过这个工作的工作时间工资而且大多数电话的很不礼貌,实在挂齿。

    But it's nothing to write home about -- long hours, low pay and most people are pretty rude when he calls them.


  • 无足蜥蜴蜥蜴;温带热带地区四肢力蚯蚓状蜥蜴,眼睛耳朵隐蔽尾巴而硬。

    A lizard of the genus amphisbaena; harmless wormlike limbless lizard of warm or tropical regions having concealed eyes and ears and a short blunt tail.


  • 但是懂得国家荣誉绝不无足挂齿的小事;我们生存几百年并不是为了出卖那些信赖我们诺言的人。

    But he knew that a nation's honour is not a trivial matter; we had not come through the centuries to betray those who had relied on our promises.


  • 表示即便克服这些问题,10%的改善效果与多数核准的药品所取得的通常达到20%至30%成效相比无足挂齿

    Even if you were able to get over those issues, the 10 per cent improvement pales in comparison to the usual 20 to 30 per cent required for most approved drugs, he says.


  • 技术乐观主义者对一切视而不见,认为都是无足挂齿的小事,他们认为经济消费者更棒选择能够人们随时工作就工作。

    Techno-optimists dismiss all this as teething trouble: the on-demand economy gives consumers greater choice, they argue, while letting people work whenever they want.


  • 倘若一朵花情有独钟浩瀚星河中,是独一二的,那么只要仰望繁星点点,心满意

    If someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars.


  • 本片导演剪辑全都制作精良独一的剧本创意则尤为令人惊奇,今日好莱坞已难见如此佳作,四星高分。

    This film is well-made all the way around--from the direction, to the editing, and especially the unique story that is rarely found in Hollywood these days. Four Stars!


  • 假如特征——两动物毛发——结果差不多同时出现的话,那么可能性天平会略微倾向于哈代了。

    If it turns out that the big two - bipedality and nakedness - arose at roughly the same time, that might shift the balance of probability some little way toward Hardy.


  • ,《》中的女主角波佩是个古怪乐天派,十束。表达喜悦的方式几乎有点冲。

    Certainly Poppy, the antically joyful heroine of “Happy-Go-Lucky,” was a radically free spirit, almost violent in her expressions of good feeling.


  • 克里普斯海洋研究所收集了大量的具脊椎动物,如下图来自深海巨型类。

    Shelled invertebrates also have a home in the collection, including a giant Marine isopod (pill bug) from the deep sea below.


  • 正是那样感觉感到自己是处、让你觉得你没有能力做成一件甚至让你觉得再去尝试的话自己就是一个十傻瓜

    It's that feeling that you're no good, that you can't do it, and that you were a fool for even trying.


  • 小型脊椎动物也是克里斯海洋研究所的收藏对象,其数量有上亿种,上图中的类(copepod)样本其中一小部分。

    Small invertebrates make up yet another collection at Scripps. The copepods above are just a few of 100 million crumb-sized creatures in the collection.


  • 这些凉鞋酷劲十,做工精细而且独一不过其实它们并不能穿

    They're cool, they're highly detailed and they're one of a kind; the only thing they're really not is wearable.


  • 南非勘察自然保护区科学家小组,发现了以前从未有记录的十八个脊椎动物物种其中包括有蜘蛛蜗牛虫、蚯蚓以及蜈蚣

    Scientists surveying a nature reserve in South Africa have discovered 18 previously unrecorded species of invertebrates, including spiders, snails, millipedes, earthworms and centipedes.


  • 思考为什么每个明星岁月痕?知道她们对于眼部保养可是工夫

    Thinking about why each star are the mark of age? Want to know them for eye care but sufficient efforts.


  • 一周,呈黑色

    Unglazed bottom foot one week, black.


  • 人生最大财产健康,最大的财富,最大的胜利,最大的成就莫过于不论在何时何地悠然自得。

    The biggest asset in life is heath, the biggest wealth is contentment, the biggest victory is free from hatreds, and the biggest achievement is to be at ease no matter when and where you are.


  • 然而轮回不断转动,每位众生心中所具真实本性依旧保持清净

    Even when the sentient beings are still struggling in samsara, the true nature of the mind (that every of them is sufficiently equipped with) remains pure and unpolluted.


  • 透明淡水任何一种甲壳并且倒置游动

    Fairy shrimp: any of various transparent freshwater crustaceans of the order anostraca that lack a carapace and characteristically swim upside-down.


  • 透明淡水任何一种甲壳并且倒置游动

    Fairy shrimp: any of various transparent freshwater crustaceans of the order anostraca that lack a carapace and characteristically swim upside-down.


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