• 例如VFR飞行员进入C空域所就是空中交通管制建立双向无线电联系

    For example, all a VFR pilot has to do to enter Class C airspace is establish two-way radio contact with ATC.


  • 意识到侦听时,她中断了无线电联系

    She broke radio contact when she realized she was being intercepted.


  • 艘船无线电联系中断很快恢复

    Radio contact with the ship has been lost but will soon be restored.


  • 事故发生分钟空中交通管制失去了飞机驾驶员无线电联系

    Air traffic control lost radio contact with the pilot of the aircraft ten minutes before the accident.


  • 进入跑道时,我用无线电联系安全观察员我已到位准备完毕

    When I take the runway, I radio the safety officer that I'm lined up and ready.


  • 印第安酋长通过无线电联系一个村落接着听到响亮清楚威胁声:“如果那个外国佬敢进来,杀掉。”

    I’d asked an Indian chief to contact the next village by radio, and heard the threat loud and clear: ‘If the gringo comes here, he’ll be killed.’


  • 飞机最后一次无线电联系10个小时,一支搜救队伍达喀尔出发45分钟后抵达佛得角那里是假定飞机失事地点。

    A search team lifted off in Dakar 10 hours after the last radio contact and for the next 45 minutes flew toward Cape Verde, where they assumed the plane had gone down.


  • 不是尤其不能无线电联系除非通过某些可以大气层吸收波长进行联系至于从科学探索角度出发,这些空间站非常有用的

    Not particularly through radio communication, except on certain wave lengths that are absorbed by the atmosphere. But as points of departure for exploration they'll be very useful.


  • 飞机发出最后一次无线电联系10个小时之后,一支搜救队伍达喀尔起飞45分钟后抵达佛得角,因为他们假定那是飞机失事的地点

    A search team lifted off in Dakar 10 hours after the last radio contact and for the next 45 minutes flew toward Cape Verde, where they assumed the plane had gone down.


  • 未能通过无线电布莱克取得联系

    He was unable to contact Blake by radio.


  • 每个小组一台收发两用无线电通信设备保持联系

    Each squad has a two-way radio to stay in touch.


  • 这些力量那些迅速发展电子通讯公司,20世纪20年代,它们正在研发并且电话无线电技术联系起来。

    These forces were the rapidly expanding electronics and telecommunications companies that were developing and linking telephone and wireless technologies in the 1920s.


  • 据该急救部门助理局长杰西卡·韦弗表示紧急救援人员已经通过无线电矿工取得了联系应该没有人员受伤。

    Emergency workers have made contact with the miners via a radio, and they all appear to be uninjured, said Jessica Verfuss, the emergency department's assistant director.


  • 无线电联系

    He'll radio me.


  • 他们一天通过无线电通信系统反叛者领导人保持联系

    They are in twice daily radio contact with the rebel leader.


  • 无协助情况下独自航行但同时也将通过无线电邮件博客支持团队保持联系

    She will sail solo and unassisted but will be in constant contact with her support team via radio, email and a blog.


  • 测试该机有效载荷包括光电吊舱红外传感器位于康瑞埃军营的通过无线电卫星实时联系的地面站。

    The payload on the test Patroller includes an optronics pod, infrared sensors, and a real-time link through radio and satellite channels to the ground station at the Canjuers Army camp.


  • 他们(运营商)拥有无线电频谱架设网络维持用户的联系——当然赚得最多

    They owned the radio spectrum, built the networks, maintained the relationships with customers-and then grabbed most of the spoils.


  • 塞尔维亚业余无线电爱好者同他们联系试图证实死亡传言

    Ham radio operators in Serbia contacted them trying to confirm rumours of Bosko's death.


  • 我们无线电港口取得联系告诉他们我们正在前往途中并且需要辆吊车

    We radioed the harbor and said we were on the way, and that we needed a crane.


  • 卫生部以及红十字会红新月会国际联合会正在开展强化社会动员活动包括利用无线电广播流动放映危险社区建立联系

    The Ministry of Health and IFRC are conducting intensive social mobilization activities, including the use of radio broadcasts and mobile film vans to reach at-risk communities.


  • 我们在旅行中用高频无线电当地部族联系,请求他们准许我们通过

    As we travelled, we used a high-frequency radio network to talk to the tribes as we approached, so we could ask their permission to come through.


  • 教练,“每过1000英尺就会无线电联系看看怎么样。”

    The instructor said, "I'll radio you every 1000 feet to see how you're doing."


  • Walters真的担心起来,他用无线电呼救信号,地面接线员接到信号并自此一直保持联系

    A clearly worried Walters used his CB radio to transmit a mayday call, which was picked up by operators on the ground who then maintained contact with him throughout the flight.


  • 作为职责,排长不断通过无线电同事们保持联系

    As he should, the platoon leader keeps in constant radio touch with colleagues.


  • 我们注意紧急无线电示位标信号消失了,并联系塞舌尔有关方面,询问他们是否注意到······他们注意到了,空中海上展开搜索

    We were aware that the EPIRB had gone off, talked to the Seychelles, asked if they were aware of it... they were, and have been searching by air and sea.


  • 具体做法是,通过无线电目标电话附近一个无线取得联系,然后美国本土的站点拨通被叫人电话

    The ham shack here contacts a station in or near the destination of the call and the ham at the stateside end puts in a phone call to the callee.


  • 具体做法是,通过无线电目标电话附近一个无线取得联系,然后美国本土的站点拨通被叫人电话

    The ham shack here contacts a station in or near the destination of the call and the ham at the stateside end puts in a phone call to the callee.


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