• 斯派·最初的职业爱琴海名地位低微的渔夫

    Spyros Latsis started his career as a humble fisherman in the Aegean.


  • 突尼外交部长马内·贾表示大约有800名突尼叙利亚反对战斗

    Foreign Minister Othmane Jarandi said that there were about 800 Tunisians fighting for the opposition in Syria.


  • 反对沿着布加雷努夫海岸公路挺进时,位于这两城镇大型炼油厂的石油出口设施摧毁该国天然气管网被从中间切断

    As the rebels advanced along the coastal road between Brega and Ras Lanuf, sites of two big refineries, the townsexport infrastructure was knocked out and the country’s gas network was cut in half.


  • 帕里奇·先生电影所拍摄岛上同一间山顶教堂结婚可能因为这个教堂太小了,而且希腊东正教徒的专属用地。

    Mr Palikiras said it was not possible to get married in the exact same hilltop chapel on Skopelos used in the film because it is too small and is reserved for members of the Greek Orthodox religion.


  • 兹利坦已经进行了一激烈巷战米苏前来的反对武装攻击卡扎菲儿子指挥装备了坦克第32

    It was a day of heavy street fighting in Zlitan, where rebels from Misrata came up against tanks and troops from the 32nd brigade commanded by Gaddafi's son Khamis.


  • 很快,查尔·迪蒙约瑟芬·其他美国画家开始新的立体风格创作优秀的艺术

    Soon, Charles Demuth, Joseph Stella, and other American painters began to produce excellent art in the new Cubist style.


  • 孟菲警督古德温向公众保证,不是现实版本少数报告

    Memphis police director Larry Godwin assures the public that this isn't a real-life version of Minority Report.


  • 如果一点点公立保险机构影子都没有自由参议员。范格杰伊·洛克·菲勒就要跳脚了。

    If there is not even a hint of a public plan, liberals like Senator Russ Feingold and Jay Rockefeller may stomp off.


  • 埃及所有奇观西大帝首都派拉西城其中最为壮观一个

    Of all the wonders of ancient Egypt, Ramesses the Great's capital - the city of Pi-Ramesse, was one of the most spectacular.


  • 目前麻省理工学院教授胡尔·萨卡正利用这些能效细胞构造原则设计低能耗高度并行模数混合电路

    MIT's Rahul Sarpeshkar is now applying architectural principles from these ultra-energy-efficient cells to the design of low-power, highly parallel, hybrid analog-digital electronic circuits.


  • Rutgers大学研究立法机构阿兰罗森塔尔(Alan Rosenthal)说道,塔哈西在立法会议期间总是繁忙景象,除此之外的其他时间便是死气沉沉的了。

    Alan Rosenthal, who researches state legislatures at Rutgers University, says the town was always hopping during legislative sessions and sleepy the rest of the year.


  • 如果努夫沦陷,前线将越来越靠近反对控制主要城市班加西

    If Ras Lanuf falls, it brings the frontline closer to the main opposition-held city of Benghazi.


  • 特别关注苏格多葛学卢克莱修叔本华萨特加缪海德格尔尼采、考利蒙特以及桑塔亚纳

    I've been particularly drawn to the presocratics, the stoics, Lucretius, Schopenhauer, Sartre, Camus, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Corlis Lamont, and Santayana.


  • 依次为:土豆泥橙皮四季豆,潘萨尼乡村面包鼠尾草填料,普罗芳香火鸡肉汁红薯

    From left to right: Mashed Potato, Orange Scented Green Beans, Panzanella Salad, Country Bread Sage Dressing, Turkey with DE Provence, Gravy, Sweet Potato Pie.


  • 了一段时间马克国王出于妒忌·爱尔兰代伊索德求婚假他人之手除掉·姆。

    After a time, King Mark, who felt jealous of Tristram and wanted to get rid of him, sent him to Ireland to ask for him the hand of Isoud.


  • 描述美国佛罗里达一位留守者关上派拉希望,它是派拉公园里无家可归者社区通常大家帐篷城市

    Caption: Florida, US: a resident closes the door of the Pinellas Hope homeless community in Pinellas Park, colloquially known as Tent City.


  • 里奎,莱恩·朱尔法国艺术珠宝玻璃器皿设计师独特的玻璃设计闻名

    French designer of art Nouveau jewelry and glassware noted particularly for his unique glass designs.


  • 国家重点环保技术世界环保产品中,·涂装产品具有独特的技术优势产品优势

    In the key state environmental protection technology and world environmental protection products, Ruspert coating products have unique technology strengths and product advantages.


  • 斯派涂装当今世界上金属表面处理耐腐蚀性优秀高科技之一。

    Ruspert coating is one of the world's most outstanding anti-corrosion high-tech of metal surface treatment.


  • 布林迪地方考古博物馆馆长安吉·玛里佐认为可能娜,马可·奥勒利乌妻子。奥勒利乌国王也是多葛哲学家

    She may be Faustina, wife of the emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius, according to Angela Marinazzo, director of the Provincial Archaeological Museum in Brindisi.


  • 利比亚反对力量进行一系列迅速反击,重新控制了战略性石油港口努夫布雷加10之前他们失去对两个城镇的控制。

    Libyan rebel forces made a series of quick advances, re-occupying the strategic oil ports of Ras Lanouf and Brega, which they lost almost 10 days ago.


  • 斯派涂层技术含金量具有其它表面处理无法比拟优点

    Compared to other surface treatmening technologies, Ruspert has incomparable advantages with the high tech of coating.


  • 比利时西部特佛兰德伦西克修道院居住着大约30位西多会修士,他们的生活包括隐居祈祷体力劳动——以及酿造啤酒。

    The abbey of Saint Sixtus of Westvleteren in western Belgium is home to some 30 Cistercian and Trappist1 monks who lead a life of seclusion, prayer, manual laborand beer-brewing.


  • 比利时西部特佛兰德伦西克修道院居住着大约30位西多会修士,他们的生活包括隐居祈祷体力劳动——以及酿造啤酒。

    The abbey of Saint Sixtus of Westvleteren in western Belgium is home to some 30 Cistercian and Trappist1 monks who lead a life of seclusion, prayer, manual laborand beer-brewing.


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