• 标尺纽约客》的优秀画家威廉·斯泰格

    My measuring stick was the great New Yorker cartoonist William Steig.


  • 故事来源于威廉·斯泰格创作的童话故事图画书

    A fairy tale picture book written by William Steig inspired its story.


  • 斯泰格说,“一天但是点。”

    One more day. But you’d better be really nice to me.


  • 知道不能威廉·斯泰格相提并论不会自己丢脸。

    I knew I could never compare with Steig, but I didn't want to embarrass myself, either.


  • 我们只能根据当时信息作出决定我们时间反应。“斯泰格。”

    We can only make decisions based on the information you had at the time. You don't have hours to reflect on it, 'Steger said.


  • 施魏因斯泰格最近也表现出去意大利踢球的兴趣结局如何,让我们拭目以待

    Schweinsteiger recently admitted that he would be interested in a move to SerieA but it remains to be seen just where he will end up.


  • 威为学校处理悲剧辩解官方认准宿舍枪击案由于家庭纠纷错误地认为抢手已经逃之夭夭

    Steger defended the university's handling of the tragedy, saying authorities believed the dorm shooting was a domestic dispute and mistakenly thought the shooter had fled campus.


  • 研究人员艾米丽·斯泰格:“每周20英镑也许看起来不是很多一辈子这么积累起来数额就相当了。”

    Researcher Emily Stag said: 'Twenty pounds a week might not seem a lot, but can add up to a huge amount over a lifetime.


  • 尤文主教练克劳迪奥。拉涅利希望在下赛季冠比赛有所斩获,而施魏因斯泰格可以帮助实现这计划

    The Juventus coach, Claudio Ranieri, has ambitions of making an impact in the Champions League next season and sees in Schweinsteiger an ideal piece for his scheme.


  • 兰帕德任意球踢在人墙上勒夫球队迅速展开,穆勒传球找到左路的施魏因斯泰格,随后接应后者的回传点将打进。

    After Lampard had sent a free-kick into the wall Joachim low's side raced away, with muller finding Schweinsteiger on the left and converting the eventual return ball at the far post.


  • 2008年,《一个自杀传说》一经出版拿来美国边境的早期神话作家华莱士·斯泰格以及科马克·麦卡锡作品相提并论。

    Published in 2008, "Legend of a Suicide" was immediately compared with the work of Wallace Stegner and Cormac McCarthy, earlier literary mythologists of the American frontier.


  • ProPublica最新进入这个领域,在华尔街日报》总编辑斯泰格尔(Paul Steiger)的领导2008年正式成立。

    A more recent entrant to the field is ProPublica, launched in 2008 under the leadership of Paul Steiger, a former managing editor of the Wall Street Journal.


  • 这部黑白影片故事设定那不勒采用是纪录片手法,由罗德·斯泰格尔(RodSteiger)主演一个寡廉鲜耻地产开发商获得了对该市规划部的控制

    This black-and-white drama, set in Naples and employing documentary techniques, stars Rod Steiger as an unscrupulous property developer who gains control of the city's planning department.


  • 然而认为这些不同政党联盟并没有削弱改革者团结现状尤其是19世纪30年代

    Nevertheless, Gerteis argues, these disparate party affiliations did not diminish the actuality of reformer unity, most prominent in the 1830s.


  • 认为由于南方奴隶制妨碍了个人自治物质利益自由追求北方主要改革者19世纪30年代就反对奴隶制。

    Gerteis argues that, since slavery in the South precluded individual autonomy and the free pursuit of material gain, major Northern reformers opposed it as early as the 1830s.


  • 我们必须尽可能地补充储存因为石勒苏益-荷尔斯泰汉堡已经没有更多的血清了。

    We have to supplement our inventory as soon as possible, because there is no more plasma here in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg.


  • 发现科林尔。

    It was Grantaire who had discovered Corinthe.


  • ”侥幸逃出巫婆魔掌后两个小孩出现了异常。

    Hansel and Gretel, ” now in development, takes place after the two children return from their near-fatal encounter with the witch.


  • 克鲁鲍嘉(此人情况稍后奉上)等身高不够理想的演员倾向于至少声势上壮大自己就像《日落大道中的莉亚·万森那样

    Cruise, Bogey, Sly (of whom more later): small male actors, at least, are, like Gloria Swanson in Sunset Boulevard, telling themselves and us that they are not small.


  • 大学人类学家莱昂内尔·泰格所说人类新陈代谢没有优质牛肉进化但是推测也没有成堆白米饭面条进化。”

    As Rutgers University anthropologist LionelTiger puts it, human metabolism "did not evolve for prime beef, but, one would surmise, neither did it evolve to eat heaping plates of whiterice and pasta."


  • 最近3我们输送石勒苏益-荷尔斯泰汉堡医院1.2万单位血清,而正常数量800—1000单位。

    In the last 3 weeks we had to deliver 12, 000 units of blood plasma to the hospitals in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg, the normal amount is 800-1000 units.


  • 伍兹列奥特皮策裘德洛马克桑福特杰西詹姆大卫莱特曼

    The Players: Tiger Woods, Eliot Spitzer, Jude Law, Mark Sanford, Jesse James, David Letterman


  • 1864年的10月30日,第二次什勒苏益战争(或译普丹战争)结束弗雷德里克公爵丹麦皇室承认了普鲁士奥地利对于什勒苏益荷尔斯泰鲁恩的所有地位。

    October 30, 1864, Second war of Schleswig ends: Duke Frederick and the Danish Crown recognize Prussia's and Austria's annexation of Schleswig, Holstein and Lauenburg.


  • 皮尔伯对《娱乐周刊》(Entertainment Weekly)说:“像是永远不会一个弗雷德·阿(Fred Astaire,百老汇歌舞巨星),或者查克·贝利(ChuckBerry,黑人摇滚吉他大师),另一个猫王,也不会再有人比得上迈克尔·杰克逊了。

    Mr. Spielberg told Entertainment Weekly: “Just as there will never be another Fred Astaire or Chuck Berry or Elvis Presley, there will never be anyone comparable to Michael Jackson.


  • 但是·莱英国艾克大学一个教育专家提醒说,这种试验可能产生误导结果

    But Ted Wragg, an expert in education at the UK's University of Exeter, warns that such trials can produce misleading results.


  • 蕾塔当初很快就柏油般的胎粪拉茜的肚子上大哭大闹,双脚有气无力地在胎粪蹬来蹬去,仿佛一只小鸟被困在泄漏石油里。

    Greta had promptly let loose a tarry slick of meconium all over Stacy's belly and wailed, her feet swiping feebly in it like a bird in an oil spill.


  • 布莱327星际陪伴塞库拉游历霍尔·霍诺、安扎特和萨卢卡迈。

    Bly and the 327th Star Corps served with Secura on Tours that took them to New Holstice, Honoghr, Anzat and Saleucami.


  • 1905年9月18日,葛丽•洛维萨•塔夫森出生于德哥尔摩市苏打一个工人家庭。

    Greta Lovisa Gustafson was born on September 18, 1905 in the working class soda mall merrier of Stockholm.


  • 1905年9月18日,葛丽•洛维萨•塔夫森出生于德哥尔摩市苏打一个工人家庭。

    Greta Lovisa Gustafson was born on September 18, 1905 in the working class soda mall merrier of Stockholm.


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