• 虽然12年来地方都是一条主要断层线附近,但我仍然没有书架固定在客厅墙上

    Although I've lived blocks from a major fault line for more than 12 years, I still haven't bolted our bookcases to the living room wall.


  • 这些震动也与马德里断层线无关。

    They have occurred in areas not associated to the New Madrid fault line.


  • 德黑兰地处板块交接断层线交叉地。

    Tehran sits where two tectonic plates clash and is criss-crossed by fault lines.


  • 韦尔根每当发生地震沿着断层线很大压力变化

    Sevilgen says that whenever there is a large earthquake, there is a big change in stress along the fault line.


  • 也就是断层线,正确的意思因为设备陈旧而且接近地震断层线

    Tsuraga-1, as particularly dangerous because it is old and close to a fault line.


  • 东部断层线土地上升西部的将会下沉

    I understand that to the east of the fault line the land will rise and that to the west it will sink.


  • 得到震中位置一般原台网测定位置更靠近表面断层线

    The newly determined hypocenters are generally located closer to mapped surface fault traces than hypocenters for the same events previously determined by the BTSN.


  • 意大利地处两条断层线边缘,曾经遭强烈地震袭击,并且主要是该国南部

    Italy lies on two fault lines and has been hit by powerful earthquakes in the past, mainly in the south of the country.


  • 九月地震严重程度以及一条之前未被地震专家发现的断层线让人有些措不及

    The severity of the September quake, along a fault line previously unknown to seismologists, had been a shock.


  • 科学家们知道这些断层线哪儿并且已经做成地图,标出了那些地震最有可能发生的位置。

    Scientists know where these fault lines are, and have made maps of where earthquakes are most likely to happen.


  • 对于一个正常地震岩石岩石研磨沿着断层线,或岩石层下降隆起

    For a normal earthquake this is when rock snaps, or rock grinds along a fault line, or rock layers drop or heave.


  • 幸运是,通过测量·基洛断层线速度小组加勒比海地球物理学上取得了实质性进展

    Fortunately, he says, by measuring the speed of the Enriquillo fault line, his team has made substantial progress in Caribbean geophysics.


  • 官员表示他们希望这些可以补救脆弱的公共工程,例如横跨断层线公路以及兴建不稳定山坡上村庄

    Officials say in doing so they hope to remedy vulnerabilities, such as roads that run across fault lines and villages built on unstable hillsides.


  • 房屋前部大规模处理沿着立面消失,侧面外弯曲,便于采集线城市肌理追踪断层线

    The massive treatment of the front part of the house is dissolved along the flank façade, which is cranked outwards to gather light, tracing a faultline in the urban grain.


  • 研究小组第一阶段是沿着龙门断层线运动造成23英尺宽的地壳断裂,约为时50

    The team says the first motions along a fault known as the Longmenshan fault line caused a rift of as much as 23 feet and lasted some 50 seconds.


  • 全球范围内真正断层线存在一些国家的社会精英中产阶级金字塔底层人们之间,而且这种分化无处不在

    The planet's real fault line is between elites and the middle class in some countries, and the bottom of the pyramid, everywhere.


  • 日本地震海啸提醒世界重新认识现代都市天灾前的抵抗力,尤其那些处于断层线边缘的高危区域

    The earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan is a reminder of natural disasters hitting populated cities - especially those in high-risk areas along major fault lines.


  • 当然,从地理上来看1973年以来描绘地震显示断层线并且显示出地震增加预期的。

    Certainly, quake since 1973 graphed geographically show the fault lines, and where the increase in quakes can be expected to hit.


  • 去年九月地震——单是一条尚不为人知的断层线——当地人感到焦虑不安,至今,何时何地重建新城还悬而未决

    September’s quake, along a previously unknown fault line, had unnerved locals. How and where to rebuild are now big questions.


  • 去年九月地震——单是一条尚不为人知的断层线——当地人感到焦虑不安,至今,何时何地重建新城还悬而未决

    September's quake, along a previously unknown fault line, had unnerved locals. How and where to rebuild are now big questions.


  • 去年九月地震——单是一条尚不为人断层线——令当地人感到焦虑不安至今,何时何地重建新城还悬而未决。

    September's quake, along a previously unknown fault line, had unnerved locals.How and where to rebuild are now big questions.


  • 回顾2008年,研究加勒比海断层线考古学家,埃里克·加莱罗曼就已预测海地面临场毁灭性地震灾害

    Back in 2008, Eric Calais and Paul Mann, geophysicists who study fault lines in the Caribbean, predicted that Haiti would soon face such a devastating quake.


  • 6月23日个重量级地震学家指出井的Tsuraga一号反应堆尤其危险因为已经老化,接近断层线[1]。

    On June 23rd a leading seismologist described one of Fukui's reactors, Tsuraga-1, as particularly dangerous because it is old and close to a fault line.


  • 但是沿断层线地区没有重大损失伤亡发生,该断层线曾导致沿线地区在十九世纪早期发生过一系列地震

    But there wasn't major damage or injuries that occurred along the fault line responsible for a series of major earthquakes in the early 1800s.


  • 近期纽约书评中的一篇文章中,保罗克鲁格曼罗宾威尔斯又在这场争论中开辟了一个阵地,同时讽刺一本新书断层线

    In a recent article in the New York Review of Books, Paul Krugman and Robin Wells lay down another marker in this debate, while caricaturing my recent book, Fault Lines, in the process.


  • 1999年土耳其伊兹密特(Izmit)发生大地震,紧接着同一断层线东部的迪兹杰(duzce)[3]发生了另场大地震,我们确信,这两场地震因为应力作用而相互关联

    In 1999 the deadly Izmit earthquake in Turkey was followed a short time later by the Duzje earthquake to the east along the same fault line, and we believe they were related through stress.


  • 认为海断层加利福尼亚圣安地列斯的断层是相似的,因为两者板块都在朝地平线方向相互滑动研磨

    Mann equates the fault in Haiti with the San Andreas fault in California, as both have plates that slip and grind past one another in a horizontal direction.


  • 计算机X线断层照相(简称ct)扫描术医学领域应用已有几十年时间

    Computerised tomography (CT) scanning has been used in medicine for several decades.


  • 计算机X线断层照相(简称ct)扫描术医学领域应用已有几十年时间

    Computerised tomography (CT) scanning has been used in medicine for several decades.


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