• 方法野外调查走访文献查阅

    Methods Field investigation combined with literature reviewing.


  • 方法采用文献查阅专家访淡法。

    Method Literature review and nursing experts interview were conducted.


  • 调查表设计经过文献查阅专家讨论、预调查等过程。

    The questionnaire was designed through literatures reading, experts assessing and pre-investigation.


  • 方法文献查阅种类识别资源分布等方面研究报道。

    Methods To review and summarize the relative literatures on Polygonatum plant for the categories identification and the resources distribution etc.


  • 论文研究时,主要采取文献查阅实证性调查相结合方法

    The main method is the combination of literature search and empirical investigation in the studying of this thesis.


  • 方法野外采集市场调查,结合文献查阅形态组织学比较研究

    Method: Pharmacognostic studies were made through field collection, market investigation, document utilization, comparative morphology and histology.


  • 运用访谈文献查阅收集有关条目,编制篮球裁判员胜任特征问卷

    The paper uses conversational method & searching literatures method to collect correlative items for basketball Judgement's competency character questionnaire.


  • 本文通过较为全面深入文献查阅初步构建区域人力资源开发水平评价指标体系

    Through overall and deep document consulting, there set up a primary index system for evaluating the grade of certain regional human resources development in the paper.


  • 方法采用文献查阅网上信息搜集法等方法,分析新药研发项目成本管理遇到的一些问题

    Methods to analyze some problems in cost management for new drug research and development by looking up some information in related magazines and on line.


  • 研究采用文献查阅课堂观察访谈教师教案分析以及查阅教师备课笔记方法和手段开展研究。

    This thesis results from consulting documents, classroom observation, interview, analysis of other teachers' teaching plans and referring to the notes of preparations for teaching etc.


  • 方法运用文献查阅特尔菲法初选的32个指标筛选出反映社区卫生服务功能的满意度测评指标

    METHODS Literature sources and Delphi method were used to obtain practical evaluation indicators for community health service functions from 32 indexes based on elementory choice.


  • 通过300多篇文献查阅我们区分出20多种关于家族企业定义并且这些定义分别进行了归类阐述

    We refer to 300 pieces of literature, and differentiate 20 kinds of definition about family business, we also separate to classify and expatiate this definitions.


  • 研究管理咨询顾问为被试,运用文献查阅问卷调查等方法收集数据,探讨管理咨询顾问工作绩效影响因素

    This research focuses on consultant, employing referring to literatures and questionnaire to research the influential factors of consultant's working achievement.


  • 测定肥料和土壤中有机质方法多种,通过文献查阅发现,用重酸钾滴定法测定有机-无机复混肥中的有机质是可行的。

    By means of consulting a great deal of literature, the authors found that dichromatic oxidation titration method fits for the determination of organic matter in semi-organic fertilizers.


  • 论文采用文献查阅案例调研、发放问卷方式获取必要的资料,通过多方面、多角度分析,结合实际案例的操作进行研究。

    This thesis obtains necessary data by literature consulting, cases investigating, and questionnaire granting, as well as studies with the operation of actual cases through many points of view.


  • 本论文通过文献查阅、实地考察、比较分析、实例分析、总结归纳等方法,城市湿地公园保护游憩开发规划进行了研究探讨

    So in the planning of urban wetland park, the conservation and recreation development plan is the important prerequisite of effective protection and rational development of wetlands.


  • 文献查阅来看,目前对车辆路径规划问题研究大都集中单向物流配送,而对集货业务配货业务同时存在的双向物流研究还很不成熟。

    But the solution of the vehicle routing problem in former research often focuses on unidirectional logistics distribution. And the research of bi-directional logistics is still immature.


  • 然而查阅了有关问题现存科学文献他们出有力证据支持这些传闻

    However, in their review of existing scientific literature on this issue, they found no robust evidence to support these anecdotes.


  • 不久以前科学家还不得不亲自图书馆查阅文献,在那里他们只能一张张翻阅目录索引以便各种满灰尘的合订找到他们需要文章

    Not too long ago, scientists had to hoof it to the library to review the literature. And they had to flip through a card catalog to find that dusty old volume with the article they wanted.


  • 如果查阅这些早期文献看到我们风格不相同因为工作里非关系主导思想

    If you look up these early papers you will see that there is quite a difference in our styles, because in my work the noncommutation was the dominant idea.


  • 可以同样轻松地获得《傲慢偏见》音频资料查阅国富论中的参考文献

    You can equally easily obtain an audio recording of Pride and Prejudice or track a reference in The Wealth of Nations.


  • 查阅科学文献时,发现有关鱼鳍空气动力学还充分研究

    But when he looked at the scientific literature he found that the aerodynamics of their fins had not been fully explored.


  • 尽管问题没有直接答案,但我们通过查阅一些相关文献得到了一些线索

    Although there's not a direct answer to that question, going through the relevant literature gives us some clues.


  • 无论全球哪个角落,可以查阅上世纪90年代以来的所有经济学文献

    Wherever I am in the world, I can consult any economics article from the 1990s.


  • 但是战争出现使不能闲暇充分地对待这样重大的题目,也没有机会查阅大量书籍文献验证印象

    The war - has deprived me both of leisure to treat adequately so great a theme and of opportunity to consult my library and my papers and to verify my impressions.


  • 2007年《朱鹭杂志发表回顾性研究研究人员查阅回溯19世纪后期欧洲北美洲鸟类期刊其他参考文献

    In a review study published in 2007 in the journal Ibis, researchers looked through European and North American bird journals and other references dating back to the late 19th century.


  • 基于此项研究牛津大学研究团队查阅动物行为学术文献

    The Oxford research team based this study on observations in academic literature about animal behaviour.


  • 造价高昂档案馆文献数字化进程继续,仅限于许多付费查阅文献

    The expensive process of digitising the archive’s treasures will continue, but only for documents that lots of people are likely to pay to see.


  • 造价高昂档案馆文献数字化进程继续,仅限于许多付费查阅文献

    The expensive process of digitising the archive's treasures will continue, but only for documents that lots of people are likely to pay to see.


  • 造价高昂档案馆文献数字化进程继续,仅限于许多付费查阅文献

    The expensive process of digitising the archive's treasures will continue, but only for documents that lots of people are likely to pay to see.


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