• 文本角度,一部完整词典由词典正文外部材料组成。

    From textual perspective, a complete dictionary consists of dictionary list and functional parts or outside matter.


  • 一章中,文本角度以及微观审美特质两个方面探讨广告文化审美超越可能性

    This chapter, the perspective from the text and the aesthetic characteristics of micro-two aspects of advertising culture to Investigate the possibility of aesthetic transcendence.


  • 文本角度来看雅俗文学界限在于文本自身在特定情况人们提供文化信息丰富与否;

    Viewed from the angle of text, the dividing line between the refined and popular literature lies in whether the cultural information provided for people under the special conditions is rich or not.


  • 不要语法视为文本,而是要计算机语言的角度考虑看起来什么如图1所示。

    Rather than think of its syntax as just a line of text, consider what it "looks" like from a computer-language standpoint, as shown in Figure 1.


  • 我们文本结构角度认识这种功能

    That is to say it has a function; it has a function within our understanding of the way in which a text has structure.


  • 客户端的角度来看这个服务器仅仅发送给任何文本发送回来(清单3)。

    From a client perspective, the server just echoes back any text sent to it (see Listing 3 below).


  • 从美学角度来看最好HTML输出尽可能保留转换成HTML标记之前文本文件外观。

    But aesthetically, it is better to let the HTML output stay as much as possible like the source text file was before our HTML markup.


  • 接收者角度来看通过Vanish发送信息看起来像是乱码,接收者可以选定文本内容然后点击“Vanish"的按钮,还原内容

    From the recipient's perspective, a message sent using Vanish appears as gibberish until they highlight the text and then press the "Vanish" button to unscramble it.


  • 文化研究角度进入重要文本,出现了寻找新的话语可能性

    It is possible to find out a new kind of discourse when we enter this important text from the Angle of cultural study.


  • 批评角度研究英语新闻文本必须考虑文本中的新闻语言要素

    To study English news texts from critical perspective, the journalistic language elements should be taken into consideration.


  • 情感流派电影电视司法文本表示情感文化角度探讨不是在生物心理方面

    Emotion, Genre, and Justice in Film and Television explores textual representations of emotions from a cultural perspective, rather than in biological or psychological terms.


  • 通过探讨蚩尤黄帝故事文本,并文学人类学角度对与相关表述加以分析

    By discussing the story texts of Chiyou and Huangdi, the author analyzes the related narration of ethnic origin from the perspective of literary anthropology.


  • 笔者旨在话语角度探讨寻根话语历史语境相关论争主要立场文本实践价值意义

    The author intends to discuss the historical context, relevant argumentation, major standpoint, textual practice and value significance of the discourse from its own perspective.


  • 叙事学角度出发,纪录片作为文本进行研究无论是纪录片创作理念还是接受意识,都将提供一种新的思考角度,开辟一片新的视野

    Fresh idea and new landscape would be offered by research taken documentaries as texts in terms of Narratology, both to documentary workers and to their audience.


  • 本文符号学理论狂欢节理论角度切入,超级女声》文本类型节目进行文化解释。

    This paper, using Supergirl as analysis text and based on theories of Semiology and Carnival, tries to expound the programmes from a cultural view.


  • 语言按照形式意义功能三个角度进行分析,法律文本模糊性主要体现所要表达的意义和功能上。

    Language could be analyzed by its form, meaning, and function. The fuzziness in the legal text mainly shows in its function and meaning.


  • 论文旨在系统功能语法角度探讨汉英旅游文本如何实现人际意义

    The purpose of the present research is to probe into the interpersonal meaning of the tourist texts both in Chinese and English from the perspective of Halliday's SFG.


  • 利用自动机边界跟踪算法,提出自动检测文本图像倾斜角度一种方法

    With the automaton boundary tracing algorithm, a method to detect the slope of text images automatically was given.


  • 论文着重本体论角度审视文学作品中的“怀旧意识以及文本中所形成的“怀旧之美”或“怀旧”风格

    This thesis is about to examine the consciousness of "Nostalgia" and its aesthetic style in the literary texts from the opinion of philosophical ontology.


  • 然而语言学领域韩礼德主述理论角度研究文本论文少之甚

    However, in the field of linguistics, there are few papers of text analysis from the perspective of the Theme theory of Halliday.


  • 《伊利亚特》《汉宫秋》都是男权社会男性文本君权人权与女权角度它们进行别样解读,可以发现长期遮蔽的一些意义

    From the perspective of monarchial power, human rights and rights of woman, the paper discovers the important meanings of the two novels, which were being covered over a long period of time.


  • 后现代哲学角度解读,心理教育课程文本,具有开放性流动性建构性特色。

    Analysis based on postmodern philosophy, the psychological education curriculum is one of the texts, its characteristics include: openness, nobility and constructiveness.


  • 文化学角度切入,结合诗歌文本,从两个方面不同层次论述了诗人倮拉且浓厚大山文化氛围中的独特创作取得的成就。

    At the angle of culturology and with his own works, Luown Laqie's unique creation and his success in the atmosphere of mountain culture are analysed from two different view points.


  • 层次角度分析翻译的忠实性,通过文本层次、所指层次、着层次自然层次具体分析,说明如何解决翻译过程遇到的实际问题

    Through the analysis of textual level, referential level, cohesive level and level of naturalness, the article illustrates how to solve the practical problems during the process of translation.


  • 语言哲学角度看,传奇文本即可视为在看被看之间一面镜子。

    In terms of linguistic philosophy, the fictional text may be viewed as a mirror between the watcher and the watched.


  • 其次文本角度看,战争文学通过“转义”典型化”之类的叙述策略实现抽象整合历史的目的。

    Secondly, from the point of view of text, the war literature tries to abstract and sort out history by the narrative strategies of figurative usages and typification.


  • 其次是从文本细读角度,对浪漫派中的女性形象进行文本分析理论关照

    Secondly, from angle that text read in detail, women image in new romantic carry on text analysis take care of with the theory.


  • 本文试图通过背景设置文本重读两个角度重新读解恐怖小说特点。

    This paper attempts to re interpret Poe's Horric Fiction from the perspectives of background setting and text re read.


  • 本文试图通过背景设置文本重读两个角度重新读解恐怖小说特点。

    This paper attempts to re interpret Poe's Horric Fiction from the perspectives of background setting and text re read.


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