• 整套方案完整有效

    The scheme is integrated and effectual.


  • 整套方案具体组成却没有达成一致意见。

    But there was not much consensus about the form a package should take.


  • 处理表单整套方案

    A complete solution for handling forms.


  • 接着,又针对上海嘉里建立员工激励系统工作提出了一整套方案

    And then, the dissertation carries out a series of methods to establish the staff incentive system of Shanghai Kerry.


  • 幼年似乎整套方案一个伟大的运行通过攻击,稳固进攻路线,并罚款防御。

    The Colts seemed to have the full package-a great running and passing attack , a solid offensive line, and a fine defense.


  • 报名参加囯家数学俱乐部学校教师收到整套活动方案学习资源没有专门教师培训,也没有附加比赛

    Schools or teachers who sign up for the National Math Club receive a kit full of activities and resources, but there's no special teacher training and no competition attached.


  • 市场营销可以策划整套广告方案投放精选本地刊物获得最大可能的市场认知率

    Marketing would be in selected local publications, to get the greatest possible market presence for a set advertising budget.


  • 劫持飞机很快就要飞抵巴格达了,没有想出解救机上人质的整套救助方案

    He didn't study out a complete plan for saving a hijacked plane when the plane would arrive at Baghdad.


  • 可以导入整套文件解决方案信息中心中重用。

    You can import the entire set for reuse in your solution information centers.


  • 在这里我们来看看其他产品提供功能它们综合起来就形成构建能够实现业务价值传感器解决方案整套功能。

    Here, let's look more closely at the capabilities provided by the other products that combine to form a full set of capabilities for building sensor solutions that realize business value.


  • 作为首要IT解决方案提供者许多企业负有责任厂商IBM 所具有的能够提供整套解决方案功能拥有巨大的价值潜能

    The new capability for IBM to offer a complete set of solutions holds tremendous value and potential as the leading IT solutions provider and the incumbent vendor in many large enterprises.


  • 不久共和党想出了一个大致方向,对本年度预算案提出了整套裁减方案,称为“废除”。

    Soon, the Republicans offered a taste of the budget to come by proposing a package of cuts, called rescissions, in the current year’s budget.


  • HP代管的服务器——整套包括管理监控维护等功能的解决方案客户无需担心系统运维。

    HP Managed Server - a complete management, monitoring and maintenance solution so customers need not worry about the operating system.


  • 坚持BlackBerry不仅是个设备终端而是包括服务器技术提供网关的网络运营商合作在内的一整套通信解决方案中的一环

    The BlackBerry is not just a device, he insists, but a component of an entire "solution" that includes the server technology and partnerships with operators to provide network access.


  • CatherineConnor目前Rally软件产品负责人在那里负责推动Rally整套敏捷管理方案

    Catherine Connor is currently a product owner at Rally Software, where she is responsible for driving Rally's agile portfolio management solution.


  • DataStage是一IBM旗舰产品,它实时数据集成(rti)提供整套解决方案可以RTI作为Web服务来进行处理

    DataStage, an IBM flagship product, provides a complete solution for real-time data integration (RTI) that can be handled as a Web service.


  • 即便有人这样做了也是极少数的案例,不能依据这种极少数的案例设计整套客户关系管理方案

    Even if someone did, it would be such a rare occurrence that you would never want to design your entire customer relations philosophy around it.


  • 我们提供整套定制的、基于信息技术供应链解决方案

    We provide you with a set of custom, based on the information technology supply chain solutions.


  • 目标用户提供整套有针对性的、高效可行计算机信息系统整体解决方案

    Goal is to provide users with a set of targeted and efficient computer information systems feasible overall solution.


  • 第六案例设计高校设计整套科研项目全成本管理方案

    Chapter Six is a case study, in which a full-scope cost control plan is designed for a university as an example.


  • 公子笼络伍子胥后,伍子胥谋划整套夺权方案

    Light to win over to the son of Wu, the Wu for his plan to seize power a set of programs.


  • 我们继续推出整套空气压缩解决方案,适应未来大中型柴油屐严格需求

    We will continue to bring you integrated air handling solutions to the demanding requirements of tomorrow's medium and heavy duty diesel engines, and beyond .


  • 这种方案能够适当平衡客户端数据服务器工作负荷使整套系统逻辑结构明晰,运行有效稳定

    This scheme can balance the working loads between the clients and the data servers, and make the system logically clear, more efficiently and robustly.


  • 本文研究了利用航天遥感影像自动提取数字高程模型DEM方法技术,建立了整套利用SPOT影像提取DEM的方案

    This paper discusses the methods of automatic extraction of digital elevation model (DEM) from remote sensing image. A system of scheme is established to extract DEM from SPOT image.


  • 免费提供加盟经营授权书,免费提供“艾唯儿”商标使用许可,免费赠送加盟店活动礼品、手提袋相关物品资料、宣传资料POP设计店面形象设计整套详细的方案

    We provide free authorization letter, free use of the brand "Awill", free gifts, handbags and relevant materials and stuff. We also provide advertising brochures, POP design, store image design.


  • 汉语短语句法规则进行符号化形式化分析,给出句法模型,定义整套汉语的句法规则体系相应语义处理方案

    In order to build a complete analysis system of Chinese syntactic rules, we have defined the sets of words, attribute, pinyin, relations, terminals and non terminals for the syntactic analysis.


  • 长期实践经验基础上,提出循环流化床锅炉整套启动调试方案

    Based on the long term practical experience, the integrated starting and commissioning test schemes of circulating fluidized bed boiler are put forward.


  • 本文关系营销战略引入具体策略方案制定关系营销战略实施提出了整套方案

    This text proposes a whole set of the strategy from introduction of the relationship marketing strategy, establishing idiographic scheme to implementing the relationship marketing strategy.


  • 介绍了传感器布设桥梁健康监测中的应用研究提出整套传感器优化布设的方案

    The optimizing location study on sensor in the health monitoring of the bridge is introduced, a set of optimizing scheme is put forward.


  • 文章住宅小区实行智能化管理实现家居生活智能化提供良好服务提出整套完整方案

    This paper puts forward a more complete set of plan for the housing estate to practice intelligent management, realize the intellectualization of domestic life and provide good services.


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