• 件产品拼接,接缝齐整整体颜色基本相符过渡自然

    Stitching the whole product is good, neat seams, the overall color of the basic line, the transitional nature.


  • 界面设计此款设计,颜色清新灵动,UI搭配恰到好处,整体颜色鲜明显精致和美观现代感十足。

    This design's color is pure and fresh, and the collocation of UI is proper. The whole interface has bright colors, which is delicate, beautiful, and modern.


  • 整体颜色蓝色调浅了一点增添一些加亮曲线使渲染图真实,又增添了一些小图案将渲染前景部分暗。

    I tweaked a bit the general color to be less blue. Added a bit more highlight curve to make it more "punchy" and added a light vignette to darken a bit the lower foreground part of the image.


  • 整体颜色的,肉色的,圆圆的头上长着一双大大的眼睛瞪得那么有神,嘴巴上面胡子着的,是黑色的。

    Its overall color is red, the face is flesh-colored, round his head a pair of big eyes and stare very straight and so God, above the mouth of the beard is Qiaozhuo, is black.


  • 幅拼画一块织锦中,每个颜色独特的并且物件整体美的组成部份。

    In a mosaic or a tapestry, each color is distinct and adds to the overall beauty of the object.


  • 是个题,即我们明知人脑单独处理客体各种特征,如颜色角度等那么我们是如何将客体感知一个整体

    This is the conundrum of how we perceive an object as an integrated whole, when we know that the brain processes the various elements of it - colours, angles, and so on - separately.


  • 相反地,应使用适合目标受众颜色,表达客户转达信息以及你想用户网站体验整体感觉

    Instead, use colors that are appropriate for your target audience, the message that the client wants you to convey, and the overall feeling you want the user to experience on your site.


  • 只要它们整体形象一致,它们的颜色可以随心所欲的。

    So long as they work with your outfit, they can be any colors you want.


  • 前面的元素颜色会被几个样式类中实现主题整体配色方案

    The colors for the preceding elements are used in several style classes to achieve the overall color scheme of the theme.


  • 整体机能治疗师来说黄色和平安静颜色

    To holistic healers, yellow is the color of peace.


  • 可能事物整体(“明白一个苹果”)或是属性(“它是一个苹果,是因为它的颜色形状象苹果”)。

    This may be an entire object (' I just see that it is an apple ') or its attributes (' it is an apple because of its color and shape ').


  • 墙面粉刷需要选择合适涂料颜色这样可以好的遮盖grc构件安装线条从而整体看起来更加的美观

    When painting the walls, you need to choose the right paint color, this can be a good cover GRC component mounting lines, so that the overall look more beautiful.


  • 整体排版设置完成后开始尝试不同颜色组合直到发现要的效果。

    Once the overall layout was setup, I experimented different color combos until I found what I was looking for.


  • 选择园林设计整体感觉时,着重把握颜色对比度高低产生明快忧郁这样才能充分体现园林设计的内涵。

    In the choice of the overall feeling of landscape design, to grasp the sprightly and blue color contrast level generated by the feeling, so as to fully embody the connotation of landscape design.


  • 选择颜色款式配件他们你的,独特的一种整体风格

    The colours you choose, the styles, the accessories, they all combine to give you an overall style that is unique to you.


  • 整体会所设计颜色金黄色朱红色为主

    Club, the overall design is given priority to with gold and red color.


  • 房子装修好,窗帘颜色整体风格太配合。

    The room was well decorated , but the color of the curtain did not go well with the overall style.


  • 这种包括颜色华丽繁多部件对称均衡整体布局安排或是所有这些同时混合到一起

    This consists either in the gaiety or variety of colours, in the symmetry and proportion parts, in the arrangement and disposition of bodies or in a just mixture and concurrence of all together.


  • 这些流行套装将推出数不同颜色经由穿身上可以改变整体的外观。

    These fashionable ensembles are available in a variety of colors and can be worn in the chest slot to change your entire wardrobe.


  • 临床检发现内脏器官整体色泽暗淡,颜色蜡黄肝脏表面透明水肿没有出现渗出液。

    Clinic anatomise showed that whole viscus colour and lustre gray ceroid liver surface lucency dropsy but no extravasate appeared in carp fed diet lack of ve.


  • 所以我们可以专注作为一个整体布局避免搞乱颜色

    So that we can concentrate on the layout as a whole and avoid messing up with colors.


  • 所以我们可以专注作为一个整体布局避免搞乱颜色

    So that we can concentrate on the layout as a whole and avoid messing up with colors.


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