• 可能这会迫使丢弃所有数据或者学习新的输入方式,或者放弃目前正在其它四大技术当然可能不是最好开始

    If leaving forces you to leave all your data behind, or to learn a new way of typing, or to surrender four other technologies you were still using, then maybe this is not the best one to start.


  • 由于这个编译器是以批处理方式来工作因此它没有方法提示用户输入数据

    Because the compiler works in batch mode, it has no methods to prompt the user for data.


  • 触摸输入是最快数据录入方式

    Touch typing, still the fastest way to enter data into a computer.


  • 传感器连接特定的输入插脚后,单元便可通过编程方式读取这些插脚处数据

    With sensors connected to specific input pins, the unit programmatically reads the data at those pins.


  • 定义实例数据创建输入字段绑定数据之后还有项工作规定表单数据向后端系统提交方式

    Once you define your instance data, create input fields, and bind them to that data, at least one task remains: to provide for submission of the form data to your back-end system.


  • JiBX其它数据绑定框架之间一个最大区别在于它们处理输入XML文档方式

    The biggest single difference between JiBX and the other data binding frameworks is in how they handle an input XML document.


  • 输入参数 (rpgIO)一个数据结构,其定义方式类似于 QrnOpenAccess_t模板模板是QRNOPENACC include模块一部分

    The input parameter (rpgIO) is a data structure defined like the QrnOpenAccess_t template which is part of the QRNOPENACC include module. The main procedure acts on the following subfields


  • 如果正在使用调函数请求数据进行加密使用的密码最好是以某种方式请求次,这样可以次机会接收用户的输入

    If the callback is being used to request a password for encrypting data, it is preferable to ask for the password twice, in some fashion, to catch any typos.


  • 下面SQL注入工作方式首先假设一条sql语句接受用户提供的数据没有输入确认规则就可数据查找团队成员联系信息

    Here is how an SQL injection works: First, assume an SQL statement accepts user-supplied data to look up a team member's contact information from a database without input validation rules.


  • 通过编辑文件删除不需要分割几个输入文件这样就可以采用分阶段转移方式就是并行执行数据库卸载装载目标数据库。

    Edit the file to remove unwanted tables and split it into several input files to do a staggered movement approach where you perform unload from source and load to target in parallel.


  • 可以引擎进行配置使用各种统计分配方式生成业务流程实例输入数据定时

    The engine can be configured to generate instances of business processes using a variety of statistical distributions for input data and for timing.


  • 登录方式通常都需要用户输入用户密码然后根据在尝试登录之前建立数据用户名和密码进行验证

    Typical approaches to logging in require the user to enter a username and password that are then authenticated against a database set up prior to the login attempt.


  • 数据绑定主要功能桥接某种方式输入输出消息模式对应数据格式

    The main function of a Data Binding class is to bridge data formats that correspond in some way to the schema of an input or output message.


  • 意味着数据必须可以用户输入派生,并向下方式驱动服务读取操作

    The implication is that this data must be derivable from user inputs and drives the read operations on the services in a top down fashion.


  • 获得最初原始数据我们统计数据我们没有方式确保输入姓氏在确定时间内的准确

    I tried to get the count a full day after the original count, but there is no way to make sure that my data entry team can time it exactly right.


  • 这种方式页面数据搜索,查找用户输入输入内容相似项目如图2所示。

    In this way, the page searches the database for items similar to what the user has already typed in an input field, as shown in Figure 2.


  • 这些软件程序引导报税输入有关数据,电子填写所需如果纳税人愿意,最后可通过电子方式送交纳税申报表。

    These programs prompt for entry of the required data, complete the necessary forms and, if desired, file the tax return electronically.


  • Model - View -Controller (MVC)体系结构输入表单数据具体屏幕表示分离开来一种方式

    A Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture is a way of separating data entered in a form from its actual screen representation.


  • Web应用程序如果不能接收输入数据进行处理,那么就会变得毫无意义,获得用户数据简单方式就是使用表单

    Web applications are pretty useless without the ability to take input data and act on it, and the easiest way to get data from the user is through a form.


  • 就是说通常收入以及其它数据变化抽取文件中,文档以传真邮件方式传到StorebrandASA以便手工输入

    That means, changes in earnings and other data had typically been extracted onto paper and such document faxed or mailed to Storebrand ASA for manual input.


  • 已经了解如何创建基于Dojo矩阵浏览器以及如何通过编程方式XML数据输入转换Dojo网格可认的数据结构

    Now you have seen how we created our Dojo-based matrix viewer and how we programmatically organized the incoming XML data into data structure recognizable to the Dojo grid.


  • iXpenseIt中输入所有数据,你可以选择查看方式摘要条形曲线图

    Once you've got all your expenses in the app, you've got the choice of three different viewing options: summaries, bar charts and graphs.


  • 示例2中,使用示例1中的表定义(参见8),使用一个xml文件准备输入数据,该x ml文件一家新的公司两个联系方式(参见input_cust_cnt . xml)。

    In sample 2, use the table definitions from sample 1 (refer to Figure 8) and prepare input date using an XML file with a new company and two contacts (see input_cust_cnt.xml).


  • 成批处理电脑处理数据一种方式输入数据集中一批然后处理。有别于实时处理。

    Batch processing Method of computer processing where input data is collected into batches before processing, as distinct from Real tine processing.


  • 成批处理电脑处理数据一种方式输入数据集中一批然后处理。有别于实时处理。

    Batch processing method of computer processing where input data is collected into batches before processing as distinct from real tine processing.


  • 搜寻信息方式残疾人输入数据方式等的各种事情发生变化

    Everything from the way we search for information to the way a disabled person inputs data has changed.


  • 介绍了系统的构成数据类型输入输出方式用户接口以及程序管理软件更新步骤

    In the paper the system structure and its elements, the data type, input and output methods, user interfaces, the source code management and the version updating method have been presented.


  • 系统成本低于其他方式数据输入由于存在硬件软件接口

    System costs are lower than other means of data entry because of the existence of interfacing hardware and software.


  • 系统成本低于其他方式数据输入由于存在硬件软件接口

    System costs are lower than other means of data entry because of the existence of interfacing hardware and software.


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