• 研究了偶联剂改性乳化沥青基本性能

    The basic function of emulsified asphalt modified with silane coupler was studied in this paper.


  • 试验分析结果表明改性乳化沥青性能得到明显改善。

    The results of the experiment and analysis indicate that the temperature susceptibility of the emulsion asphalt has been improved obviously.


  • 介绍改性乳化沥青纤维技术特点路面上作为封施工应用

    This paper introduces the characteristics of the technology of modified emulsified asphalt fiber coat and its use in the construction of road surface layer.


  • 近几年随着材料技术推广应用,出现改性乳化沥青稀浆封层

    In recent years, with new materials and new technology application, a modified emulsified asphalt slurry seal.


  • 试验结果表明生产稳定性好的改性乳化沥青兼顾影响因素间的关系

    The result shows it must be given attention to each relation that influence the factor to produce a modified emulsifying asphalt which has good stability.


  • 简述改性乳化沥青生产方法介绍生产sbs改性乳化沥青技术

    The production methods of modified emulsion are discussed in this thesis and a kind of new technique for SBS modified emulsion production is put forward and introduced in details.


  • 改性乳化沥青作为一种新型高速公路沥青路面养护材料开发以来便备受关注。

    As a new type of maintenance materials for asphalt pavement of expressway, modified emulsified asphalt have obtained much attention since it was exploited.


  • SBR改性乳化沥青做为高速公路封层乳化沥青的应用向前推进了一步。

    The SBR modified emulsified bitumen does for the highway under the sealing course, the tacky surface, was prompted forward the emulsified bitumen application step.


  • 研究了以阴离子型苯胶乳、沥青乳化稳定制备阳离子改性乳化沥青方法

    The way of preparing cationic emulsion asphalt from SBS, heavy asphalt, emulsifiers and stabilizers was studied.


  • 详细研究化学改性SBR改性乳化沥青主要性能包括软化针入度低温度的影响规律。

    It studies the orderliness of chemical modification to asphalt's performances that include softening point, penetration and low temperature ductility.


  • 防止侵入基层中,采用改性乳化沥青作为下封层对于提高高速公路路面工程质量具有重要作用

    For preventing water intrusion to the road base, modified asphalt emulsion used as a closure of the highway for improving the quality of the road works have a very important role.


  • 采用苯胶乳改性乳化沥青,按适当比例配制成稀铺筑沥青路面。稀浆今后路面养护的主要措施。

    Paving slurry seal course made of SBR emulsified asphalt is an effective way for asphalt pavement maintenance, and we have had good command of this method after many trials.


  • 由于改性乳化沥青普通稀浆固化时间所以改性乳化沥青稀浆封层可以传统的稀浆封层厚

    Modified emulsified asphalt as a result of slurry seal than the ordinary fast curing time, it can be modified emulsified asphalt slurry seal than the traditional thick slurry seal.


  • 实践表明改性乳化沥青稀浆封层一种简单有效改善路面抗滑性能技术措施,具有显著的经济社会效益

    The practice shows that the methods are effective to improve the anti-slipping performance with obvious benefit to both economy and society.


  • 结合改性乳化沥青设备系统介绍监控软件应用具体说明画面设计命令语言网络连接等方面技术问题

    The article introduces use of the monitor software in modified bitumen emulsion equipment and details technical issues such as picture design, command language and network connection etc.


  • 其它沥青产品改性沥青乳化沥青改性乳化沥青彩色沥青橡胶沥青沥青、浇注式沥青混凝土环氧沥青混凝土

    Other asphalt products: modified asphalt, emulsified asphalt, modified asphalt emulsion, colored asphalt, rubber asphalt, warm mix asphalt, mastic asphalt concrete, epoxy asphalt concrete, etc.


  • 对于处理早期病害措施,改性乳化沥青稀浆层技术很好的处理各种中、轻度裂缝车辙等问题,具有良好的经济效益社会效益。

    Discussion is made on the application of modified slurry seal of emulsified asphalt to highway pavement preventive maintenance, which proves to be with economic and social benefits.


  • DALWORTH设备可用于生产sbs改性沥青,G TR改性沥青GTR + SBS改性沥青乳化沥青SBS改性乳化沥青等等。

    DALWORTH Plant can be used for production of SBS modified asphalt, GTR (ground tire rubber) modified asphalt, GTR + SBS modified asphalt, emulsion asphalt and also SBS modified emulsion asphalt.


  • 介绍了影响SBS改性乳化沥青生产因素,分别SBS改性沥青乳化乳化沥青生产工艺乳化沥青生产设备几个方面进行了探讨

    Discussion on factors affected the production of SBS modified emulsified asphalt from SBS modified asphalt, emulsifier, production process and equipments for emulsified asphalt ect.


  • 采用SBR改性乳化沥青SBS改性沥青日本环氧粘结剂三种间粘结剂,利用试验拔试验进行层间抗剪性能分析,可以推荐出适合不同条件粘结材料

    Adhesive layer materials for different conditions may be recommended by using of direct shear test and pullout test with SBR modified emulsion asphalt, SBS modified asphalt and Japan epoxy binder.


  • 介绍了氯丁胶乳改性阳离子乳化沥青配方工艺及其性能特点。

    Formulation, process technology and properties of cationic chloroprene latex modified emulsified pitch paint for Bridges are introduced.


  • 介绍了氯丁胶乳改性阳离子乳化沥青配方工艺及其性能特点。

    Formulation, process technology and properties of cationic chloroprene latex modified emulsified pitch paint for Bridges are introduced.


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