• 营销转变收入中心

    Marketo: Turning Marketing into a Revenue Center


  • 收入中心专门销售产品提供服务

    Revenue centers specialize in the sale of products or services.


  • 公司可知车间经理控制成本中心地区销售经理操作收入中心

    For the company shown, plant managers run cost centers, and district sales managers operate revenue centers.


  • 根据其实际收入是否达到设定收入预算数来评价收入中心绩效

    They are evaluated by means of performance reports, in terms of meeting revenue budget that have been set.


  • 销售部门企业组织结构典型收入中心,是企业最终能否成功关键部门。

    The Sales department is a typical revenue center in the enterprise structure, and also the key department to finalize the success for the enterprise.


  • 失去工作痛苦不会心里蹦蹦跳跳地就业中心,为这个慷慨国家获得双倍收入高兴

    Losing a job is hurting: you don't skip down to the job centre with a song in your heart, delighted at the prospect of doubling your income from the generous state.


  • 使得中心晚上几乎没有商业活动,商业税收收入难以维持市政运营。

    This generated little commerce for downtown businesses in the evenings, which made business and generating tax revenue for municipal upkeep difficult.


  • 使收入人群离开新奥尔良中心,这是一个影响中心商业区经济举措

    That would take well-paid people out of downtown New Orleans, a move that will impact the central business district's economy.


  • 使收入人群离开新奥尔良中心,这是一个影响中心商业区经济举措

    That would take well-paid people out of downtown New Orleans, a move that will impact the central business district's economy.


  • 被邀请到非营利性熊猫基地的后台,我感到非常荣幸。在那里,门票收入用来支付研究费用,我可以在600英亩的中心近距离地接触这些可爱的动物。

    It was a great honour to be invited backstage at the not-for-profit Panda Base, where ticket money helps pay for research, I was allowed to get up close to these cute animals at the 600-acre centre.


  • 因此收入住宅制造业设施限制在中心商务区西部边缘

    Lower-income residences, along with manufacturing facilities, would be confined, therefore, to the western margins of the CBD.


  • 剩余收入中心扣除名义估算利息成本利润度量

    Residual income is a measure of the center's profits after deducting a notional imputed interest cost.


  • 中心对“可支付定义超过家庭收入的30%。

    The center defines "affordable" as less than 30% of household income.


  • 根据国际购物中心理事会数据,过去里,开张一年以上沃尔玛零售店收入平均季度0.75%的速度减少

    Over the last year, revenue at Wal-Mart stores open at least a year has fallen by an average 0.75 percent each quarter, according to the International Council of Shopping Centers.


  • 大多数移动运营商收入超过80%都来自于电话通话业务此同时,电话通话的价格“在一个以因特网为中心世界里几乎都快接近免费。”

    The majority of mobile operators depend on voice for over 80% of their revenues, and voice pricesare likely to fall close to zero in an internet-centric world,” he says.


  • 驱动季度收入持续增长核心业务领域终端PC机数据中心嵌入式系统

    The quarter was driven by continued growth in Intel’s core business areas: client PCs, data centers and embedded systems.


  • 随着金融中心经济中的脱颖而出财政收入却迅猛骤降,相反,社会开销却处于上升趋势

    With the financial heart shot out of the economy, tax revenues have fallen dramatically just as social spending has increased.


  • 税收政策中心估计巴马计划下,底层20%民众税后会上升5.4%,收入全美前1%人群收入降低8%。

    The tax Policy Centre estimates that, under Mr Obama's plan, the after-tax income of the bottom 20% of people would be 5.4% higher while that of the top 1% of people would be 8% lower.


  • 根据哈佛大学联合住房研究中心周二(2011年4月26日)发布份报告称租房费用收入一半租房人数已创新纪录

    A record number of renters are spending more than half their income on housing, according to a report released Tuesday by the Harvard Joint Center for housing Studies.


  • Google数据中心运转是他们的业务——广告收入服务的。

    Google runs their data centers optimally for their business — to deliver content that generates advertising revenue.


  • 瓦达中心近日针对年龄25至39岁、生活大城市收入高出平均水平5至10的人口展开了一调查,调查显示三分之一受访者有意永久移民

    The Levada Centre recently conducted a survey of people aged 25-39 living in large cities and earning five-to-ten times the average income in Russia. Almost a third would like to emigrate permanently.


  • 至于华盛顿州近几年陆续投入了4990多万美元建设棒球场准备再投入7650万建一个美式足球场一个会展中心,当然,这些钱都是从彩票收入中拿出来的。

    Over the years, Washington State has spent $49.9 million of its lottery revenues on a baseball stadium and put $76.5 million toward a football arena and convention center.


  • 中心(Levada Center)选取了25-39生活大城市收入五到十平均水平作为调查对象

    The Levada Centre recently conducted a survey of people aged 25-39 living in large cities and earning five-to-ten times the average income in Russia.


  • 全国在线课程知识宝库(NationalRepositoryofOnline Courses,NROC)一个oer中心设立的非营利组织多个收入来源,财政自给。

    The National Repository of Online Courses (NROC) is a financially self-sustaining non-profit organization built around OER with multiple streams of revenue.


  • 对于金融中心来讲交易所的重要性在于他们能够产生重要乘数效应例如收入工作机会

    Exchanges will matter for financial centres as long as they generate a significant multiplier effect in terms of revenue and jobs.


  • 这个慈善机构旧金山中心运营一个收入住房项目提供租金补贴以及儿童放学后看护等。

    The charity also operates a low-income housing unit in central San Francisco, where it offers subsidized rent and programs that include after-school care for children.


  • 这个慈善机构旧金山中心运营一个收入住房项目提供租金补贴以及儿童放学后看护等。

    The charity also operates a low-income housing unit in central San Francisco, where it offers subsidized rent and programs that include after-school care for children.


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