• 提高审计效率四个重要步骤:1。管理培训客户

    There are four important steps to achieving audit efficiency:1. manage and train the client;


  • 除此之外,事务所发现许多有助于提高审计效率小窍门

    Besides these, firms also had a number of tips for enhancing efficiency.


  • 对于提高审计效率确保审计质量驾驭审计风险有着十分重要理论现实意义。

    It has a theoretical and practical significance for improving the auditing efficiency, controlling the auditing risk and assuring the auditing quality.


  • 与此同时审计服务市场激烈竞争要求会计师事务所提高审计效率,降低审计成本,增加审计服务的价值。

    At the same time, the audit service market steep competition requests the accounting firm enhance audit efficiency, reduce the audit cost, increase audit service value.


  • 改变审计模式,开展计算机审计提高审计效率降低审计风险保证审计质量有着十分重要的现实意义

    So it has an important practical significance to change the old audit mode, use the computer technology to improve the audit efficiency and decrease its risk and guarantee its quality.


  • 一次简单富有成效审计提高电脑系统效率——节约大量时间减轻不少压力

    A simple productivity audit can help you to make your systems more efficient - and save you a lot of time and stress.


  • 公司不再声称邮件记录由于遵照起初诉讼审计调查受到破坏时,电子邮件的效率提高

    E-mail efficiency is promoted, while the organization is shielded from allegations that records were destroyed following the initiation of a lawsuit, audit, or investigation.


  • 新的安全特性增加了更深层次管理用户治理审计,从而减少系统漏洞并大大提高开发人员效率

    New security capabilities add deeper levels of management, user governance, and auditing to decrease system vulnerabilities, while maximizing developer productivity.


  • 审计机关应当提高审计工作效率

    Audit institutions shall improve the efficiency of audit work.


  • 模型能够有效降低审计踪迹规模提高数据库系统效率

    The reduction model can reduce the amount of audit trails and improve the efficiency of database system effectively.


  • 客观判断结果发表恰当审计意见基础,判断效率提高会计师事务所面临经济约束

    The objective judgment result is the foundation of appropriate audit opinion, and the improvement of efficiency is the economic restriction faced with CPA's firms.


  • 审计实践中运用风险基础审计可以有效地规避审计风险,提高审计工作效率质量

    Its application in auditing practice makes it possible to efficiently avoid auditing risk and enhance the efficiency and quality of auditing.


  • 因此解决这些问题对于提高国有银行内部审计质量效率十分必要

    Therefore to solve above-mentioned problems is very important for the state-owned banks to advance audit quality and efficiency.


  • 通过对大量日常审计业务工作分析,总结出了多种相对稳定审计流程模型,发现使用计算机的自动管理较大地提高处理审计案例的效率

    The relatively stable audit flow's model can be summed from the audit business, and the efficiency of dealing with audit cases can be improved by the automatic management.


  • 会计师事务所为了审计市场上保持自己的一席之地,要么努力提高效率降低审计成本,要么客户保持一种“非正常”的关系

    For sharing with audit market, the accounting firms either improve the audit efficiency to cut down the audit cost, or maintain "unusual relations" with clients.


  • 目前情况下,采用实时在线审计有利于提高审计工作的效率效果

    The state audit should use real-time online audit at present, and it can enhance the audit working efficiency and the effect.


  • 管理审计工作重点体现发现管理链条薄弱环节提高履行岗位职责效率

    Managerial auditing key emphasis in work manifests in; first, on discovery management chain link's weak link; second, enhancement fulfillment post responsibility efficiency method.


  • 置信水平增加95%提高审计效率

    D. Increasing the confidence level to 95 percent will increase audit efficiency.


  • 计算机引入审计领域,在保证审计工作质量提高审计工作效率同时,审计工作带来风险

    The introduction of the field of computer audit, the audit work to ensure quality, improve the efficiency of audit work, but also to the audit work has brought new risks.


  • 主要目的通过单位内部审计风险系统探讨改进单位内部审计工作,规避单位内部审计风险,提高单位内部审计工作的效率质量

    The main purpose of this article is to improve the internal audit work and promote its efficiency and quality in unit through probing into the risk system of internal audit in unit.


  • 系统设计开发有助于提高审计工作质量效率试图其他类型的远程审计系统设计提供一些思路

    The design and development of this system could help promoting quality and efficiency of auditing work, and attempt to pose some thinking for the design of other remote Auditing System.


  • 根据建设项目审计形式要求改善审计环境提高审计工作效率提出构建建设项目远程审计系统概念

    According to the requirements of present auditing in construction projects, the concept of establishing a remote auditing system is advanced to improve auditing environment and auditing efficiency.


  • 审计工作根据审计环境审计内容变化及时调整审计方式方法从而提高审计工作质量效率

    In accordance with changes of its environment and content, the auditing work should adjust itself to the new ways and means in order to improve the quality and efficiency of the auditing work.


  • 审计工作根据审计环境审计内容变化及时调整审计方式方法从而提高审计工作质量效率

    In accordance with changes of its environment and content, the auditing work should adjust itself to the new ways and means in order to improve the quality and efficiency of...


  • 审计电算化使审计人员繁重计算复核、审核工作中解脱出来,提高审计效率

    The audit computerization frees auditors from the tedious and heavy computation and checking. The practice of computer audit can make auditing more efficient.


  • 审计电算化使审计人员繁重计算复核、审核工作中解脱出来,提高审计效率

    The audit computerization frees auditors from the tedious and heavy computation and checking. The practice of computer audit can make auditing more efficient.


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