• 计算依据列表排序依据列表匹配

    The compute by list does not match the order by list.


  • 排序依据指定级别成员排序时所用序列

    Ordering specifies the sequence to use for ordering the members of a level.


  • 排序依据指定了对级别成员排序时所用的序列

    The specified sort order is not valid. Specify a valid sort order.


  • 信息填写样板,依字母顺序排列集合排序依据电影标签的录象

    Fill in a template with information about your videos to alphabetize your collection and sort by movie title.


  • 排序依据列表中多次指定了某排序依据列表中的列必须唯一的

    A column has been specified more than once in the order by list. Columns in the order by list must be unique.


  • 排序依据指定级别成员排序时所用序列默认情况下,级别中按键来排序

    Ordering specifies the sequence to use for ordering the members of a level. By default, the level is ordered by key.


  • 网格窗格中,定位到包含用作排序依据首个数据表达式然后在“排序类型”网格列中,选择“升序”或者降序”。

    In the Grid pane, locate the row containing the first data column or expression to sort by, and then in the Sort Type grid column, choose Ascending or Descending.


  • 分组操作的performance - wise成本依据分组列进行数据排序成本类似。

    The grouping operation is about as costly performance-wise as sorting the data by the grouping column.


  • 依据文章热门程度以及文章的分享和互动操作模式功能可以RSS文件夹进行自动排序

    This option sorts your RSS folder based on the popularity of the post and how you interact with and share news items.


  • 地区序列依据用户选择排序

    The locale list is ordered according to user preference.


  • 这些模型通过模型中的所有能力排序确认基本能力(也许不是依据名称)。

    These models identify foundational capabilities (perhaps not by that name) through the ordering of all capabilities within the model.


  • 词条排序不是法律需要而决定的,所以第一条释不应被大洋彼岸的法官用作执行合同判决入狱依据

    Its rank-ordering of senses is certainly not intended to be legally dispositive, so that the first sense listed can be used by judges across the ocean to enforce contracts or put people in prison.


  • 排序主要目的评估供应商质量综合能力以及是否保留更换供应商提供决策依据

    Sort the main purpose is to assess the supplier 's quality and comprehensive ability, as well as for whether to retain, replacement of suppliers to provide basis for decision making.


  • 这样实现了企业竞争力强弱程度总体评价排序企业制定切实可行经营战略提供了科学依据

    So it realizes overall evaluation and ranking of business completing ability, it will provide scientific foundation for formulating advisable business management strategy.


  • 依据给出判定方法,可相应地得出关于语言判断矩阵方案优劣排序方法。

    Then, according to the judgment method, the method for ranking alternatives based on the linguistic judgment matrix is also (obtained).


  • 本文基于加权决策理论依据靶心距离多个方案进行排序选择最优方案提供理论依据

    This paper, based on the weight gray target decision theory, sorts several programs according to their off-target distances and provides a theoretical basis for the selection of the best program.


  • 各方案排序依据模糊理想的模糊距离大小进行的。

    Alternatives are ranked according to their fuzzy distance to fuzzy ideal solution.


  • 通过构建风险评价指标体系再利用风险矩阵分析法这些风险事件的重要性进行评价排序,能为风险控制提供依据

    By constructing the risk evaluation system and exploiting risk matrix analysis, we can evaluate and sort risk events and thus provide effective outsourcing risk control.


  • 8金属离子浸出迁移规律进行排序分析灰渣安全处理和合理利用提供科学依据

    The ion leaching rates and transport rules of those 8 kinds were ordered and analysed. It has provided scientific basis for the safe landfill and rational using of incinerator residues.


  • 风险识别排序竞争情报早期预警流程极其重要一步后期的预警决策评估提供依据

    Identification and prioritization of risk is the crucial step in defensive competitive intelligence early warning, which provides the bases for later period warning decisions and assessments.


  • 这种分析方法可以总体因素进行排序将来预测地下围岩稳定性提供必要的依据

    The method can be used in general sequencing for influencing factors of the stability of surrounding rock masses and provide a basis for the stability forecasting of underground caverns.


  • 依据联系态势排序原理提出了作物品种区域试验因素态势排序分析方法

    According to the principle of situation sequent for four-element connection number, analysis method of multifactor situation sequent in variety regional test was put forward.


  • 其它风险度量方法相比较模型股票依据风险排序方面具有不可比拟的优势。

    The entropy model performs well in sorting stocks based on the entropy value comparing with other methods as well.


  • 建立工程岩体多源信息数据库实现数据输入编辑查询排序转换统计分析等功能,以便为三维可视化和力学分析提供必要的依据

    Engineering rock mass database is set up and some functions are implemented, i. e. data input, edit, query, sortation, transformation and statistic analysis.


  • 选择分组依据选项聚合函数添加查询中时所有标记输出用于排序自动添加到GROUPby子句中。

    When you choose the GROUP BY option or add an aggregate function to a query, all columns marked for output or used for sorting are automatically added to the GROUP BY clause.


  • 依据特征值灵敏度对系统状态矩阵A重新排序保留特定模式相关发电机组,使矩阵维数得以降低

    The matrix A is rearranged by eigenvalue sensitivities, and reduced in dimension with only the strong correlation generators reserved.


  • 第一阶段运用综合因素法确定预选场址布局方案,并进行排序给出了各个备选地址间的优劣性,一阶段选址提供了很好的依据

    At the first step, using the synthetic factor method to pre-locate and determine the priority order, which provides the basis for the optimization in the following step;


  • 最后通过计算得出渠道冲突中,各变量对于渠道冲突影响重要性排序找出导致渠道冲突的症结,决策提供依据

    Finally, sort the channel conflict affect factors by calculating, find out the main points which lead to these channel conflict, provide references for the final decision.


  • 最后通过计算得出渠道冲突中,各变量对于渠道冲突影响重要性排序找出导致渠道冲突的症结,决策提供依据

    Finally, sort the channel conflict affect factors by calculating, find out the main points which lead to these channel conflict, provide references for the final decision.


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