• 环境损害救济根据在于环境环境损害事实

    Relief for environmental damages is based on the environmental rights and the fact of environmental damages.


  • 环境侵权损害事实包括财产损害、身损害、神损害等。

    Damages of environmental tort include property damage and moral damage.


  • 第六章,本章涉及损害事实要件因果关系要件证明问题

    The sixth section relates to the proof problems of the pollution fact and causality.


  • 第三医疗损害论述医疗损害概念、医疗损害事实分类

    Chapter three is about medical damages, discussing its' concept, medical damage's facts and classification.


  • 学校承担责任大小,不在于损害事实的重与轻,取决于学校过错多寡

    The amount of liability that school has to take is decided by the amount of school 's fault, rather than the severity of the injury.


  • 证券法中的民事责任主要侵权责任,其构成损害事实因果关系过错为要件。

    Civil liability in securities law is mainly the liability of tort, consisting the fact violation, relationship of reason and effect and mistake.


  • 部分违法行为、损害事实因果关系过错部分分析离婚损害赔偿责任的构成要件。

    In this part, the author analyzes four sections of the system including the offense, damage facts, causation and the fault.


  • 精神损害赔偿责任构成包括违法行为、精神损害事实因果关系主观上有过错四个要素

    Responsibility of compensation for spiritual damage including four factors: illegal activities, facts of spiritual damage, relation between causes and effects and subjective negligence.


  • 民事责任构成同时具备法定违法行为、有过错、有损害事实、有因果关系四个要件

    Its civil liability constitution must simultaneously have has the legal illegal activity, has the mistake, has the harm fact, has the causal relation and so on four important documents.


  • 污染损害可归程度医学观察可证明性为界限,违法性损害事实考量中,环境标准所问。

    The responsible degree of damages should be limited by the provability of medical inspection. In the considerations of illegality and harmful facts, the environmental standards were not concerned.


  • 侵权责任构成要件包括不实陈述行为、主观过错损害事实不实陈述行为与损害事实因果关系。

    The elements of the tort liability are composed of the misrepresentation, the subjective fault, the loss of the investor and the causality between the misrepresentation and the loss.


  • 损害事实一般涉及公司和股东财产损失,而且侵权行为损害之间有因果关联性,主观上必须要有过错。

    The facts of damage only involve the loss of the stockholder's property. The act of tort is related to damage and must be faulty subjectively.


  • 构成食品损害赔偿惩处责任损害事实主要有两情况:一种是食物中毒事故,即人们吃了有毒的食物而引起的急性疾病;

    There are mainly two kinds of situation which constitute the harming facts of damaging compensation and punishing responsibility resulted by food harming.


  • 这些议论不符合历史事实损害中非关系

    Such opinions not only contradict historical facts but also harm China-Africa relations.


  • 事实研究人员认为这项发现足以“严重警告那些吸烟者因为“这种损害效果来得如此迅速相当于直接这些物质注射血管内。”

    In fact, researchers said the "effect is so fast that it's equivalent to injecting the substance directly into the bloodstream," in findings described as a "stark warning" to those who smoke.


  • 事实逐步显现后例如没有新的病例该中心继续推行原定策略全民接种,日益引起争议损害长期声誉

    As facts evolved, such as the absence of further cases, CDC's pursuit of the original strategy to immunize everyone became more and more controversial and costly in terms of long-term credibility.


  • 事实并不造成任何损害而且也不会窃取任何数据,但这并不重要,而且实际上很难证实这一点!

    The fact that you caused no damage and did not steal any data is not only irrelevant, it may actually be hard to prove!


  • 一种观点认为,特定网络可以加速小商贩的破产,而且损害仅仅群体的利益。这是事实吗?

    But how true is the notion that the Internet in particular has hastened the demise of some retailers, and that those it hurt were overwhelmingly small?


  • 尽管大脑一定程度损害,却事实却是如此。

    This was true even if there is a significant amount of damage in the brain.


  • 大部分没有意识到的美联储——摩根财团洛克·菲勒财团佐治亚州海岸一个私人俱乐部里建立——的所作所为事实损害公众的利益

    What most people don't realize is that the Fed - created by the Morgans and Rockefellers at a private club off the coast of Georgia - is actually working against their own personal interests.


  • 事实研究人员报导洗肠会对人体造成严重损害

    In fact, colonics can actually cause serious harm, researchers report.


  • 事实沃尔玛应该庆幸时尚战略没有获得效果,因为损害平价声誉

    Actually, Walmart was lucky its fashion foray didn't work. That would have hurt its low-cost reputation.


  • 事实证明塔特漩涡艺术装置参观者造成损害不是第一了。

    It is not the first time that an art installation in the Tate's Turbine Hall has proved to be detrimental to the health of visitors.


  • 虽然要求战争损害赔款主张确凿事实作为依据,某些仍然可以辩解称,经过六十多年的进程,那些主张已经国际法的框架得到满足了

    While the claims for payment of damages are based on very real facts, one could argue that over the course of 60 years or so, those claims have been satisfied under international law.


  • 事实十年来工资一直两位数的速率增长,却劳动生产率提高而使工资成本实际下降,因而并未经济增长造成损害

    Indeed, wages have been rising at double-digit rates for a decade with no harmful impact on growth, because higher Labour productivity has actually reduced wage costs (see chart 3).


  • 事实十年来工资一直两位数的速率增长,却劳动生产率提高而使工资成本实际下降,因而并未经济增长造成损害

    Indeed, wages have been rising at double-digit rates for a decade with no harmful impact on growth, because higher Labour productivity has actually reduced wage costs (see chart 3).


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