• 原始结构着手,通过使用二进制算法产生一系列具有不同节点分布子结构拓扑

    Starting with a ground structure, we use binary number combinatorial algorithm to generate a number of topologies, which are a sequence of substructures with different node distributions.


  • 为了避免结果奇异,在优化过程中,删去构件微小面积,使一个给定拓扑的结构维数保持不变

    In order to avoid a singular solution, we keep the dimension of the truss for a given topology unchanged by giving the truss member to be removed a tiny cross-sectional area.


  • 如果消息传递拓扑无法保证顺序无法无法百分之百地确定所有其他消息已经达到

    If the messaging topology is such that ordering cannot be guaranteed, then we cannot be 100% sure that all of the other messages in the group have arrived.


  • 比如拓扑结构相同模式唯一区别在于,测试使用模式包含能够部署后启用跟踪定制

    For example, patterns that are identical in topology might only differ in that patterns used by the test group contain customizations to enable trace after deployment.


  • 这种拓扑可以联合监控监控适度自主分支使每个分支能够灵活地提供本地服务

    This topology can federate a set of moderately autonomous branches under the umbrella of a supervising organization; it also provides the flexibility of local services at each branch.


  • 接器使代理可以使用多种拓扑结构进行部署比如相互链接的微代理本地站点远程后端之间的一简单链接

    The bridge enables the micro broker to be deployed in a broad variety of topologies, such as a set of interlinked micro brokers or a simple link between a local site to a remote backend.


  • 虽然未能准确解释这种现象发生原因但他们确信染色体拓扑学的理解对研究基因来说必不可少的。

    Though unable to explain exactly why this happens, they're convinced that understanding chromosomal topography is absolutely essential to understanding the genome.


  • 核心所有成员网状拓扑结构彼此连接如图2所示。

    All the members of a core group are connected to each other in a fully meshed topology, as shown in Figure 2.


  • 然而充分互联拓扑结构也较大地限制核心可伸缩性

    However, the fully interconnected topology imposes restrictions on core group scalability.


  • 通过确定连接器哪个路由传递邮件,可以发送方接收方路由以及拓扑其余部分之间建立关系

    Identifying the routing group to which the connector delivers messages establishes the relationship between the sending and receiving routing groups and the rest of your topology.


  • 路由拓扑来表示个路由其他所有路由的所有路径假定路由拓扑棵生成

    It is assumed that the routing topology representing all the paths from one routing group to all other routing groups is a spanning tree.


  • 按照变迁-存根拓扑模型创建网络拓扑,网络节点1200个,代理覆盖设置16个代理最多1024个客户端

    The network topology is created following the Transit-Stub model, consisting of nearly 1200 network nodes, with 16 proxies in the proxy overlay and up to 1024 clients in the multicast groups.


  • 其次使定理的应用变得直接简便,我们还给出了关于拓扑空间之间等价的几个命题

    Secondly, in order to favor utilizing this theorem, several propositions are given on the homotopy equivalence between two topological space sets.


  • 根据脂肪醇分子结构特征,提出拓扑指数作为表征脂肪醇分子结构分子描述符。

    A set of topological indices was used as molecular structure descriptors to describe the molecular structure characteristics of fatty alcohols.


  • 提出算法基于种类似于波长逻辑拓扑来构造

    Based on logical topology similar to wavelength graph, the algorithm constructs the multicast tree.


  • 计算机网络结构拓扑扩展时,经常要解决这样一类优化问题给定预算限制下选择一连接,使带来利润最大

    The topological expansion of a network frequently involves the optimization problem of selecting proper links so that they can produce maximum profit within a given budget limit.


  • 空间信息网络存在不同通信方式,网络拓扑结构动态多变,对密钥管理提出特殊要求

    There are many communication ways in space information network(SIN). The network topology changes dynamically, which brings out special requirements for multicast key management.


  • 计算机网络结构在进行拓扑扩展时,经常要解决这样一类优化问题给定预算限制下选择一连接,使带来利润最大

    Topological expansion of a computer network frequently involves an optimization problem of selecting proper links so that they can produce maximum profit within a given budget limit.


  • 该文论述了拓扑空间()同伦等价变换有序介质状态缺陷拓扑分类中的应用问题。

    In this paper the application of homotopy equivalence transformation of topological space sets to the topological classification of states and defects in ordered media is discussed.


  • 本课程还将讨论使用传输不同网络拓扑中的所有这些协议解决方案。

    Solutions for all these protocols in various network topologies using unicast or multicast delivery are discussed.


  • 网络拓扑理想工作站位于占据一个相对较小物理区域

    The tree network topology is ideal when the workstation are located in groups, with each group occupying a relatively small physical region.


  • 依托泊苷能稳定催化循环中的一种共价拓扑异构酶ii裂解的DNA中间复合物导致基因不稳定性细胞死亡(2,3)。

    Etoposide stabilizes a covalent topoisomerase II-cleaved DNA intermediate complex in the catalytic cycle of the enzyme, leading to genomic instability and cell death (2, 3).


  • 现有拓扑感知应用层播中的故障检测机制极其简单大大削弱拓扑感知应用层播的系统性能

    The fault detection mechanism of existing topology-aware ALM protocol is very simple which greatly weakens its performance.


  • 本文在王氏代数”、“k -MINTY三种求有向树典型方法进行分析之后,提出生成有向树拓扑方法。

    Having analysed the "W-algebra", "K-tree terms" and "MINTY", the three typical methods of generating direct tree terms, the paper advances a new topological one.


  • 针对P 2p通讯特点定义了根跳距根距离两个拓扑特征指标参数衡量测试拓扑图和底层网络吻合程度

    In the light of the characteristics of P2P group communication, we define two graph metrics, RH and RD, to quantify the matching degree between the overlay and the underlay network.


  • 使用锥上拓扑理论研究非线性奇异微分方程两点边问题存在性

    By using fixed point index theory in a cone, we study the existence of positive solutions of boundary value problems for systems of nonlinear second order singular differential equations.


  • 使用锥上拓扑理论研究非线性奇异微分方程两点边问题存在性

    By using fixed point index theory in a cone, we study the existence of positive solutions of boundary value problems for systems of nonlinear second order singular differential equations.


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