• 去年五月获知巨大财政救助裁员浪潮消息后,“价格瞬时滑落”,希腊文化旅游局部长保罗·耶鲁拉诺斯

    After news of a huge bailout and wave of cutbacks last May, "there was an instantaneous drop in prices," said Pavlos Yeroulanos, minister of culture and tourism for Greece.


  • 长岛大学哲学教授迈克尔·索皮奥经济学教授帕诺斯·莫杜库塔合著这本书。

    The book is co-authored by Long Island University's philosophy professor Michael Soupios and economics professor Panos Mourdoukoutas.


  • 省理工学院化学工程教授迈克尔·拉诺解释道:“我们正在思考如何设计植物来代替我们日常使用的东西的功能。”

    "We're thinking about how we can engineer plants to replace functions of the things that we use every day," explained Michael Strano, a professor of chemical engineering at MIT.


  • 拉诺表示,该技术将来可能用于房间照明,甚至可以将树木改造为自供电路灯。该团队希望未来可以开发此技术的新形式,用于喷洒植物叶片,一次操作,终生有效。

    The technology, Strano said, could one day be used to light the rooms or even to turn trees into self-powered street lamps. In the future, the team hopes to develop a version of the technology that can be sprayed onto plant leaves in a one-off treatment that would last the plant's lifetime.


  • ·马特·多德来自可爱女儿,她想到一个主意社会必须设立一个庆祝日子来向父亲表示敬意,因为父亲在养育孩子方面做出了重要的贡献

    Sonora Smart Dodd, a loving daughter from Spokane, had the good idea that society must celebrate a day to honor the father, because he made an important contribution to the raising of children.


  • 热浪电子毫微挤牙膏一样挤出来,”拉诺解释说

    “The thermal wave squeezes electrons out of the nanotubes like a tube of toothpaste, ” Strano explained.


  • 热浪电子毫微挤牙膏一样挤出来,”拉诺解释说

    "The thermal wave squeezes electrons out of the nanotubes like a tube of toothpaste," Strano explained.


  • 由于没有授权几乎所有清洁技术领域难以引起投资者兴趣,”杰出风险投资家维德·科预计。

    "Almost all areas of clean technology will get a little less investor interest because there is no mandate," predicts Vinod Khosla, a prominent venture capitalist.


  • 我们基本上是在重复自然数百万年前发现戏法”,拉诺说道,“尤其是可逆性,一种消解后可重组能力。”

    We’re basically imitating tricks that nature has discovered over millions of years” — in particular, “reversibility, the ability to break apart and reassemble,” Strano says.


  • 如果件事连续周成为报纸的头条那么在世界的某个角落一定会有某些诺斯·特·穆400年前:“知道这会发生一直知道。”

    If an event made headlines for more than a few weeks, rest assured that someone, somewhere, is holding up a copy of Nostradamus' 400 year old tome and claiming that he knew it would happen all along.


  • 拉诺表示,由于各个纳米管细微可以大批量地生产,给较大设备供应相当数量电力

    And while the individual nanowires are tiny, Strano suggests that they could be made in large arrays to supply significant amounts of power for larger devices.


  • 贝尼特希望马克西在同胞拉诺队友托雷帮助下迅速融入球队

    Benitez hopes Maxi will settle quickly with the help of compatriot Javier Mascherano and former Atletico team-mate Fernando Torres.


  • 深度相当于奥坦·电视塔顺便说说,看见那里卡车了吗?

    Its depth is comparable with the height of the Ostankino tower. By the way, can you see BelAZ haul trucks there?


  • 没有显著的特点上任仅仅是因为前任,安诺斯·福格·穆森离任担任了北约秘书长

    An unremarkable character, he got the job only because his predecessor, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, had resigned to become NATO secretary-general.


  • 拉诺表示相信小组发现几年之内可以转化商业电池

    Strano said he was confident his team's discovery could be translated into commercial batteries within a few years.


  • 乔布车库起步后,其后不久他们公司搬到了位于库比蒂一间办公室

    Starting out in the Jobs family garage in Los Altos, they moved the company to a small office in Cupertino shortly thereafter.


  • 本季西哈姆虽然出人意料地阿根廷世界杯二将拉诺卡洛·特维,并且全力以赴,却连续没有进球了比赛。

    West Ham have struggled this season despite the surprise signing of Argentine World Cup duo Mascherano and Carlos Tevez, losing their last seven games and failing to score in any of them.


  • 以前不知道还有一家格兰麦片”,格兰麦片主人亚历克,注视着姜味糖蜜腰果混合的产品与别家的竞赛

    I didn’t know there would be another granola, ” said Alex Crosier of Granola Lab, eyeballing the competition for her ginger-molasses and cranberry-cashew mixtures.


  • 以前知道还有一家格兰麦片”,格兰麦片主人亚历克,注视着姜味糖蜜腰果混合的产品与别家的竞赛

    I didn't know there would be another granola,” said Alex Crosier of Granola Lab, eyeballing the competition for her ginger-molasses and cranberry-cashew mixtures.


  • 北约秘书长诺斯·福格·穆森总是谈到这块“”。

    NATO's secretary-general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, has also been talking about melting ice.


  • 上赛季球队核心阿隆索离开开始拉诺一直心不在焉,托雷一直受到伤痛的困扰。

    From last season's strong core Xabi Alonso has left, part of Mascherano is elsewhere and Torres and Gerrard are beset by injury.


  • 可以宣称自己看到布莱·德曼露丝贝利塔娜,费德勒纳芙娃,尼克劳伍兹。又或者你可以满怀激动地宣称自己看到明日之星。

    You can say that you saw Bradman or Ruth, pele or Montana, Federer or Navratilova, Nicklaus or woods-or you may have the tingling feeling that you have seen the next of the greats.


  • 小组现在致力于研究如何纳米纤维层游弋另一层时所带来能量损失降到最小,如何能够使一个光子可以激发不止一对激子。

    Strano's team is now working on ways to minimize the energy lost as excitons flow through the fiber, and on ways to generate more than one exciton per photon.


  • 小组首次在光伏组件植入了具有不同特性纳米管结构的纤维——这些纤维具有不同的特性和带结构。

    Strano's team built, for the first time, a fiber made of two layers of nanotubes with different electrical properties — specifically, different bandgaps.


  • 北约(北大西洋公约组织)举行凯尔峰会上丹麦首相诺斯·福格·穆森一任北约秘书长。

    AT the NATO summit in Strasbourg and Kehl, Denmark's prime minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, was chosen as the alliance's next secretary-general.


  • 一位资深黑手党检察官已西西里岛,“科萨·诺斯”(美国黑手党犯罪集团的秘密代号, 意为“咱们的行当”)的最后两个“幕后头目”都不在监狱如果法律生效的话。

    A senior anti-Mafia prosecutor in Sicily has said that neither of Cosa Nostra's last two “bosses of bosseswould be in prison if the law had been in force earlier.


  • 裁判里昂达助理裁判艾没有看到兰帕德已经越过线

    The Uruguayan referee Jorge Larrionda and his assistant Mauricio Espinosa failed to spot that Frank Lampard's looping shot had bounced at least a yard over the line.


  • 小组开发太阳能电池通过纳米天线结构进入太阳能电池的光子束缚在纳米烟囱中,大大增加可以捕获将光能转化电能光子数量

    Strano's nanotube antenna boosts the number of photons that can be captured and transforms the light into energy that can be funneled into a solar cell.


  • 北大西洋公约组织(NATO)秘书长诺斯•福格·穆森争论道:“倘若如此国际军队不会撤离。”

    Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the NATO secretary-general, argued: "When it happens, international forces won't leave."


  • 北大西洋公约组织(NATO)秘书长诺斯•福格·穆森争论道:“倘若如此国际军队不会撤离。”

    Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the NATO secretary-general, argued: "When it happens, international forces won't leave."


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