• 格·丽特·布尔当代英国文坛多产最有影响力女作家之一。

    As a woman novelist, Margaret Drabble is regarded as one of the most influential and prolific writers in con-temporary English literature.


  • 玛丽亚·特拉布7个月家人来到北京后来一直没有离开过

    Maria Trabulsi moved to Beijing with her parents when she was 7 months old, and has lived here ever since.


  • 布尔小说《磨砺》中以艺术的方式一关系作了一个巧妙回答

    The modern famous writer Margaret Drabble's novel The Millstone presents to us her exquisite answer to this question.


  • 布尔认为当代女性母爱中才能得到精神上满足从而肯定自我存在的价值,坚强生活下去

    Drabble considers that only maternal love can make it possible for contemporary women to obtain spiritual satisfaction, thus affirming self value and taking heart to live.


  • 们正前往印度北部的松布,那儿有一个大型大象市场,我可以轻而易举地卖掉塔拉。

    We were heading to Sonepur in northern India where there is a big elephant market and I could sell Tara easily.


  • 马塞林·布指出7万至3.5万年前尼安德特人中,沙普勒-奥克斯圣徒个体的大脑半球大于右半球。

    Among Neanderthalers of 70,000–35,000 years ago, Marcellin Boule noted that the La Chapelle-aux-Saints individual had a left hemisphere slightly bigger than the right.


  • 实际上一数字赫拉特喀布这些大城市较高入学率扭曲了。在这些城市,女童占学生总数的35%至58%。

    But in reality, this figure is distorted by high enrollments in major cities such as Herat and Kabul, where girls make up 35 to 58% of the total.


  • 朋友拉,当过修理工的情况要好很多:度过艰难时期以后得到一份喀布大学女生摆渡的工作。

    My friend Ruhollah, who once worked for me as a fixer, was in better shape: after falling on hard times, he’d landed a gig ferrying college girls to Kabul University and back.


  • 我们双重标准”,伊斯坦布法提赫大学社会学教授阿里·穆拉特·耶表示。

    "We have double standards," said Ali Murat Yel, a professor of sociology at Istanbul's Fatih University.


  • 每当喀布发生爆炸游客们就会取消订房。”巴米扬屋顶旅馆老板拉兹格

    "Every time there is a bomb in Kabul, visitors cancel reservations," says Raziq, operator of the Roof of Bamiyan Hotel.


  • 25岁计算机工程师当地居民波拉特很欢迎这项计划,她说道,其实这项计划不是真的是把城市一分为二像是伊斯坦布创造出一个新的城市

    Resident Emre Borat, a 25-year-old computer engineer, welcomed the proposal. "Actually their project is not like dividing up into two, but more like creating [new cities] from Istanbul," he said.


  • 阿富汗查布位于坎大哈的北方拓跋卡卡山脉把该地区巴基斯坦的基拉赛义夫拉和吉拉·阿布杜拉分开

    Afghanistan's Zabul province lies to the north of Kandahar, along the Toba Kakar mountain range that separates it from the Pakistani districts of Killa Saifullah and Killa Abdullah.


  • 喀布恶魔一般,裹挟着大水呼啸而过,淹没了整个瑙士拉

    The river Kabul was like a demon, swishing with so much water and overflowing the whole of Nowshera.


  • 焦特布年轻富有马球玩家尼基·兰德拉·辛格帮我解决了这个问题

    One of Jodhpur's gilded youths, the polo-playing Nikhilendra Singh, has solved the problem.


  • 六个星期前,暴雨冲垮了印度河河岸淹没了位于旁南部拉金布泥墙围着村庄

    Six weeks after torrential rains caused the Indus river to break its banks, inundating their mud-walled villages in Rajanpur, a district of southern Punjab, their anguish is not feigned.


  • 风景画众多流派中尚属末流,而康斯特布画的田地磨坊、拉船牵道——就是“画地图”嘛,皇家艺术院教授j.h.福塞利曾揶揄道。

    Landscape painting ranked low in the hierarchy of genres, especially Constable's kind: fields, mills, towpaths-mere "map-work", scoffed J.H. Fuseli, professor at the Royal Academy.


  • 喀布警方负责人困在校园内的700名教职员工学生已经获救

    More than 700 staff and students were rescued after being trapped inside the university complex, Kabul Police Chief Abdul Rahman Rahimi added.


  • 土耳其伊斯坦布,可以一边品尝土耳其美食,一边眺望博斯普鲁斯海峡18世纪的塞拉

    Dine on Ottoman food while overlooking the Bosphorus in the Ciragan Palace, an 18th-century Ottoman Palace in Istanbul, Turkey.


  • 扎菲希拉巴基斯坦喀布大使。

    Zafer Hilali is a former Pakistani ambassador to Kabul who says unless the U.


  • 官方人士,这辆卡拉奇夜间快车南部城市开往拉合途中梅赫附近出轨大部分车厢脱离铁轨,各个车厢间发生严重撞击

    The Karachi Express night train was on its way from the southern city to Lahore when most of its carriages came off the rails and rammed into each other near the town of Mehrabpur, officials said.


  • 朋友拉,当过修理工的情况要好很多:度过艰难时期以后得到一份喀布大学女生摆渡的工作。

    My friend Ruhollah, who once worked for me as a fixer, was in better shape: after falling on hard times, he'd landed a gig ferrying college girls to Kabul University and back.


  • 朋友拉,当过修理工的情况要好很多:度过艰难时期以后得到一份喀布大学女生摆渡的工作。

    My friend Ruhollah, who once worked for me as a fixer, was in better shape: after falling on hard times, he'd landed a gig ferrying college girls to Kabul University and back.


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