• 蒂姆·荷兰国际集团投资银行新加坡办事处首席经济学家亚洲研究部主管。

    Tim Condon is the chief economist and head of research for Asia in the Singapore offices of investment bank ING.


  • 昨天有报道印度尼西亚为其镇压抗议者残暴行为进行辩护,这些抗议者要求提高宾坦土地赔偿金额,新加坡拥有此岛的最大投资份额

    Indonesia has defended its bloody crackdown on protesters seeking higher compensation for land on Bintan Island, where Singaporeans hold the lion's share of investments, reports said yesterday.


  • 总部位于新加坡 Ong 表示:“现在确实银行进行投资下一代净值人士发展关系时候了。”

    "This is really a time of investment by the banks to develop relationships with the next generation of high net worth," Singapore-based Ong said.


  • 蒂姆·ING投资银行新加坡办事处经济师亚洲研究部负责人

    Tim Condon is chief economist and head of research for Asia in the Singapore offices of investment bank ing.


  • 经济低迷使新加坡暴露出自身一些缺陷包括贫富之间的鸿沟,以及经济增长外国投资强烈依赖。

    The economic downturn threatens to expose some of Singapore's vulnerabilities, including a wide gap be - tween rich and poor and a heavy dependence on foreign investment for growth.


  • 郝婷(音)女士始终无法忘记新加坡银行私人银行家兜售投资品时说的话:“这个世界富人准备的。

    Hao Ting, who owns a petroleum-equipment business in Beijing, recalls the investment sales pitch from her private banker in Hong Kong at Singapore's DBS Bank: "The world is made for wealthy people.


  • 新加坡中东投资发售转换债券票面利率为9%,可年内转换瑞士银行股票,折合为瑞士银行10.5%的股权。

    The convertible bond issued to the Singaporean and Middle Eastern investors will yield 9% and convert into 10.5% of UBS's stock in two years.


  • 高盛厚朴的投资之一,其他的投资者还包括新加坡主权财富基金马锡控股(Temasek Holdings Pte . Ltd .)。

    Goldman is an investor in Hopu, along with Temasek Holdings Pte. Ltd., the Singaporean sovereign-wealth fund.


  • 新加坡就没有坐以待毙静候种种诉讼而是出乎意料地要求公司赔偿“最大受害者”如老人文盲或者损失惨重的投资者。

    Rather than waiting for messy court battles, Singapore has taken the novel step of asking firms to reimburse "vulnerable customers", meaning those who are old or illiterate or who lost a lot.


  • 经纪商表示市场高峰期多数新加坡置业国际购房者都是投资,他们寻求快速转售,从中赚取差价。

    At the peak of the market, the majority of international buyers in Singapore were investors looking to quickly resell for a profit, agents say.


  • 相比之下,福特汽车公司新元发售——因此新加坡投资者来说没有汇率风险债券也是2004年到期

    In comparison, the Ford Motor Corporation's bond issued in Singapore dollars and therefore carrying no currency risk for a Singapore investor also matures in 2004.


  • 实际上本月新加坡举行英国《金融时报》亚洲投资展望(asian Investor outlook)会议上发言者建议,对那些全球经济命运相关度不大的市场进行买入

    Indeed, the advice of speakers at the FT's Asian outlook conference in Singapore this month was to buy markets that are less correlated with the fortunes of the global economy.


  • 通过比较中、日、新加坡三国国际收支结构发现我国债权国地位并未带来投资收益盈余,其根本原因在于我国形成的是官方债权国。

    And we find that the net creditor have never brought invest income surplus. The real fact is China's official creditor status.


  • 远东机构新加坡最大房地产发展商之一,为投资提供最多的房产选择

    As Singapore's largest private property developer, Far East Organization offers the widest selection of homes. It has a home to suit your requirements.


  • 福特汽车这时愿意可能想讨好新加坡投资希望日后有所收获。

    Ford may be willing to pay this extra at present as a means of building goodwill among Singapore investors, which it hopes will be to its benefit in later years.


  • 约翰·基于二十世纪八十年代中期开始投资银行职业生涯,他曾在新西兰本地和美国投资银行美林银行的新加坡伦敦悉尼分行工作。

    John launched his investment banking career in New Zealand in the mid-1980s, working in New Zealand, Singapore, London, and Sydney for United States investment banking firm Merrill Lynch.


  • 约翰·基于二十世纪八十年代中期开始投资银行职业生涯,他曾在新西兰本地和美国投资银行美林银行的新加坡伦敦悉尼分行工作。

    John launched his investment banking career in New Zealand in the mid-1980s, working in New Zealand, Singapore, London, and Sydney for United States investment banking firm Merrill Lynch.


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