• 本文提出了扫描设计存储元件扫描中的排序方法

    An optimal sequencing of the storage elements in the single scan chain design for - testability is presented in the paper.


  • 发明公开基于扫描存储器测试装置及其使用方法

    The invention discloses a memorizer test device based on a scan chain and a use method thereof.


  • 发明公开了一种扫描故障诊断系统、方法诊断向量生成装置

    The invention discloses a scan chain fault diagnosis system, a method and a diagnosis vector generating device.


  • 对于确定测试向量集方法构造扫描使电路总的测试时间最少

    For a fixed set of test vectors, the overall test time can be minimized using the scan chain constructed with this method.


  • 对于确定测试向量集,用方法构造扫描使电路总的测试时间最少

    For a fixed set of test vectors, the overall test time can be minimized using the scan chain constructed by this method.


  • 扫描分割技术可借解决可控制性问题可观察性问题来改善诊断解析度

    Scan chain partition improves diagnosis resolutions by solving controllability problems and observability problems.


  • 具体地,发明方法基于实现集成电路用于产品测试目的扫描使用

    In detail, the inventive methodology is based on the use of scan chains being implemented in the integrated circuit for production testing purposes.


  • 采用扫描相容压缩预处理测试,接着使用改进的距离标记压缩测试数据。

    After using compatible compression of multiple scan chains to pretreat the merged test set, modified distance-marking method is used to compress test data.


  • 某些时刻,仅有一个或者一部分扫描活跃的,从而电路的平均功耗和总功耗降低

    At sometime, just one scan chain or some of the scan chains are active. Average power is reduced.


  • 数字高清晰度电视信道接收芯片实现中使用了基于扫描链的可测试设计静态验证技术

    In the project of HDTV channel receiving ASIC, DFT techniques based on scan-chains, STA (Static Timing Analysis) and formal verification has been adopted.


  • 通过产生多个扫描其施加于被器件(DUT)多个管脚,可以进一步减少处理时间

    Processing time is further decreased by creating multiple scan chains and applying them to multiple pins of the device under test (DUT).


  • 某个扫描链测试向量需要更新且又需要移其测试响应,其测试向量可控LFSR产生

    The test vectors of some sub-scan chains generate by controllable LFSR when these chains only need to update test vector and do not need to shift out test responses.


  • 进一步降低测试功耗及测试应用时间提出基于扫描阻塞技术针对相容测试向量压缩方法。

    For the test application time can be reduced effectively, this paper proposes an approach based on scan chain disabling technique, in view of incompatible test vector compression method.


  • 一种基于扫描阻塞技术扫描测试结构出来,结构有效降低了测试功耗测试应用时间长。

    A scan test scheme based on scan chain disabling technique has been proposed, which can effectively reduce test power. However, its test application time is long.


  • 最后通过多路传送被传输总线扫描数据,可以提高输送扫描链数据到DUT管脚总线的时钟速度

    Lastly, the clock speed of the bus feeding scan chain data to the pins of the DUT is increased by multiplexing the scan chain data being transferred to the bus.


  • 建立一个统一芯片测试芯片诊断调试接口,形成以边界扫描为主体扫描链补充的芯片测试机制。

    Establishing an unite interface of chip test and debug which embodies the boundary scan and complements the full scan.


  • 实验分析IC故障类型、一般故障诊断流程和进行扫描链本身完整性测试方案提出了种外加测试码向量生成算法。

    In the experiments, the fault type of IC test bus, the fault diagnosis flow and the test principles were analyzed, and a fault diagnosis strategy of test bus was proposed.


  • 不同于以往基于单个扫描平衡调度技术本文提出的对平衡调度技术是利用两个芯核配对扫描链可能比单个芯核扫描链更平衡,获得比单平衡更短的测试时间。

    This paper presents a novel test scheduling solution, unlike previous techniques that take advantage of balanced scan chains of every single core, utilizing the balance of pairwise combined cores.


  • 更快处理器同样时间内扫描长的包这样也会造成窗口略微增加,使得每个需要处理选项工作量增大。

    They would be able to scan larger packet chains in the same amount of time, but that in turn would simply expand the window a little bit, creating yet more work for each new option to be processed.


  • 但是它们经过粒子加速器发射电子束扫描后,聚合分子被去饱和

    But when they are zapped with a beam of electrons from a particle accelerator, the polymer chains are desaturated.


  • 一旦应用成功扫描储存钥匙信息,用户通过应用分享”将数字钥匙发送给亲朋好友室友

    Once a key is successfully scanned and stored, users can send their digital keychain to friends, family and housemates over email, using the app's 'Share' button.


  • 在卫星光通信建立过程中,误差不对称较高同样扫描时间限制分行扫描可以获得更高的捕获概率

    Giving the same limit for the acquisition time, a larger acquisition probability is obtained with the raster scanning during the link foundation when the coarse pointing errors asymmetry is high.


  • 通过扩展计算几何单调概念提出一种新的多边形扫描线填充算法,即基于单调扫描线多边形填充算法。

    This paper extends the concept of monotone chain in computational geometry. It presents a new polygon scanning fill algorithm, polygon filling algorithm based on monotony chain.


  • 差示扫描量热分析表明,分散过程破坏亲水性有序性。

    Differential scanning calorimetry analysis revealed clearly that order of hydrophilic hard segments was destroyed after water dispersion.


  • 为了解决上述问题,文中提出了两种基于边界扫描技术动态设计方法

    To resolve them, two design methods of board level dynamic BS chain based on boundary scan technology are proposed in this paper.


  • DRB扫描工具连接数据(诊断)接头

    Connect the DRB scan tool to data link (diagnostic) connector.


  • 网络拓扑推测网络断层扫描研究内容之一,是推测网络内部性能前提条件。

    Network Identification, one of the studies of the network tomography, is the proposition of the network link-level performance inference.


  • 拓展了我们已有平面单调扫描线算法,将应用初步等距线中的全局自交点全局无效环的确定上。

    The algorithm proposed by us for polygonal chains intersection based on the sweep line algorithm is extended, and it is used to detect and delete global self-intersections in the rough offset curve.


  • 采用非等温差示扫描量热(dsc)研究了取代液晶环氧单体甲基六氢苯固化反应历程,考察了体系的固化反应动力学特征。

    A liquid crystalline epoxy monomer with long lateral substituent was cured with anhydride and the cure kinetics was investigated by non-isothermal DSC technique.


  • 其次针对扫描图像可能产生倾斜,论文采用一种基于有向单连通表单倾斜检测校正算法对倾斜图像进行校正。

    Secondly, owing to the form image skew, a skew detection and correction based on the directional single-connected chain is adopted.


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