• 大家跟着我们一道征服赫尔克里之门托罗斯所有土地

    Follow me and together we shall conquer all the land from the Gates of Hercules to Mount Taurus.


  • 狄俄尼索逗弄弥达,开心得很叫弥达前往帕克托罗源头,在河里洗个澡。

    Highlyamused , Dionysus told him to visit the source of the river Pactolus and there wash himself.


  • 虽然坦布尔阿勒颇托罗斯快车已经停运可以渡过普鲁海峡搭乘横贯亚洲快车德黑兰

    While the Toros Express service from Istanbul to Aleppo may be out of action, you can cross the Bosphorus to pick up the Trans-Asia Express to Tehran.


  • 然而来自西班牙哈恩大学以埃瓦里·托罗博士为首科学家们指出他们的技术可以用来检查其他种类食物安全

    However, the scientists, led by Dr Evaristo Ballesteros, from the University of Jaen in Spain, say their technique could be used to check the safety of other types of food.


  • 虽然可以找到塞维利亚足球场馆之一偶尔音乐会,在广场托罗(斗牛),塞维利亚音乐会未来可能采取两个大型场馆之一。

    While you can find the occasional concert in one of Sevilla's football stadiums or in its Plaza DE Toros (bullring), concerts coming to Sevilla are likely to take place in one of two large venues.


  • 个较新的包含动物遗骸化石地层莫特地层它以俄罗的一个地区命名。

    A slightly younger fossil formation containing animal remains is the Tommotian formation, named after a locale in Russia.


  • 太空行走世界纪录俄罗宇航员阿纳托利·索洛维耶夫保持。

    The world record of spacewalks is held by Russian astronaut Anatoly Solovyev.


  • 2001年,丹尼·——富有冒险精神百万富翁工程师——耗资2000万美元乘坐一艘俄罗宇宙飞船,自此太空旅游概念深入人心。

    The notion of space tourism took hold in 2001 with a $20 million flight aboard a Russian spacecraft by Dennis Tito, a millionaire engineer with an adventurous streak.


  • 岁时,罗特罗波维母亲索菲娅·尼古拉耶夫娜·费多托娃一起学习钢琴,索菲娅是一位才华横溢钢琴家

    At the age of four, Rostropovich learned the piano with his mother, Sofiya Nikolaevna Fedotova, a talented pianist.


  • 原籍湖北武汉俄罗籍华人李荆,2007年8月21日只身一人骑马从俄罗联邦巴什科尔托共和国的雅那乌尔镇出发,开始单骑横跨欧亚大陆的壮举。 2009年3月10日,这位骑士经过近9000公里的漫长骑行,抵达北京昌平

    Chinese-Russian Li Jing stands beside his horse at Changping District of Beijing, capital of China, Mar. 10, 2009.


  • 但是去年卡梅伦访问格鲁吉亚时,公然抨击俄罗入侵,今年却没有指责以色列突袭加沙,不过反而让利的新保守派感到高兴

    But Mr Cameron also visited Georgia last year to denounce its invasion by Russia and did not criticise Israel's incursion into Gaza this year-to the delight of Tory neo-conservatives.


  • 阿巴·托这种依赖使得指望统一俄罗解决国家问题变得非常困难。

    Arbatov says this dependency makes it difficult to rely on United Russia to resolve the country's problems.


  • 根据吉尼世界纪录俄罗姑娘维特兰娜·帕克拉托娃拥有比世界上任何女人长的

    Russian woman Svetlana Pankratova has, according to Guinness World Records, the longest legs of any woman in the world.


  • 俄罗克市的阿纳托利·克纳恩科最新的杰出创作

    The extraordinary creation is the latest by Anatoly Konenko, from Omsk, in Russia.


  • 新闻自由方面,阿巴·托同意梅德韦杰夫说法因特网给予俄罗人民自由获取信息的渠道。

    Regarding press freedom, Arbatov agrees with Mr. Medvedev's claim that the Internet gives Russians free access to information.


  • 奥托·瓦兹公司生产客车占到俄罗品牌客车市场90%以上份额,其所受影响最大。

    AvtoVAZ, which makes more than 90% of the Russian-brand passenger cars, is the most exposed.


  • 人物欢喜冤家西蒙·佩吉尼克·弗罗(《僵尸肖恩》)携手为天外来客配音的赛·罗根(《青蜂侠》),格雷格·莫拉托执导。

    Talent: Comedy duo Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (Shaun of the Dead) team up with Seth Rogen (The Green Hornet), who voices the extraterrestrial. Greg Mottola (Adventureland) directs.


  • 联邦议员自民党奥托•弗里克(Otto Fricke)也表示自民党需要从罗布吕德勒中选个,真正重要二者结合起来。

    The party need not choose between Dr Rösler's vision and Mr Brüderle's, says Otto Fricke, an FDP member of the Bundestag . “The combination is so important.


  • 俄罗诗人安娜·阿赫玛托娃(AnnaAkhmatova)的笔下,天鹅“飞掠时光”且飞越了四季轮回

    The swan, Russian poet Anna Akhmatova writes, "floats through the centuries" and into the turning wheel of seasons.


  • 阿纳托利·楚贝(Anatoly Chubais),俄罗90年代私有化设计师称,这种趋势不会俄罗经济带来任何积极成果。”

    This trend, says Anatoly Chubais, the architect of Russias 1990s privatisations, “will not bring any positive results for the Russian economy.”


  • 阿纳托利赛金评论8月17俄罗国家信息服务机构俄新社播发的。

    Anatoly Isaikin's comments were carried by Russian state information service RIA Novosti on 17 August.


  • 与此同时巴尔捷涅夫目前寄居的列福托沃监狱,那是俄罗臭名昭著所。

    Bartenev's current residence, meanwhile, is Moscow's Lefortovo prison, Russia's most notorious lock-up.


  • 乔治·索罗黄金生意经可能只是自己主意,而贝克却是金线国际公司(Goldline International)的“托”。

    George Soros may be talking up his own “book” of gold investments.


  • 诺登俄罗律师安纳托利·库切列纳:“这儿很多朋友——这些美国居住这里知道诺登的情况保持联系,他真是太幸运了。”

    "He made a lot of friends hereand great for him that those Americans who live here and found about his situation and were in touch with him," his Russian lawyer Anatoly Kucherena said.


  • 例如作品中就谈到过忒拜议事会曾作了一个当时局势有决定意义的决定,即为伊托克利举行荣誉葬礼而波吕涅克尸体出去吃掉。

    Thus in aeschylus the council of thebes makes what is in the circumstances the vital decision to give eteocles an honorable burial but to throw out the corpse of polynices to be devoured by dogs.


  • 为此我联系了伊瓦格罗·瓦连纳托,进行了一次电话采访尽管名字成功

    So much so that approached Evaggelos Vallianatos for a phone interview, even if I was not very successful in pronouncing his first name accurately.


  • 空气污染严重地区分别是中国临汾兰州乌鲁木齐俄罗马格尼托哥尔克,以及墨西哥城

    Thee worst places for air pollution were Linfen, Lanzhou and Urumqi in China, Magnitogorsk in Russia and Mexico City.


  • 俄罗克市的阿纳托利·克纳恩科最新的杰出创作这位57岁艺术家是西伯利亚首位从事被称为“微小型艺术”的人。

    The extraordinary creation is the latest by Anatoly Konenko, from Omsk, in Russia. The 57-year-old was the first in Siberia to make what he calls "microminiature" art.


  • 被骗帮助茇皮里托俄绑架后佩耳塞福涅,不料用锁链锁块黑石头上,直到后来克勒三头犬刻耳柏罗才获救

    Coaxed into helping his friend Pirithous to kidnap Persephone, Theseus went down there, only to be chained to a black stone, and rescued later by Heracles when the latter came to steal Cerberus.


  • 被骗帮助茇皮里托俄绑架后佩耳塞福涅,不料用锁链锁块黑石头上,直到后来克勒三头犬刻耳柏罗才获救

    Coaxed into helping his friend Pirithous to kidnap Persephone, Theseus went down there, only to be chained to a black stone, and rescued later by Heracles when the latter came to steal Cerberus.


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