• 留在首都市民来说战争使得生活几乎无法忍受了

    War has made life almost unbearable for the civilians remaining in the capital.


  • 他们不得不忍受没完没了战争恐惧生活痛苦

    They will have to bear the misery of living in constant fear of war.


  • 战争波及全国国民生活各个领域

    The war penetrates every area of the nation's life.


  • 战争后期生活艰苦。

    Times were hard at the end of the war.


  • 反映了这样一个事实过去的几十年里,人们总体生活水平有所提高,并且避免大规模战争经济匮乏大规模社会创伤

    It reflected the fact that these decades saw a climb in general standards of living and avoidance of mass societal traumas like full-scale war or economic deprivation.


  • 战争冲突使地区人民过着动荡不安的生活

    Wars and conflicts have subjected people living in this area to turbulent life.


  • 他们经常炒作新闻故事美化富人名人生活,而牺牲真实新闻故事,战争饥荒

    They often sensationalise news stories, glamorizing the lives of the rich and the famous at the expense of real news stories such as war and famine.


  • 当今世界战争恐怖主义,经济危机大规模爆发传染性疾病威胁未知因素层出不穷,人类能否这样一个环境中享受和平生活

    Is it possible to enjoy a peaceful life in a world that is increasingly challenged by threats and uncertainties from wars, terrorism, economic crises and a widespread outbreak of infectious diseases?


  • 多年一直研究士兵,记录他们战争中的生活开始好奇他们生活其他方面尤其是他们的个人生活

    After years of researching soldiers and chronicling their lives during battle, I just started wondering about other facets of their lives, especially their personal lives.


  • 作为生活》杂志的特派记者前往欧洲亲眼目睹了这场战争

    She sailed for Europe as an accredited correspondent for Life for a firsthand look at the war.


  • 可能更愿意选择一个正常生活战争突然出现面前的时候,她同情决心做出回答曾经俄罗斯知识分子标志

    She would have preferred a normal life; but when war burst upon her, she responded with the compassion and resolve which were once the hallmarks of the Russian intelligentsia.


  • 纽豪斯神父预言,如果巴马先生自己所说上任第一使堕胎规则自由化,那么美国生活每一层面文化战争都将激化。

    If Mr Obama truly meant, as he said, to liberalise abortion rules from his first day in office, Father Neuhaus foresaw an intensification of the culture wars at every level of American life.


  • 无法想象生活战争阴影下恐惧担忧一直萦绕心头,我可能随时失去心爱甚至本人也会命丧于此。

    I just can't imagine living in the midst of war. Fear and terror will always haunt me. I could lose the people I love anytime. I could even lose my life.


  • 通过我们为“战争儿童仅仅的钱,这样这个机构就能继续支持冲突地区阿富汗伊拉克乌干达生活成千上万的儿童

    Please donate just a few pounds through us so that War Child can continue supporting thousands of children living in conflict zones such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Uganda.


  • 这场战争加剧2000年起就持续不绝武装冲突造成的创伤,当地基本生活水准食品教育医疗服务等进一步降低。

    This war has compounded the impact of a struggle that has gone on since 2000. It has reduced living standards in basic ways like food, education, as well as medical supplies and services.


  • 我们随着场持续战争经济危机进入一年专家许多美国民众正在寻求快乐和更有意义生活

    As we head into the New Year with an ongoing war and economic crisis, experts say a lot of Americans are in search of happiness and a more meaningful life.


  • 最新的一本书感性动物世界上女孩们秘密生活》,另外,她还国家地理合拍一部关于困住波斯尼亚战争妇女电影

    Her latest book is I Am an Emotional Creature: the Secret Life of Girls Around the World, and a film project in conjunction with National Geographic about women caught in the Bosnian war.


  • 幕府统治(1603-1868)结束数百战争引领日本过上了大多数民族所憧憬的和平稳定生活

    The Tokugawa era (1603-1868) put an end to centuries of warfare, ushering in a longer period of peace and stability than most nations have ever enjoyed.


  • 1938年1月,抗日战争期间放弃加拿大熟识生活工作来到中国中国工作

    InJanuary 1938, during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, he gave up his comfortable life and job in Canada, and came to China to work for the Chinese army.


  • 就是霍布斯所谓,“污秽不堪,朝不保夕,野蛮不化”,第四个我记不得了三十战争时期的生活就是如此。

    I guess this is what Hobbes meant by "Nasty, short, and brutish," or whatever the fourth was. I don't remember, but what life was in the Thirty years' War, that was the way it was.


  • 他们一直生活我们中间。战争结束了世界拯救了,他们回到家乡和平国度里四散开来

    They walked among us for a very long time; the war ended, the world was saved, and they came home and blended into a nation at peace, and often there was no way for us to ever know.


  • 第一天晚上John讲了生活;讲战争期间身上发生所有事情;讲背叛了他的同胞;讲他在敌军国家科学委员会工作怎样遇到上帝的。

    The very first night John told me about his own life; what all happened to him during the war; that he had betrayed his own people; how God met him when he was working for the enemy, the NSB.


  • Schutzers当时生活杂志最好摄影师之一,1967年以色列及其邻国埃及约旦叙利亚之间爆发的六日战争期间在工作委派中不幸杀害。

    While Schutzers was one of LIFE's best photographers, he was killed on assignment during the Six-Day War of 1967 between Israel and its neighbouring states of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria.


  • 温德尔-考克斯(WendellCoxConservatoireNationaldesArtsetMetiers,Paris客座教授,曾撰写《战争:反蔓延政策如何威胁生活质量》一文。

    Wendell Cox is a Visiting Professor, Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers, Paris and the author ofWar on the Dream: How Anti-Sprawl Policy Threatens the Quality of Life”


  • 我们阿富汗人,我们一生都战壕山洞里生活,”司令官摇着说道,“我们告诉美国停止这场战争,但我们不会感到厌倦。”

    "We are Afghans, we have lived all our lives in the trenches and caves, " said the commander as he shook my hand. "We tell the Americans to stop this war, we are not tired."


  • 一直战争结束,私人摄影师Hugo Jaeger才一直装一个玻璃罐子里埋慕尼黑郊区照片取出,随后将这些照片卖给了美国生活》杂志。

    He buried the images in glass jars on the outskirts of Munich towards the end of the war, fearing that they would be taken away from him.


  • KarimaSalik回忆起二十世纪70年代喀布尔女性花园,那时还是小女孩对于阿富汗以及阿富汗妇女来说,是个非常平静年代,一直到32年后这平静的生活被爆发的战争彻底打破

    Karima Salik tells the story of the Kabul women's Garden she remembers as a girl in the 1970s, a halcyon age for Afghanistan and its women, before the present 32 years of unbroken war began.


  • KarimaSalik回忆起二十世纪70年代喀布尔女性花园,那时还是小女孩对于阿富汗以及阿富汗妇女来说,是个非常平静年代,一直到32年后这平静的生活被爆发的战争彻底打破

    Karima Salik tells the story of the Kabul women's Garden she remembers as a girl in the 1970s, a halcyon age for Afghanistan and its women, before the present 32 years of unbroken war began.


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