• 大脑边缘系统(它们人的情感记忆有关)的损伤引起遗忘症。

    Amnesia can result from damage to brain structures that form the limbic system, which controls your emotions and memories.


  • 医生是因为克莱大脑部分用来情感记忆存储部分受到病毒的伤害很小。

    His doctors say this is because emotional memory is stored in a part of Clive's brain that was less affected by the virus.


  • 前额叶皮层工作记忆情感记忆注意力调节功能中发挥着重要的作用。

    The medial prefrontal cortex participates in several advanced brain functions including working memory, emotional memory and selective attention.


  • 巧合有幸我们可以在一个带有现代科技系统楼宇淋漓尽致地表达苏州情感记忆

    By accident or by luck, we have the approach of expressing our long lost sentiment to Suzhou in this building with hi-tech systems.


  • 这些特殊口味可以立即释放大量情感记忆家庭和舒适的感觉。”

    "Those special tastes can immediately unlock a whole flood of emotions, memories and feelings of family, love, and comfort." says she.


  • 与直观事实相比我们往往那些刺激我们感官唤起我们情感事情记忆深刻。

    We tend to have a better memory for things that excite our senses or appeal to our emotions than for straight facts.


  • 气味刺激形成了谢泼德称的“气味物体”,并以记忆的形式储存起来,这些气味我们情感有着直接联系

    Smell stimuli form what Shepherd terms "odor objects", stored as memories, and these have a direct link with our emotions.


  • 随着时间的推移,买来这些东西往往会变得有价值——作为故事记忆——尤其是它们涉及与他人情感联系时。

    These purchases often become more valuable with timeas stories or memoriesparticularly if they involve feeling more connected to others.


  • 内容情感增强我们记忆能力。

    Context and emotion enhance our ability to remember.


  • 裴恩同事们他们的研究里发现,在睡眠时期脑部一些活动区域情感记忆巩固加强有关

    Payne and her colleagues found in their research that some of the most active brain regions during sleep periods are those involved with emotion and memory consolidation.


  • 开始草稿之前,编制笔记文件夹流程图不仅策划故事情节,而且关乎情节展开后更为微妙层面比如人物情感或者记忆

    Before he begins a draft, he compiles folders of notes and flow charts that lay out not just the plot but also more subtle aspects of the narrative, such as a character's emotions or memories.


  • 第二给了哺乳动物更多记忆广泛的情感

    That second scoop gave mammals more memory and a wider range of emotions.


  • 大脑活动测量支持一观点,测量显示,在睡觉,大脑连接情感记忆巩固的区域比清醒活跃周期性。

    Measurements of brain activity support this notion, revealing that brain regions linked with emotion and memory consolidation are periodically more active during sleep then when awake.


  • 记忆情感条件反射其他各种心理碎片会改变我们每一个全新体验

    Memories, emotions, conditioning and all sorts of other mental flotsam taint every new experience you gain.


  • 就像睡眠做梦可能一定程度上就是大脑健身时间伴随梦境一个解决情感问题巩固思想记忆

    Like sleep, dreaming may represent some sort of personal gym time for the brain, with dreams allowing a person to work out emotional issues and solidify thoughts and memories.


  • 为了唤起积极的情感记忆他们演奏了追溯到她们出生时期的轻音乐

    And in order to stir up positive emotions and memories, they played calming music dating back to when the women were born.


  • 然而我们发现,与普遍观点相反过度饮酒能够强化高强度情感刺激记忆也就是说借酒消愁不能奏效。

    However, contrary to popular belief, we also found that excessive levels of alcohol enhanced memories of highly emotional stimuli, meaning the concept of 'drinking to forget' is unlikely to be true.


  • 委托人关于母亲互动的内记忆形成了蓝本,影响着,让他逐渐走向一个类似的情感对象

    My client’s implicit memory of interactions with his mother formed a prototype that drew him to a similar emotional partner.


  • 并且情感来检索记忆功能任何事物有益于大脑

    And that function, memory indexed by emotion, more than anything else, is what a brain is good for.


  • 我们记忆唤起情感的时候,我们的大脑没有立刻反映,它们分辨不出真实虚幻的事件

    Where our memory recall of emotions is concerned, our brains don't bother with linear time, nor do they distinguish between real and imaginary events.


  • 有时我们只是通过忙碌逃避那些面对痛楚记忆情感

    Sometimes we stay busy to cover up some painful memories or emotions that we feel we can't deal with.


  • 我们睡眠时我们脑部白日记忆进行工作处理,聚焦能引起情感共鸣部分

    As we sleep, our brains work through the day's memories, focusing on the most emotionally resonant parts.


  • 西班牙浪漫情调让一辈子都没有忘怀:这块土地上原始情感,人民们奔放粗犷精神,挥之不去的迷惑的内战记忆此外还有普拉美丽阿尔罕布拉宫

    I never got over the romantic pull of Spain, the raw pulse of the land, the expansive, rugged spirit of the people, the haunting memories of the lost civil war, the Prado, the beauty of the Alhambra.


  • 显然身体心理记忆强烈地影响着我们情感

    Apparently, physical and psychological memories strongly influence our emotions!


  • 但是回顾白天情感经历记忆能够梦到提供引子

    But reviewing emotional issues and memories of the day when you go to bed may lay down a trail for dreams to follow, he says.


  • 2006年,高夫的研究团队发表了关于普里斯的论文的这种现象定义了一种新的医学概念:普里斯的病症被叫做“患有情感增盛综合症”,患病者统统具备超强记忆

    In 2006, the UC-Irvine team published a research paper about Price, proposing a new medical condition for her called hyperthymestic syndrome, meaning that she has a superior memory.


  • 后者方法能真正改变人民记忆情感

    To actually alter the memories and feelings of people.


  • 我们大脑首先通过模式识别(pattern recognition)的方法判断正在发生的事情。 之后,由于记忆情感偏颇,我们信息做出反映,又或者无视它们

    Our brains assess what’s going on using pattern recognition, and we react to that informationor ignore itbecause of emotional tags that are stored in our memories.


  • 我们大脑首先通过模式识别(pattern recognition)的方法判断正在发生的事情。 之后,由于记忆情感偏颇,我们信息做出反映,又或者无视它们

    Our brains assess what’s going on using pattern recognition, and we react to that informationor ignore itbecause of emotional tags that are stored in our memories.


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