• 课程天体力学,宇宙学,恒星物理学星系演化,类星体恒星分布运动,星际介质

    Students will complete courses in: celestial mechanics. cosmology. stellar physics. galactic evolution. quasars. stellar distribution and motion. and interstellar medium among possible others.


  • 他们的计算显示崩塌恒星事件穹界从来不会完全形成,或者至少远处观察黑洞的那位物理学家来说是不会完全形成的。

    Their calculations suggest that the event horizon for collapsing stars never quite comes into existence, at least, not for the colleague watching from far away.


  • 年后英国物理学Arthur Eddington一次日食中观察天空中距离太阳恒星发生了变化。

    Three years later a British physicist, Arthur Eddington, watched what happened to light from stars that were close in the sky to the sun during a solar eclipse.


  • 我们知道我们银河系里几十恒星黑洞但是知道它们年龄。”位于伯克利加利福尼亚大学天体物理学Alex Filippenko

    "We know of several dozen stellar black holes in our galaxy but don't know their ages," said Alex Filippenko, an astrophysicist at the University of California at Berkeley.


  • 许多物理学依然仰望天空搜寻线索,即如今认为如同恒星行星一般平淡无奇宇宙事件本质的线索。

    Plenty of physicists still look to the skies in search for clues to the nature of what is now believed to be as humdrum a cosmic occurrence as stars and planets.


  • 除了残骸这些冲击波模型对于了解一系列天体物理学现象从新恒星上的气体流动恒星物质的喷发很重要的帮助。

    Besides supernova remnants, these shock models are important in understanding a wide range of astrophysical phenomena, ranging from winds in newly-formed stars to cataclysmic stellar outbursts.


  • 天体物理学坚信他们发现了那些宇宙诞生时期恒星所发出微弱光晕。

    Astrophysicists believe they've spotted a faint glow from stars born at the beginning of time.


  • 奥尔森研究小组将要出版《天体物理学杂志》上报道说麦哲伦星云很可能较小兄弟星云那里偷窃了5%的恒星

    As Olsen's team will report in a future issue of the Astrophysical Journal, the Large Magellanic Cloud probably stole 5% of its stars from its smaller sibling.


  • 星系恒星以及行星——物理学在在仔细思考这样事情——它们都已经存在了,这意味着物质反物质之间有着一些不可思议的不对称性自然界在某种程度上偏爱于前者

    That galaxies, stars and planets—and physicists to ponder such thingsexist therefore means there is a subtle asymmetry between matter and antimatter, and that nature somehow favours the former.


  • 物理学恩里克·费米曾提出一个著名的问题:既然宇宙中有着海量的恒星其中条件演化生命为数不少,然而为什么目前止还没有任何一个地外文明地球展示它们的存在

    The physicist Enrico Fermi famously asked why no extra-terrestrials have shown up on Earth when there are likely to be so many solar systems where life could have evolved.


  • 方法已经获得极大成功Provencal说,它羽翼未丰星震科学带入了恒星天体物理学前沿

    The approach, which has been extremely successful, according to Provencal, has placed the fledgling science of "star quakes" at the forefront of stellar astrophysics.


  • 几年物理学认识到,介质可以模拟天文现象行星恒星光线黑洞捕获

    A few years ago, physicists know that different to medium can also simulated astronomical phenomena, such as planets orbiting stars, light is black holes capture, etc.


  • 由于高光质量损失率特性,质量恒星星系形成和演化等现代天体物理学研究扮演重要角色

    Due to their high luminosity and high mass-loss rates, massive stars are playing an important role in the studies of modern astrophysics, such as the formation and the evolution of galaxies.


  • 简单物理学定律揭示出,星际介质中的气尘复合体可以进化,先是演化恒星,接下去再演化为恒星

    Simple laws of physics suggest, that gas-dust complexes in the interstellar medium may evolve, first into protostars and subsequently into stars.


  • 本文介绍了地球人造卫星进行天体测量的计划提出了它们对天体测量学、天体物理学恒星天文学影响

    Two projects for astrometry from Earth satellites are described and their impact on astrometry, astrophysics and stellar astronomy are outlined.


  • 20世纪70年代以来恒星所产生分子外向流研究成为天体物理学重要前沿领域之一

    Since 70's in 20 centuries, the research of the sidereal molecular jets became one ofthe important outlying realms of astrophysics.


  • 20世纪70年代以来恒星所产生分子外向流研究成为天体物理学重要前沿领域之一

    Since 70's in 20 centuries, the research of the sidereal molecular jets became one ofthe important outlying realms of astrophysics.


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