• 因此,就面对盆篝火一样,发现恒星温度可以加热升高到舒适的温度如果存在的话,那么就是液态水

    So this new planet we've found would be warmed uplike a face to a campfire — to lukewarm temperatures, making the water, if any, liquid.


  • 天文学家能够其他恒星周围行星测量温度起初的是太空望远镜近来用的是地面仪器设备就像合作者做的那样。

    Astronomers have been able to take the temperature of planets around other stars, first with telescopes in space but more recently with ground-based instruments, as my collaborators and I have done.


  • 恒星亮度取决于表面温度大小

    The brightness of a star depends on its surface temperature and size.


  • 恒星质量会影响其表面温度

    The mass of a star affects surface temperature.


  • 星云内部,恒星热核仍然存留着——其重力挤压成了高密度物体——即温度超过180,000氏度(100,000摄氏度)的白矮星

    Within this nebula, the hot core of the star remains-crushed to high density by gravity-as a White Dwarf with temperatures over 180,000 degrees Fahrenheit (100,000 degrees Celsius).


  • 恒星表面温度部分取决于质量影响它的亮度颜色

    The surface temperature of a star depends in part on its mass and affects its brightness and color.


  • 恒星颜色取决于表面温度

    The color of a star depends on surface temperature.


  • 当天文学家谈及“可居住区”时,他们的是恒星以外温度适于液态水存在空间层

    When astronomers talk about the "habitable zone," they mean the shell around a star where the temperatures are right for liquid water.


  • 围着恒星1.6旋转一周,就说明表面温度达到华氏3500

    It orbits the star once every 1.6 days, meaning its surface temperature is upwards of 3500 degrees Fahrenheit.


  • 颗行星幸运位于恒星附近的“可居住”,地表温度适中,这使液体形成成为了可能。

    The planet is in the "Goldilocks zone" of space around a star where surface temperatures are neither too hot nor too cold for liquid water to form.


  • 所以一个行星足够的温度那么这个行星恒星的距离距离太阳的距离近,这样,这个行星上才能具备合适的温度,维持一定光照液态水

    So to have the same temperature, a planet needs to be much closer to that star than it would be from the sun, where you'd have a temperature where you might have light and liquid water.


  • 例如如果恒星大小相同但是开氏温标下,另一个的温度高一倍,那么前者的光度后者16

    For instance, if two stars are the same size but one is twice as hot as the other in kelvin, the former would be 16 times as luminous as the latter.


  • 来自华盛顿·卡内基学院保罗·巴特勒说:“由于行星临近恒星的距离恰好合适所以这个星球上温度也不太。”正好使液态水很好的保存下来。

    "The planet has to be the right distance from the star so it's not too hot and not too cold that liquid water can exist," says Paul Butler of the Carnegie Institution of Washington.


  • 史密斯教授指出很多这些行星要么它们恒星,要么太远这意味着行星表面极端温度适合生命存在。

    But Dr Smith points out that many of these planets are either too close to their sun or too far away, meaning their surface temperatures are so extreme they could not support life.


  • 因为亮度低,是“不成功”的恒星——褐矮星中温度很低,天文学家了很长时间找到它。

    It took so long to find because it's an extremely dim and cool kind of failed star called a brown dwarf.


  • 尘埃温度不及恒星所以光学望远镜难以观测到。

    Dust is nowhere near as hot as a star, therefore optical telescopes cannot observe it.


  • TrES - 2 b所环绕恒星只有3万英里(相比而言,我们距离我们太阳有93万英里),就使得TrES - 2 b表面温度超过1800

    TrES-2b orbits its star at a distance of just 3 million miles (by comparison, we're about 93 million miles from our sun), which leads to surface temperatures on TrES-2b of more than 1, 800 degrees.


  • 巨大行星大小同木星相当,被称作TrES-2b,运行轨道距离恒星只有大约300万英里,表面温度华氏1800摄氏980度)。

    Orbiting only about three million miles out from its star, the Jupiter-size gas giant planet, dubbed TrES-2b, is heated to 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit (980 degrees Celsius).


  • 巨大行星大小同木星相当,被称作TrES - 2b,运行轨道距离恒星只有大约300万英里,表面温度氏1800(摄氏980度)。

    Orbiting only about three million miles out from its star, the Jupiter-size gas giant planet, dubbed TrES-2b, is heated to 1, 800 degrees Fahrenheit (980 degrees Celsius).


  • 一个名为HD 164492的新生恒星温度极高因而它发出的射线能将电子和质子拆散

    One newborn star, named HD 164492, is so hot that its radiation tears electrons from protons.


  • 随之而来恒星喷发又使环绕恒星尘埃盘温度增加

    The resulting outburst causes temperatures to rise in the star's surrounding disk.


  • 恒星逐渐缺少能源核心部分变得越来越小温度逐渐升高,同时使外层物质挥发

    As the star begins to run out of fuel, its core becomes smaller and hotter, boiling off its outer layers.


  • 房间大球体相连的设备将192激光集中一个小上面,同时,产生恒星大行星内核一样高的温度压力

    Equipment connected to a house-sized sphere can focus 192 laser beams on a small point, generating temperatures and pressures that exist at cores of stars or giant planets.


  • Menkhib表面温度达到氏66000度(温度太阳还要高6),夜晚可见最热恒星中,Menkhib可算上一个

    With a surface temperature of 66, 000 degrees Fahrenheit (six times hotter than our Sun), Menkhib is one of the hottest stars visible in the night sky.


  • 导致一个恒星温度压力不稳定引发毁灭性爆炸明星进入空间仍然存在。

    This leads to an instability between the star's temperature and pressure, sparking a devastating explosion that flings the star's remains into space.


  • 恒星本身大约太阳3/4并且温度也比太阳稍微低点。

    The star itself is about three-fourths the size of our Sun and somewhat cooler.


  • 恒星本身大约太阳3/4并且温度也比太阳稍微低点。

    The star itself is about three-fourths the size of our Sun and somewhat cooler.


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