• 光学天文学中,在望远镜观察恒星我们依靠的是可见光波

    In optical astronomy, using a telescope and observing the stars that way, we rely on visible light waves.


  • 星座名称的所有形式提到这个星座中的恒星可以用到。

    The "genitive" form of the constellation name, used when referring to stars in that constellation.


  • 黑洞吸入恒星恒星先是被吸,能层又所有物质卷进事界。

    When a black hole absorbs a star, the star is first pulled into the Ergosphere, which sweeps all the matter into the Event Horizon.


  • 工作在调相状态下旋转变压器可以其相位模拟恒星与赤经、关系

    Phase modulated resolvers can be used to model the relation between the sidereal time right ascension and the hour angle.


  • 原理在于,当行星经过恒星,会挡住恒星部分光芒,这恒星偶尔黯淡一下。

    The planet's crossing blocks some of the star's light, making the star dim periodically.


  • 然而黑洞穿过片星云或者靠近另一个正常恒星时,黑洞将使它自身物质增加。

    However, if a black hole passes through a cloud of interstellar matter, or is close to another "normal" star, the black hole can accrete matter into itself.


  • 哈勃空间望远镜担任的后续观测2005年分离出发自背景恒星、经过前方恒星略有偏移光线

    Follow-up observations by Hubble Space Telescope in 2005 separated the light of the slightly offset foreground star from the background star.


  • Cheng模型描述了黑洞持续吞食恒星等离子体反复周期性的被注入银河晕这样的震荡如何形成的。

    Cheng's model describes how, as the black hole continues to devour stars, shockwaves are created as hot plasma is repeatedly and periodically injected into the halo.


  • 文学家们已经不再小型冰状天体比如冥王星已被规行星了,无论如何,它们围绕其它恒星时无法探测到的。

    Small, icy objects such as Pluto are no longer regarded as planets, but in any case, they would be undetectable around another star.


  • 开普勒在观察TrES - 2b恒星时发现很轻微的光线明暗变化,不过足以确定颗跟木星体积相当巨大气体就是原因所在。

    Watching TrES-2b and its star, Kepler detected only the slightest such dimming and brightening, though enough to ascertain that a Jupiter-size gas giant was the cause.


  • 咱们不雅极其窎远恒星,咱们瞥见实在历史上早期宇宙由于这些恒星发出的经历屡次了一百万乃至亿万光年行程才抵达咱们的秋水。

    When we view very distant stars, we are viewing an earlier time in the history of the universe, because those stars' light has taken millions and billions of light-years to travel to us.


  • 科学家今天宣布我们恒星脱离最近太阳黑子活动周期太阳最有可能进入冬眠

    When our star drops out of its latest sunspot activity cycle, the sun is most likely going into hibernation, scientists announced today.


  • 但是太阳这样的恒星核心核燃料耗尽,就会发生膨胀成为胀大的巨星

    But stars like our sun swell into bloated red giants when the nuclear fuel in their cores is depleted.


  • 作为燃料消失聚变过程减缓重力导致恒星内坍缩

    When the hydrogen used as fuel vanishes, and fusion slows, gravity causes the star to collapse in on itself.


  • 克洛泽英格兰北部的谢菲尔德大学工作,他说:“和人类不同这些恒星诞生,随着年龄增长体重减轻。”

    "Unlike humans, these stars are born heavy and lose weight as they age," said Crowther, an astrophysicist at the University of Sheffield in northern England.


  • 节目开端介绍了公元1066左右大半地球上人民见证过的那颗恒星爆炸声音

    I started this programme with the sound of a star whose explosion was seen across half the world around 1066.


  • 星云超新星遗迹,是一个大质量恒星死亡爆炸的扩散云气形成的。

    The nebula is a large supernova remnant, an expanding cloud born of the death explosion of a massive star.


  • 或者伊卡洛斯飞船可以到达目标恒星系统使用一张超大磁力网,借助当地的太阳风磁场辅助减速

    Alternatively Icarus could use an extremely large magnetic sail to help decelerate, once within reach of the target star's solar wind or magnetosphere.


  • 认为外部行星尘埃恒星尘埃消耗殆尽,外部行星停止运动

    He thinks exoplanets are pulled towards the star by the dust and that when the dust runs out, the exoplanets stop moving.


  • 当天文学家谈及“可居住区他们的是恒星以外温度适于液态水存在空间层

    When astronomers talk about the "habitable zone," they mean the shell around a star where the temperatures are right for liquid water.


  • 幅图描绘是,当恒星接近一颗超级巨型黑洞可能发生灾难

    This illustration depicts how the catastrophic destruction of a star that wandered too close to a supermassive black hole may have occurred.


  • 大质量物体存在例如恒星空间-间会扭曲弯曲

    Space-time can be distorted or curved by the presence of massive objects, such as stars.


  • 质量恒星结束生命,会产生精彩结果——超新星。超新星会高能量辐射形式致命碎屑撒遍太空

    When a massive star ends its life, it does so with a bang: a supernova, which sends death sleeting across space in the form of high-energy radiation.


  • 他们发现恒星只有表面密度达到一定阀值才会好的形成

    They discovered that star formation is pretty well non-existent until the surface density reaches a certain threshold in parts of the cloud.


  • 展览首次展出了20世纪六十年代射电天文学家Jocelyn Bell发现高速运转恒星-脉冲星使用射电望远镜

    Also on display for the first time is a section of the radio telescope which radio astronomer Jocelyn Bell used to discover pulsars - small, fast-rotating stars - in the 1960s.


  • 美国宇航局开普勒飞船发现了称号为开普勒16b行星飞越或交叉恒星前面会造成恒星亮度周期性地变暗

    NASA's Kepler spacecraft uncovered the new planet, dubbed Kepler 16b, as it transited-or crossed in front of-both its parent stars, causing the brightness of each star to dim periodically..


  • 美国宇航局开普勒飞船发现了称号为开普勒16b行星飞越交叉恒星前面会造成恒星亮度周期性地

    NASA's Kepler spacecraft uncovered the new planet, dubbed Kepler 16b, as it transited—or crossed in front of—both its parent stars, causing the brightness of each star to dim periodically. 。


  • 美国宇航局开普勒飞船发现了称号为开普勒16b行星飞越交叉恒星前面会造成恒星亮度周期性地

    NASA's Kepler spacecraft uncovered the new planet, dubbed Kepler 16b, as it transited—or crossed in front of—both its parent stars, causing the brightness of each star to dim periodically. 。


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