• 乘坐小型客车德怀尔营地直升机起降跑道基地主要行政区域需要整整20分钟

    In a minibus it takes fully 20 minutes from the helicopter landing strip at Camp Dwyer to the base's main administrative area.


  • 做错了什么德怀尔小姐

    What have I done, Miss Dwyer?


  • 怀睡梦中得到灵感

    The inspiration struck Dwyer in his sleep.


  • 驾驶室里怀已经跟舵轮上劲了。

    In the pilot house, Dwyer was already fighting the wheel.


  • 怀,“要是在发生这样终究不会很清楚的。”

    "Just a year or so ago, it wasn't at all obvious that something like this should happen," Dwyer said.


  • 怀小姐先进去吧。可以我们周围一个棚屋这样不用挨冻了。

    Now, Miss Dwyer, if you will step inside this spot, I think I can build up the bushes around us so as to make a sort of booth which may save us from freezing.


  • 富裕的青年人有着最多资源选择因此债务他们来说不是什么问题,”德怀尔说。

    "The wealthiest young people have the most resources and options available to them, so debt is not an issue for them," Dwyer said.


  • 充分理由可以认定同样进程其他行星木星土星上发生”,德怀尔

    "There's every reason to think the same processes are happening on other planets, such as Jupiter and Saturn," Dwyer said.


  • 怀小姐说:”觉得很难说清楚荒芜到底什么构成是这么的简单。

    But I really think it is rather hard to say in just what the beauty of the desert consists, ” said Miss Dwyer.


  • 也没有受伤,杰夫.德怀尔送给让我夏天开的那辆大众双座小汽车撞坏了

    I wasn’t hurt either, but the little Volkswagen bug Jeff Dwire had given me to drive for the summer was badly mangled.


  • 充分理由可以认定同样进程其他行星木星土星上发生”,德怀尔

    There's every reason to think the same processes are happening on other planets, such as Jupiter and Saturn , " Dwyer said."


  • 头发剪得比较糟糕,看上去杰夫·德怀尔发廊里出来的任何一个女人叛逆的摇滚歌星。

    It was a minor fiasco; she looked more like a punk rocker than someone who had just walked out of Jeff Dwire's beauty salon.


  • 德怀尔组织者经常发生冲突;某一天小组筹款开设个支票账户时,两人甚至银行里大声嚷嚷吵了起来

    Dwyer and a co-organizer clashed frequently; one day, while setting up achecking account for the group's fundraising, the two even got into a shoutingmatch in the middle of a bank.


  • 接下来几天某一天杰夫·德怀尔打了电话告诉,我回到征兵名单上转告·阿姆斯特朗

    Sometime in the next few days, I called Jeff Dwire, told him I wanted to be put back in the draft, and asked him to tell Bill Armstrong.


  • 9月11日,800名裔美国人白宫草坪聚会,见证布赖恩·怀尔颁发已故父亲保罗命名的奖项,以赞扬和平进程发挥的作用

    On September 11, eight hundred Irish-Americans gathered on the South Lawn as Brian ODwyer presented me with an award named after his late father, Paul, for my role in the Irish peace process.


  • 怀尔跌倒了石头地板上

    Wilde fell and struck his head on the stone floor.


  • 怀尔确定教学环境促进实现反思行为三个原则

    Wildman and Niles identify three principles that facilitate reflective practice in a teaching situation.


  • 怀尔工作表明认识到建立反思实践某些困难重要性

    The work of Wildman and Niles suggests the importance of recognizing some of the difficulties of instituting reflective practice.


  • 其他公会一样,怀伯格编织公会禁止女性成为主人但是主人遗孀除外

    Like most other guilds, the Wildberg weaver's guild banned women from becoming masters, however, it exempted master's widow.


  • 怀尔特别兴趣的研究在何种条件思考可能会活跃——一个文献几乎没有任何指导主题

    Wildman and Niles were particularly interested in investigating the conditions under which reflection might flourisha subject on which there is little guidance in the literature.


  • 怀尔伯格主妇并非没有受过训练因为正如欧吉维在其他地方指出的那样,妻子孩子主人一起工作他们训练可能是非正式的,仍然存在

    Wildberg master-widows were not untrained for, as Ogilvie notes elsewhere, wives and children worked with masters, their training may have been informal, but it existed nevertheless.


  • 这部戏剧作品集的作者中,保罗·格林、苏珊·格拉斯佩、麦克斯韦·安森、桑顿·怀尔、威廉·萨罗扬和田纳西·威廉姆斯都因其对戏剧的贡献而获得普利策奖。

    Among the writers of the plays in this collection, Paul Green, Susan Glaspell, Maxwell Anderson, Thornton Wilder, William Saroyan, and Tennessee Williams have all received Pulitzer Prizes for their contributions to the theater.


  • 怀经常到,之所以愿把摄像机架在燃烧着的壁炉后,是因为永远也不可能壁炉后观察到率真的生活

    Wilder often talked about how he wouldn't stick a camera behind a roaring fireplace because you never watch life unfold from behind a fireplace.


  • 1950年,美国外科医生怀尔一个电极直接刺激手术过程中清醒成百上千个癫痫病人大脑中的特定部位

    In the 1950s American neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield used an electrode to directly stimulate spots on the brains of hundreds of epilepsy patients while they were awake during operations.


  • 正如奥斯卡·怀所知无论是艺术还是艺术家这个自由社会起因都不付责任

    As Baudelaire and Oscar Wilde knew, neither art nor the artist has a moral responsibility to liberal social causes.


  • 在那里怀一家买下一小土地劳拉给这块地取了绰号叫“罗基·里奇”,然后这块土地上建造了一房子,就是以后木屋”系列故事里的那幢小木屋。

    There, the Wilder family bought a plot of land dubbed Rocky Ridge by Laura, and built the home in which the "Little House" stories would later be written.


  • 发现斯菲学校教的东西太过简单没有难度后,怀母亲首肯下留在了家里自学

    Finding the school in Mansfield insufficiently challenging, Wilder, with her mother's consent, stayed home to educate herself.


  • 发现斯菲学校教的东西太过简单没有难度后,怀母亲首肯下留在了家里自学

    Finding the school in Mansfield insufficiently challenging, Wilder, with her mother's consent, stayed home to educate herself.


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