• 大学微积分微分公式线性代数概率统计离散数学

    College: Differential and Integral Calculus, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Discrete Math.


  • 朋友做了算术代数得到了某一点微分公式——这些都是上课过的。

    My friend and I did some arithmetic, some algebra, derived the general formula for the differential at a point-all stuff he had had in the course.


  • 积分上限函数加强了微分积分之间联系积分基本公式理论基础

    The integral upper limit function strengthened between the differential and the integral relation, is the definite integral fundamental formula rationale.


  • 本文试应用求解一阶线性微分方程方法导出常见函数级数求和公式

    The sum formulas of several kinds of ordinary series with function term are deduced by using the method of solving linear differential equation.


  • 利用公式建立了微分方程初值问题正交多项式合算法。

    By using this formula, orthogonal polynomial fitting algorithm for initial value problems of ordinary differential equations is established.


  • 利用所得到结果分析了数值微分经验公式计算精度

    By use of the result, the calculating precision of numeric differential method and empirical formula is analyzed.


  • 方法结构振动微分方程转化为振幅与频率的代数方程,并给出体力系数经验公式

    The method transfers the structural vibration differential equations into algebraic equations and the empirical formulae about fluid force coefficients is put forward.


  • 本文理论上讨论微分学第二重要极限公式一个使用方法

    In theory the paper discusses a usage of an important limit formula of differential calculus.


  • 有限体积推导通用微分方程离散形式导出了各种离散系数的计算公式

    It derives a discrete type of the common differential equations by the use of the finite volume method, and the formulas for the calculation of the coefficients.


  • 建立深水环境下涡激振动非线性微分方程给出疲劳计算公式对比了浅水控制方法深水控制方法计算临界跨长

    This paper establishes nonlinear differential equations, gives the fatigue equations and compares the critical spanning of pipeline of calculated results from the shallows and deep water.


  • 利用微分几何啮合原理推导出该机构啮合的诱导曲率方程,给出接触大小的计算公式

    With the differential geometry and engagement theories, induced curvature formulas of point engagement were deduced, and the formula of the local contact areas was given.


  • 可重构模块化机器人运动学,我们采用局部指数乘积公式微分运动学公式建立的逆运动学数学模型

    The inverse kinematics model of reconfigurable modular robots is based on the local product-of-exponential formulas and differential kinematics equations.


  • 本文非线性微分方程利用首次积分求得了积分公式

    This paper has found general integral formulas of some types of two - order nonlinear ordinary differential equations by first integral.


  • 利用极限理论给出了复函微分公式“中值”的渐近的简洁证明

    By using the limit theory, we discuss and prove the asymptotic properties of mean value point in differential mean value formula for a complex function.


  • 接着,仿微分几何曲线,建立基本公式唯一存在定理

    Then the basic formulae and the theorem on its unique existence have been established as doing in the curve theory in Differential Geometry.


  • 利用这个变换矩阵可以方便地笛卡尔坐标张量表达式微分算子有关公式变换正交曲线坐标的相应公式

    Using the cosine transform matrix the Cartesian tensors, differential operators and related equations can be readily transformed into corresponding expressions in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates.


  • 利用欧拉公式得到曲线演化微分方程曲线想得到边界停止

    With Eulerian formulation the partial differential equations (PDEs) of curve evolution are given and the two curves will stop on the desired boundary.


  • 给出系数齐次线性微分方程一种新的公式化求解方法。

    This paper given the formula of solution for nonhomogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients.


  • 微分几何学原理得到计算曲率一般公式克服由薄板扰度弯曲理论得到主曲率计算公式局限性

    The general equations of principal curvature derived from differential geometry overcame the limitations of previous equations derived from the theory of elastic thin plate with small deflection.


  • 应用微分近似计算,推导出了齿轮加工计算第二次径向进刀量简易公式

    Makes the approximate calculation by the use of differentiation, and puts forward the simple and easy formula of second feeding in processing gear.


  • 利用倒向随机微分方程方法,直接得到欧式期货未定权益一般定价公式以及套期保值策略

    The pricing formula and hedging strategy of European Future contingent claim are obtained by back ward stochastic different equation and martingale method.


  • 本文使用微分常数变易法,从不同角度给出努利方程通解公式

    In this paper, using total differentiation method and variation of constants, we give general solution formula of Bernoulli equation with different methods.


  • 利用直接微分方法给出了伸长张量的不变性表示公式

    An invariant formula for the right stretch tensor rate is given by a differential method directly.


  • 本文给出了一个二阶系数线性非齐次微分方程公式

    This paper deals with the formula of particular solution to 2-order linear inhomogeneous differential equation with constant coefficients.


  • 利用倒向随机微分方程方法,讨论国外股票欧式未定权益一般定价问题,获得了一般定价公式

    The pricing formula of European foreign stock contingent claim are obtained by backward stochastic different equation and martingale method.


  • 型钢纵向变形过程进行力学分析得到了变形微分方程求得转动理论公式其变形形状进行了分析计。

    Through the mechanical analysis, the differential equation for the longitudinal deformation of cold forming steel is derived, and the formula for longitudinal rotation Angle is obtained.


  • 采用降阶特征根 (欧拉方法 ,给出一类三维二阶系数微分方程组的通解公式通过算例拉氏变换法进行了比较。

    With the variable replacement method, general solution formulae were given to the linear differential systems with complex constant coefficients and that with a class of complex variable coefficients.


  • 本文受此启发,运用风险中性定价原理,利用微分方程方法,求出了汇率联动期权定价公式为实践者提供理论上的参考价值。

    In this paper, according to the risk neutral pricing theory, the reciprocal stochastic differential equations and the general pricing formulas of the four types of cross-cur.


  • 本文受此启发,运用风险中性定价原理,利用微分方程方法,求出了汇率联动期权定价公式为实践者提供理论上的参考价值。

    In this paper, according to the risk neutral pricing theory, the reciprocal stochastic differential equations and the general pricing formulas of the four types of cross-cur.


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