• 太阳最近经历彗星暴风之前第一吗,或者仅仅是一个失常

    Was the comet storm the sun went through recently the first big raindrops before the storm, or just an aberration?


  • 一些科学家认为这些偶然彗星可能就是为什么地球大规模物种灭绝如此规律地发生的原因。

    These occasional comet showers could be why the mass extinctions on Earth are so regular, some scientists believe.


  • 彗星会在经过地方留下一些碎片这些碎片可以引起地球流星现象。

    Comets leave a trail of debris behind them that can lead to meteor showers on Earth.


  • 彗星偶尔优雅划过天际的时,我们看到流星

    We have meteor showers. They can be the occasional comet that can grace the sky.


  • 类似英仙座流星,猎户座流星以及其他流星狮子座流星发生地球太阳公转过程中进入充满彗星碎片流星体质点溪流之中。

    Like other meteor showers, such as the Perseids and the Orionids, the Leonids happen when Earth plows through a trail of debris left in the wake of a comet orbiting the sun.


  • 双子座流星由于地球穿过3200Phaethon彗星轨道而造成的。

    The Geminids are caused by the Earth crossing the debris-strewn path of the extinct comet 3200 Phaethon.


  • 流星当地球经过彗星轨道产生

    The shower is caused when the Earth passes through a trail of debris left by comet Thatcher (C/1861 G1).


  • 科学家们显着显迹象表明:太阳弟弟,它一颗暗偏爱轨道导致彗星流星周期性降落地球

    Scientists have found compelling evidence that the Sun has a baby brother, a dark star whose eccentric orbit is responsible for periodically showering the Earth with comets and meteorites.


  • 流星哈雷彗星穿越地球大气层时掉落的碎片在汽化成的。

    The meteors are debris from this comet that enter Earth's atmosphere and vaporize as they fall.


  • 关于流星首要经验就是看到流星绝对不是彗星最近一次略过时留下的残骸

    A general rule of thumb with meteor showers is that you are never watching remnants from a comet's most recent orbit.


  • 塔特彗星太阳系里飞奔时,留下了一路碎片漂浮在一区域中,当地球运转进入片区域,仙英座流星就爆发了。

    The Perseids occur when Earth runs into pieces of debris floating in the solar system that were left behind by Comet Swift-Tuttle.


  • 斯威夫特-塔特彗星撒下的尘埃形成英仙座流星北半球天空年复一年地带来盛大的夏日流星

    Dust from comet Swift-Tuttle is responsible for the Perseids, creating the northern hemisphere's regular summer sky show.


  • 如果流星体来自同一彗星形成就是流星

    If a batch of meteoroids comes from the same comet, the meteor shower is formed.


  • 科学家们发现明显迹象表明:太阳弟弟,是一颗暗,其偏心轨道导致彗星流星周期性降落地球

    Scientists have found compelling evidence that the Sun has a baby brother, a dark star whose eccentric orbit is responsible for periodically showering the Earth with comets and meteorites.


  • 棋子世界级大师携手完美地碰撞彗星划破天宇光芒,就像场又一场的流星,留给棋子湾看不尽的灿烂。

    But in Qizi bay, world-class masters work perfectly together, joining to create a perfect collision of a comet piercing the night sky, like a never-ending meteor shower, lighting up the bay.


  • 每年流星主要来自彗星辐射点就是彗星轨道相交那个好像列车轨道远处聚合点一样。

    Meteors in annual showers stem from comets, and the radiant point is the point in the sky where we cross the comet's orbit. It's kind of like the point in the distance where train tracks converge.


  • 地球穿过彗星留下尘埃颗粒踪迹的时候,流星发生

    Meteor showers occur when the Earth passes through a trail of dust particles left by a comet.


  • 介绍,彗星世界里著名就是哈雷彗星了,四流星之一宝瓶座流星母体彗星就是哈雷彗星

    It was learned that in the world of comets, the most famous is Halley's, and one of the four major meteor showers is from Aquarius, with its parent comet Halley's comet.


  • 每年四月天琴座流星只有该月末地球穿过撒切尔彗星尾部时才能看到来自彗星的碎片会化作道道流光。 。

    Thee annual April Lyrids are only visible as the Earth passes through the tail of the Thatcher Comet towards the end of the month, with the bright streaks of lights being particles from that comet.


  • 每年四月天琴座流星只有该月末地球穿过撒切尔彗星尾部时才能看到,来自彗星的碎片会化作道道流光

    The annual April Lyrids are only visible as the Earth passes through the tail of the Thatcher comet towards the end of the month, with the bright streaks of lights being particles from that comet.


  • 每年四月天琴座流星只有该月末地球穿过撒切尔彗星尾部时才能看到,来自彗星的碎片会化作道道流光

    The annual April Lyrids are only visible as the Earth passes through the tail of the Thatcher comet towards the end of the month, with the bright streaks of lights being particles from that comet.


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