• 录下整个旅程

    She videotaped the entire trip.


  • 所以认为已经来了。

    So I just assumed it had been filmed or videotaped.


  • Low教授NBA学生上课时,我们整个上课过程,然后光盘

    We video clipped the class as Professor Low taught the NBA students and then converted them to CDs.


  • 记得录下那个节目了吗?

    Did you remember to record that programme for me?


  • 自己亚洲之行来了。

    He kept a journal of his travels across Asia.


  • 戴了一个窃听器秘密录下谈话

    He wore a hidden microphone to secretly tape-record conversations.


  • 演出班级排练

    He recorded the class rehearsing before the performance.


  • 物品位置录下

    Keep a note of where each item can be found.


  • 没有办法阻止观众像带电影

    There is nothing to stop viewers from recording the films on videotape.


  • 外出期间,花费来。

    Keep a tally of how much you spend while you're away.


  • 这项工作为了录下样品所有分析

    The practice is to keep on record any analysis of samples.


  • 可以预选的节目预设像机来。

    You can preselect programmes you want to watch, and program your VCR to record them.


  • 难民采访录下了一部歧视暴力历史

    Interviews with the refugees catalogue a history of discrimination and violence.


  • 两个人谈话录下送给了一家报纸。

    Private conversations between the two had been taped and sent to a newspaper.


  • 这项条约的观点完好地记录下一再被重复

    Her views on the treaty are well-documented and oft-repeated.


  • 巡视员尽职红色工作簿录下日期

    The inspector dutifully recorded the date in a large red book.


  • 里斯自己观察结果书面形式录下的杰出能力

    Ferris has a rare ability to record her observations on paper.


  • 迅速那些名字然后简单如实地那个故事。

    She had noted down the names and she told me the story simply and factually.


  • 达·芬奇研究非常有条理,仔细地录下他的观察所得理论

    Da Vinci was methodical in his research, carefully recording his observations and theories.


  • 难过地沃森已经兽医电话,要永远结束他们痛苦

    He notes grimly that the Watsons have called the vet to put their dog out of its misery.


  • 可以智能手机录下一些对话

    You could use a smartphone to record some of the conversation.


  • 努力感受

    Keep track of your efforts and write down how you feel.


  • 这话是从本教科书中摘录下的。

    This sentence fell from that textbook.


  • 摄像机照相机事件录下

    Use a camcorder or camera to record the event.


  • 警察录下名字地址了吗?

    Has the police officer taken your name and address already?


  • 所有的上网习惯都可以被记录下来。

    All of your online habits can be recorded.


  • 遗憾他的许多乐曲并没有被记录下来。

    It's really a pity that not many pieces of his music were recorded.


  • 了两年的听众后,他决定记录下自己的阅读过程。

    After being a listener for two years, he decided to record himself reading books.


  • 当网有一个阅读挑战,学生可以在线阅读,然后记录下他们的阅读时间。

    Dangdang has a reading challenge where students read online and then record the minutes they've read.


  • 我13岁的时候,一次法语课上,老师让我们录下自己谈论家庭的情况。

    When I was 13, in my French lesson, my teacher told us to record ourselves speaking about our families.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定