• 这种现象容易被因为简单的疏忽

    It is easy to chalk that up to simple human carelessness.


  • 这种转变因为技术巨大进步

    Gigantic progress in technology can also account for such alteration.


  • 蜜蜂攻击或是都可以因为运气不好

    Bee attacks, like rattlesnake bites, are mostly a matter of bad luck.


  • 老板罗伯特•路亚克公司倒闭因为两种走向

    Howrey's boss, Robert Ruyak, blamed two new trends for his firm's demise.


  • 这个计划失败不能简单地因为运气不好

    The failure of the plan can't simply be chalked up to bad luck.


  • 分析师们将疲软需求因为中国消费者信心下滑。

    Analysts attribute the weak demand to declining consumer confidence in China.


  • 他们把岩屑流动速率不同归因为它们粘性不同。

    They attribute the different flow rates of debris and water to their markedly different viscosities.


  • 然而,把持续无作为所导致的后果归因为无知站不住脚的。

    However, it is indefensible to can claim ignorance to the possible ramifications of continued inaction.


  • 这样水平归因为糖尿病妇女不完全低效脂肪氧化

    The higher levels were assigned to incomplete or inefficient oxidation of fat in the diabetic women.


  • 分析者把这归因为存款收益降低导致资金储蓄账户理财产品转移

    Analysts attribute weakening deposit accumulation to the migration of funds from savings accounts to wealth-management products.


  • 他们不是把世界因为拟人化的创造,而是要寻求一个合理解释

    Instead of attributing its creation to anthropomorphic gods, they sought rational explanations.


  • 如果一个园丁能完成这个田地播种栽种,全都因为所作所为。

    If the gardener has not completed the planting of the field, leaving one part unused, this shall be assigned to him as his.


  • 中国巴西这样经济体去年年底受到冲击,不仅仅也不主要因为美国需求下滑

    Economies such as China or Brazil were walloped late last year not only, or even mainly, because American demand plunged.


  • 有些人认为神秘能量线超能力漩涡应当承担责任,而其他人归因为

    Some believe that mysterious energy lines or supernatural vortices are to blame; still others attribute them to freak wind patterns.


  • 德国国家旅游局这种下降归因为全球经济气候变化以及商务旅游下降

    The German national tourist board attributed the drop to "the change in the global economic climate" and decreased business travel.


  • 谴责首相将骚乱简单因为文化问题而不考虑机会缺少剥削对英国社会造成的影响

    He'll accuse the prime minister of taking a simplistic view of the riots, by seeing them as a problem of culture alone without considering the impact of lack of opportunity and deprivation.


  • 研究发现可能解释不能因为进化对于自然选择来说,获得IQ时间跨度)的效应有所帮助

    The study’s findings may also help explain the Flynn effect, which can’t be accounted for by evolution (the IQ gains occur over time spans too short for natural selection).


  • 研究发现可能解释不能因为进化对于自然选择来说,获得IQ时间跨度)的效应有所帮助

    The study's findings may also help explain the Flynn effect, which can't be accounted for by evolution (the IQ gains occur over time spans too short for natural selection).


  • 因此现有潜在的捐赠归因为非盈利组织人格特质以及基于组织的个性区分不同非盈利组织。

    Thus, current and potential donors ascribe personality traits to nonprofit organizations and differentiate between nonprofit on the basis of the organizations' personality.


  • 我们发现股票价格有正面影响,一结果因为股票分拆传达利好信号改善了股票的流动性

    We find positive price reactions to stock splits and conclude that these may be attributable to the favourable signals that stock splits send and the improved liquidity they provide.


  • 特定地区天气多重因素驱动发生在这样复杂不稳定环境没有一种单一天气事件仅仅因为气候变化

    Weather in a given region occurs in such a complex and unstable environment, driven by such a multitude of factors, that no single weather event can be pinned solely on climate change.


  • 可以产生万有引力相反的斥力,产生爆炸中的暴涨随后使宇宙产生更为平稳加速度这种加速度因为能量

    It can produce repulsive gravity to drive cosmic inflation in the big bang, while later on it could generate the more sedate acceleration that is ascribed to dark energy.


  • 一部分因为不同学科难易程度相差大:通常情况定量学科的老师容易程度”方面得到分数低一些

    This is in part because the perceived difficulty of courses varies so much by discipline: in general, academics teaching quantitative subjects tended to receive lower ratings for ease.


  • 而且如果卡扎菲真的下台,他们可不想重蹈美国进军伊拉克覆辙,美国进军伊拉克之后的混乱情势广泛因为缺乏计划

    And if Gadhafi does leave the scene, they would rather not repeat the chaos of post-U. S-invasion Iraq, which was widely blamed on a lack of planning.


  • 波兰还有特别原因,存在是否控制预算赤字质疑以及担心通胀归因为兹罗提升值不在ERM-2的范围内)。

    Poland, for its part, failed to qualify because of doubts that it could control its budget deficit and worries that it owed its low inflation to the rise in the zloty (which was not in ERM-2).


  • 但是,部分在校硕士生某些情境过程中损害自身身心健康因,总是把性事件的发生归因为内在的、可控原因

    However, someone also make certain attribution damaging mental health in some situation attribution process, for example, they may attribute some negative events to internal and controllable causes.


  • 本文依据气田天然气组分特征,将天然气划分湿气凝析气和溶解气;依据同位素组成,将天然气归因为煤成气、油成气和二者的混合气。

    According to the characteristics of natural gas composition in each gas field, the natural gas is classified as dry gas, wet gas, condensate gas and dissolved gas in this paper.


  • 研究时长超过年,参与样本超过660万并发表医学期刊《柳叶刀》上面。研究结果表明,在居住在嘈杂路段50范围痴呆症死亡患者中,有十分之一的患者病因可因为尾气噪音

    A decade-long study of 6.6 million people, published in The Lancet, found that one in 10 dementia deaths in people living within 50 metres of a busy road was attributable to fumes and noise.


  • 有些尔富尔战斗以及随后人民迁移因于气候变化因为人们争夺目标是日益减少资源

    Some people ascribe the fighting in Darfur - and the consequent displacement of its people - to climate change, as people struggle over diminishing resources.


  • 核心通胀率一段下跌很大程度上因于房租下跌现在房租了上涨的势头,因为住房空置率开始下降

    Most of that drop has been because of falling rents, and they now appear to be headed higher again as apartment vacancies start to drop.


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