• 情况变得更加要命建立弹性机制加以应对势在必行。

    It will become virulent and it's something we have to build resilience against.


  • 利用声弹性理论弹性机制层面,研究轮齿超声抛的机理;

    The corresponding theory and method were introduced. The physical process of ultrasonic lapping was studied on mechanics of elastic waves by elastodynamics.


  • [摘要]房地产价格弹性机制房地产梯度机制房地产价格机制主要组成部分

    Abstract: the real estate price elasticity and gradient mechanism are the major components of the real estate price mechanism.


  • 测得应力形状与解析计算相吻合,证实上述光强范围内激光在产生应力波弹性机制

    An analytical calculation identifies the hot -elastic mechanism of the laser induced stress wave in the aluminum targets herein.


  • 基于这个原因确保namenode故障弹性机制重要,为此,hadoop提供了两种机制

    For this reason, it is important to make the namenode resilient to failure, and Hadoop provides two mechanisms for this.


  • 除开6%之外所有人都认为至少这种几乎任何地点都能工作弹性机制使他们有效率半数的人认为他们确实从中得益良多。

    All but 6% believe that they are at least as productive with the flexibility to work nearly anywhere; over half say they are substantially more so.


  • 实质上制度价值不止更深层次作为防止公民私法冲突上升国家冲突的一种弹性机制而存在的。

    But essentially, this system is worth far more than that, in deeper than that for which it is used as a flexible mechanism that prevents conflicts of citizen of private law rose to national conflicts.


  • 年来拉丁美洲经济保持着5%年均增长率通货膨胀普遍较低,但之后它们2009年面临着一次针对弹性机制严峻挑战

    After five years in which Latin America's economies have averaged 5% annual growth with generally low inflation, they face a severe test of their new-found resilience in 2009.


  • 如果这样做的话弹性货币机制矛盾

    Not doing so would be inconsistent with the flexible currency regime.


  • 同样地中国聪明——自己有利可图,只部分地出于不想视为屈服美国要求的想法,从而就抵制更具弹性汇率机制

    Likewise, China is foolish to resist a more flexible exchange rate partly because it does not want to be seen as caving in to America's demands, when it is in its own interest.


  • 亚洲将包括个更弹性的外汇比率机制

    In Asia, that includes allowing greater exchange-rate flexibility.


  • 传统上,各个公司通过二层机制(生成)第三路由协议获得城域以太网基本弹性

    Companies traditionally have gained basic resiliency for their metropolitan Ethernet networks through a Layer 2 mechanism such as Spanning Tree or Layer 3 routing protocols.


  • 高级应用程序内部消息机制(advanced Intra- App Messaging)——构建伸缩性弹性的应用程序提供负载分级和负载平衡。

    Advanced Intra-App Messaging - load leveling and load balancing for building highly scalable and resilient applications.


  • 土体总的变形部分组成弹性应变、与体积屈服机制相关塑性应变剪切屈服机制相关的塑性应变。

    The total deformation of soils consists of three parts: elastic strain, plastic strain related to volumetric yielding mechanism and plastic strain related to shear yielding mechanism.


  • 雌激素血管受体结合通常使血管保持弹性处于扩张状态,其它心脏保护机制一同修复受损脉管系统。

    The normal result of this estrogen binding is that blood vessel walls remain elastic and dilated, and damage to the vasculature is repaired, among other heart-protective effects.


  • 随着市场机制我国经济生活中的作用日益增强医疗服务需求弹性研究受到广泛关注

    Followed by increasingly reinforcement effect of market mechanism on the economic daily life in our country, research on the demand elasticity of medical services accepted generally attention.


  • 为了实现基于优先区分业务服务质量,弹性分组环采用基于优先区分队列以及转发机制

    In order to guarantee the QoS of traffic based on priority division, RPR adopts the multiple-channel and multiple-queue to differentiate the traffic with priorities.


  • 研究了运动弹性碰撞机制证明了布郎粒子能量均分定理

    The elastic collision mechanism of brownian motion is studied and the equipartition of kinetic energy of brownian particle has been proved.


  • 研究了运动弹性碰撞机制证明了布郎粒子能量均分定理

    The elastic collision mechanism of Brownian motion is studied, and the equipartition of kinetic energy of Brownian particle has been proved.


  • 分数阶微积分理论框架下分形动力学机制引入生物弹性方程研究

    Within the framework of the fractional calculus theory, the mechanism of fractal dynamics is introduced to the constitutive equation research of viscoelastic materials.


  • 本文力学观点阐明多层重叠形成机制介绍弹性壳压曲破坏模型。

    In this paper, the forming mechanism of the multilayer rafted ice is described from mechanics view, and the buckling failure of a plate on an elastic foundation is introduced.


  • 劳动供给是否具有弹性以及工资不同形式效率工资机制发生作用没有影响

    Differences in wage forms and whether labor supply has elasticity or not, have no influence on the actions of Efficiency Wages Mechanism.


  • 燃气管道设计中对管道转角处理可以采用机制弯管、热弯头、冷弯弯管、弹性敷设

    The mechanical elbow, hot-bending bend, cold-bending bend and elastic installation can be used to handle pipeline corners in design of gas pipeline.


  • 人民币汇率不再盯住单一美元形成弹性的人民币汇率机制

    The RMB exchange rate no longer observes closely sole US dollar, forms the richer elastic RMB exchange rate mechanism.


  • 要通过构建培训学分银行”对接长效机制,为农民工培训经费投入机制上与弹性学习机制上“保驾护航”。

    Setting up the long-term effective mechanism of the training coupon and "the credit bank", can escort the financial and flexible mechanism of farmer training.


  • 分析表明不完全相变过程中的弹性再分布是可能温度记忆效应机制

    The analysis suggests that this could be due to the re-distribution of the elastic strain energy during the incomplete transformation.


  • 此外,我国应建立弹性汇率机制充分顾及外部条件防止挤出效应”的发生。

    Furthermore, we should set up the more elastic exchange rate system, considering exterior condition enough, avoiding "extrusion effects".


  • 此外,我国应建立弹性汇率机制充分顾及外部条件防止挤出效应”的发生。

    Furthermore, we should set up the more elastic exchange rate system, considering exterior condition enough, avoiding "extrusion effects".


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