• 织物弯曲长度厚度等与织物悬垂可以线性方程表达

    The relationship can be expressed by a linear equation of winding length and thickness versus drape behavior.


  • 弯曲测试实验中,通过标定测试用AFM悬臂有效长度从而修正了弹簧常数

    In bending test, the spring constant of AFM micro cantilever is corrected through the calibration of its effective length.


  • 扭结长度材料产生绷紧卷曲曲折弯曲例如因。

    A tight curl, twist, or bend in a length of thin material, as one caused by the tensing of a looped section of wire.


  • 然而通常情况下这些不到长度因为如果它们长一点就会由于生产过程中受热而弯曲

    Normally, however, the boards come in lengths of less than two metres, for if they are any longer they warp with the heat of their production process.


  • 针对工厂积累的大量生产实验数据提出一种基于人工神经网络计算弯曲件板料展开长度方法

    A new method based on artificial neural network to calculate the developed length quickly is proposed according to many data accumulated during experimenting and manufacturing.


  • 结果表明,欠料注射延迟时间影响长度手指效应和弯曲强度主要工艺参数

    The result showed that shot size and gas delay time were the primary factors influencing gas penetration length, bending strength and fingering.


  • 合适单元长度铰链转角下,柔性套管可以较好地适应弯曲井眼

    With rational unit length and hinge rotating Angle, the flexible casing can be adaptable to the buckling borehole.


  • 特点完全密封任意弯曲伸缩直径长度不限大小可以定做

    Features: fully sealed, arbitrary curved telescopic, pipe diameter and length does not limit the size can be customized.


  • 相邻电池间隔要小于长度保证铜条上弯曲张力存在

    Adjacent batteries must be spaced closer than the strip length so that there is always spring-bow tension in the strip.


  • 通过修正金属长度横截面积,实现换能器纵向振动弯曲振动的同频共振。

    By correcting the length of the metal slender rods, the simultaneous resonance of the longitudinal and flexural vibrations in the transducer is acquired.


  • 螺杆泵工作螺杆长度较大刚性较差容易引起弯曲,造成工作失常

    Screw pump screw length is larger because of the job, poor rigidity, easy to cause bending work properly.


  • 状态下任意长度上,加任意大小轴向载荷而不产生弯曲

    With this situation, any amount of axial load can be applied to compressive bar of arbitrary length without bending.


  • 而且导管可以配置沿整个长度具有截面轮廓预定柔性从而导致导管预定方向上弯曲卷曲或移动。

    Further, a catheter may be configured to have a cross sectional profile or a predefined flexibility along its entire length that causes the catheter to bend, curve or move in a predefined direction.


  • 扭结:长度材料产生绷紧卷曲曲折弯曲例如因拉紧线的有环部分

    A tight curl, twist, or bend in a length of thin material, as one caused by the tensing of a looped section of wire.


  • 其次使构件破坏时充分发挥预应力钢绞线强度防止弯曲裂缝出现在延伸长度之内,提出先张预应力混凝土在均布荷载作用下的最小

    Secondly, the least length of pretensioned prestressed concrete slab is defined to make the full use of steel strand strength and avoid flexural crack occurs within the development length.


  • 结果表明弯曲叶片性能不仅与叶片两端部弯曲角度有关,与积线形状长度有关。

    The results show that the performance of curved blade is influenced not only by the end Angle, but also by the shape and length of the stacking line.


  • 形且作柱状弯曲时,精确地求得挠度长度同级的变形基本公式

    The fundamental formula of large deformation, when the deflection is of the same order as the length of the shell, is derived exactly for cylindrical shell under cylindrical deformation.


  • 弯曲通道有助于增加分离通道长度减小外界压力梯度干扰

    MicroChannel turns contribute to extending the separation length and reducing the disturbance of external pressure gradient.


  • 实验表明随着纤维含有量纤维长度增加材料弯曲模量递增趋势。

    Experimental results show that the flexural modulus increases with the increases of the fibre content and length.


  • 认为最大长度例如弯曲制动器漂亮,我50“,使计划指出一点过分只有经过建设,我相信一点。”

    I think the maximal length of such a bending brake is pretty much what I have built: 50 ". The plans point this out too, but only after building it I also believe it."


  • 经过计算发现变幅长度系统振动频率影响不如弯曲杆显著。

    The calculation result shows that the length of amplitude lever had less effect on the vibration frequency of the system than that of the curvature cutter holder.


  • 本文应用弹塑性弯曲理论提出了一种消除焊接对接接头变形平面拘束力计算方法,计算了极限拘束力、拘束长度变形的量值,并通过试验验证了方法的有效性。

    By the theory of elastoplastic bend, this paper prowents a method to calculate out - of -- plane restraint and reverse deformation that are made use of to remove angle deformation in butt joints.


  • 着重讨论集中倾角弯曲形状载荷—挠度关系塑性长度影响

    The emphasis of the analysis is put on the effects of the angle of inclination of the concentrated force upon the deformed shape, the load-deflection relationship and the length of the plastic region.


  • 初步研究织物伸出长度弯曲刚度、剪切刚度对静态悬垂系数的影响

    Furthermore, the relation of fabric drapability and stretching-length, flexual modulus and shearing modulus is also discussed.


  • 柱横向非线性振动随着弯曲最大挠度增大而减小,初弯曲钻柱横向非线性振动基频的影响钻柱长度增大而增大,随压力的影响而增加。

    The effect of initial deflection on the first frequency increased with either the length of drill stem or the axial compressive force on the drill stem increases.


  • 实用新型的目的是提供一种可以弯曲的、长度可以改变的伸缩式塑料瓶

    The utility model aims at providing a telescopic plastic bottle which can be bent and stretched or shortened.


  • 部件12具有纵向延伸缺口部分16,该缺口部分限定沿管状部件12长度预定位置形成弯曲增强

    The tubular member 12 has a longitudinally extending, cutaway portion 16 defining a bend-enhancing region formed at a predetermined location along a length of the tubular member 12.


  • 断层作用造成地层缩短等于水平距;由褶皱造成的地层缩短量等于褶皱弯曲部分的长度减去弯曲剖分的水平距离。

    The shortened part due to faulting is equal to horizontal fault throw, and the shortened part due to folding is the difference between a curved formation length and its corresponding "span".


  • 另外,鉴于弯曲管道管道内激波长度之间明显差异已有基于直管道的激波串长度经验公式不能很好地适用弯曲管道。

    The existing empirical correlation based on straight duct can not predict well the length of shock train in bend duct due to their distinct difference in shock train length.


  • 另外,鉴于弯曲管道管道内激波长度之间明显差异已有基于直管道的激波串长度经验公式不能很好地适用弯曲管道。

    The existing empirical correlation based on straight duct can not predict well the length of shock train in bend duct due to their distinct difference in shock train length.


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