• 奥拉告诉弗拉姆故事

    Ora tells Avram the story of her life.


  • 背景奥拉弗拉姆徒步穿越以色列北部

    The setting is a long walk that Ora and Avram take through northern Israel.


  • 他们测量地点北冰洋拉姆海峡格陵兰岛海冰区域。

    They are measuring the sea ice in the Greenland Sea, Fram Strait and Arctic Ocean.


  • 罗曼已经指定拉姆接替伟大穆里尼奥

    Roman has appointed Avram as the replacement for mighty Mourinho.


  • 一如预计,到了9月弗拉姆号就迅速被冻结

    As expected, the Fram became locked fast in the ice in September.


  • 拉姆·阿尔法会告诉以后经常当前温度预报大量数据

    Wolfram Alpha will show you lots of data beyond just the regular current temperature and forecasts.


  • 沃尔弗拉姆·阿尔法会告诉下一次日全食抵达旧金山最后一个时发生

    Wolfram Alpha will show you when the next solar eclipse will arrive over San Francisco and when the last one occurred.


  • 屋顶提琴手》一句对话总结了这个研究严特媒人朋友弗拉姆

    There is a dialogue in Fiddler On The Roof that perfectly concludes this study. Yente, the matchmaker, says to her friend Avram


  • 不过拉姆轻松地顶住了一切可怕挤压只是冰层深处被一路挤出了冰面,毫发无损。

    But the Fram easily withstood all this frightful squeezing and simply rose up, unharmed, from the depths of the ice.


  • 沃尔弗拉姆·阿尔法显示容易找到雅虎财经网站大量财务数据超越几步

    Wolfram Alpha will show plenty of financial data that's easy to find on sites such as Yahoo Finance, but it goes a few steps beyond, too.


  • 起初想知道如果沃尔弗拉姆·阿尔法一些不好数据擦洗了过去几十一对夫妇。

    At first I wondered if Wolfram Alpha had some poorly scrubbed data or the red Sox had a couple hard years in the last few decades.


  • 弗拉姆表示,堪萨斯通过利用肥沃的土地种植转化生物燃料农作物,扩大可再生能源来源。

    Kansas can add to the renewable energy mix, Frahm believes, by using its ample farmland to grow crops that can be converted into biofuels.


  • 当他们只雪橇条皮艇以及二十八只向着北方出发的时候,弗拉姆号上两门火炮齐鸣向他们致敬。

    A cannon volley boomed as the two skiers, dragging three sleds, carrying two kayaks, and accompanied by 28 dogs, headed north.


  • 弗拉姆故事堪称一个现代挪威传奇,这个故事与无法想象艰难险阻及源自挪威民族性格的理智奋斗有关

    The story of the Fram is a modern Norse saga, a story of unimaginable hardship and intelligent striving that is closely tied to Norwegian national identity.


  • 关于Alpha这个名字沃尔拉姆看作长达十年建立一个可以计算所有人类知识的长期项目开始

    As for the name "Alpha," Wolfram sees this as the start of a decades-long project to build a system that can compute all human knowledge.


  • 南森那些令人目不暇给成就里,反而弗拉姆”在1893年到1896年之间悲惨旅程人生富有戏剧性

    For all of Nansen's protean accomplishments, it was the harrowing journey of the Fram between 1893 and 1896 that gave his life story real drama.


  • 沃尔弗拉姆·阿尔法公共发射两个星期后到期已经步伐通过一个网站沃尔夫·勒姆研究预览版本

    Wolfram Alpha's public launch is due in a couple weeks, but I've been putting a preview version of the Wolfram Research site through its paces.


  • 然而第二早些时候,很明显拉姆号是不能到达北极了,为了实现目标南森不得不踏上冰面雪橇向北极进发。

    Early in the second year, however, it became apparent that Fram would not reach the Pole. To achieve his goal, Nansen would have to get out on the ice with sleds and dogs and make a dash for it.


  • 一个地方,在那里认识两个儿子其中之一是也是的儿子,不是依兰的。 他们的儿子现在服兵役,埃弗拉姆可以毫无顾忌的去爱他。

    She wants to bring him to a state where he can acknowledge that one of her two sons is his and not Ilan’s—and he can come to love the boy, now a serving soldier.


  • 这里人们还可以透过密林眺望寒冷峡湾,弗拉姆就是在那里下水,并且如今就在那里长眠那宏伟的墓穴里,不是作为而是作为挪威的船长眠于那里。

    From here one can look out through thick woods toward the cold fjord where the Fram was launched and where she now rests in her splendid tomb-not his ship, but Norway's.


  • 的“朱丽叶艾琳·拉姆交换婚,切卡雷利愉快地说:“激动知道结婚能使心情激动,特别是这样一个环境里。”

    "I feel very emotional. You know, marriage always gives strong emotions especially in a situation like this," said a beaming Ceccarelli, before exchanging rings with his Juliet, Irene Lamforti.


  • 里蒙特法官蒂姆。戈拉迪起诉人无法证明俱乐部不是一家剧院。

    Fremont County Judge Timothy o 'grady said prosecutors failed to prove the club wasn't a theater.


  • 最新的IMF小组克鲁斯为首,文-勒姆斯西蒙-佩格搭档,组员包括杰瑞米-雷纳保罗-巴顿拉基米尔-马什科夫。

    The new IMF team led by Cruise also features franchise stars Ving Rhames and Simon Pegg while new team members include Jeremy Renner, Paula Patton and Vladimir Mashkov.


  • 不过根据俄罗斯阿尔法银行分析家马克西姆·马特预测,目前的钢材价格只有下滑幅度达到40%或者50%之后,让耶拉兹真正陷入亏损的境地,当然大多数分析家也不认为这种现象会出现。

    Still, according to Maxim Matveev, metals analyst at Russia's Alfa Bank, steel prices would have to dive by 40% to 50% before Evraz would go into the red, an outcome few analysts predict.


  • 当前国际象棋世界冠军拉基米尔·克拉姆·尼克,就今年12月一个国际象棋程序击败

    In the current world champion of chess, I think Vladimir Kramnik, was defeated in December by a chess-playing program.


  • 布朗自从圣诞富勒姆比赛之后就没有打过,因此曼联那场比赛其实就只有一个全乎后卫。

    Brown's absence from the pre-Christmas trip to Fulham because of a hamstring injury was one of the reasons United went into the game with only one recognised defender. in Patrice Evra.


  • 拉里·喜爱本书是《·贾里格:沉默英雄》,作者是朗克·格瑞艾姆:这本1969年的传记描述的是一位棒球历史上最受人尊敬的运动员的故事。

    Larry King, Lou Gehrig: a Quiet Hero by Frank Graham: This 1969 bio describes the life of one of the most respected men in baseball history.


  • 拉里·喜爱本书是《·贾里格:沉默英雄》,作者是朗克·格瑞艾姆:这本1969年的传记描述的是一位棒球历史上最受人尊敬的运动员的故事。

    Larry King, Lou Gehrig: a Quiet Hero by Frank Graham: This 1969 bio describes the life of one of the most respected men in baseball history.


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