• 方案比选表明垂直矿体倾向开采方案优。

    The scheme comparison shows that mining along the direction vertical to the orebody dip is the optimum.


  • 设计一整套操作性很强露天地下开采方案

    Design a operative scheme which can carry out transferring from open pit mining into underground mining successfully.


  • 介绍开采方案设计采取安全措施成功经验

    This paper introduces the design of mining scheme and safety measures adopted and also sums up the successful experience obtained therefrom.


  • 应用识别校正后模型预测不同开采方案地下水动态。

    The identified and revised model is used to forecast the groundwater regime for different exploitation schemes.


  • 有限开采方案优选决策后果影响深远,组成决策进行决策。

    Because the optimizing selection among the finite mining methods has great economic and social effects, decision making under decision group is necessary to be carried out.


  • 要确定一个好的料场开采方案往往需要进行大量规划设计工作

    Confirm a good material mining plan once, often need to carry on a large amount of planning design work.


  • 由此可知,具体开采方案轮采时间根据生产需要设置183以上即可。

    From this, the roller time of specific mining programs, can be set to more than 183 days according to production needs.


  • 油气田开发中,制定加密井、采等开采方案需要地下油藏动态变化方面信息

    In oilfield development, the information on reservoir dynamic state is neded when arranging new wel positions and designing injection and recovery schemes.


  • 并针对各种开采方案地面累积沉降量最少的原则,给出含水层开采方案

    Aiming at controlling the land subsidence, the optimal exploitation scheme for each aquifer is presented, which provides a scientific foundation for exploiting groundwater reasona.


  • 结合露天开采边界条件露天转地下开拓系统条件,提出诱导冒落高效开采方案

    In combination with the boundary conditions of open-pit and the development system of the underground mining transferred from open-pit, a high efficient induced caving method is proposed.


  • 因此确定一个好的料场开采方案骨料加工方案往往需要进行大量设计研究工作

    Therefore, a good material mining plan and an aggregate processing plan should be determined, which often requires a large amount of research.


  • 该文简要介绍矿床地质特征,重点讨论了该矿床地下开采方案以及辐射防护问题

    The paper briefly introduces the geology features of the deposit, makes a particular discussion on these problems such as the underground mining scheme, and radiation protection, etc.


  • 现有的多种天然气水合物开采方案激法减压法、化学抑制剂法、置换法混合开采法等。

    Several exploitation methods for tapping NGH have been suggested, such as thermal activation, pressure releasing, chemical inhibitor, replacement and slurry mining.


  • 利用FLAC程序,对鞍山矿业公司眼前山铁矿采场帮设计和调整开采方案分别进行了模拟研究。

    With FLAC, two mining plans of southern slope of Yanqianshan Iron Mine, anshan mining Industry Corp.


  • 模拟结果破坏区域破坏程度评价边坡稳定性从而评价两种开采方案可能形成的破坏情况。

    Through failure region and failure extent in the simulations, the stability of high rock slope is studied. Consequently, possible failure of two deeply mining plans is evaluated.


  • 地质模型矿产勘探开发中具有重要作用,在矿产评价以及开采方案设计起到举足轻重的作用。

    Geological model in mineral exploration and development plays an important role in the evaluation of mineral resources and mining programs play a decisive role in the design.


  • 编写合理优良计算机模拟开采系统软件对于露天矿山工程长短期生产计划编制开采方案的优选有着特别重要的意义。

    It is important for preparing the long-term or short-term yield plan in open mine project to develop the excellent simulation mining software.


  • 针对采场正值剥离洪峰剥采比较的问题,对主矿采场实施开采可行性进行论述并且陡帮开采方案提出初步设想。

    The feasibility of adopting steep slope mining at main quarry is discussed against stripping ratio is high in flood peak period, and the preliminary scheme is put forward.


  • 根据煤矿地质条件地面建筑物情况,提出了村庄开采方案两种开采方案从技术、经济角度进行论证、分析,确定全采搬迁方案

    According to the conditionof the geology structure in Qianling district and the situation of the building on the ground, Two mining-methods about pressed coal in villages are putted.


  • 采用预测方法不仅科学指导了下深度,减少了大量起下泵工作量保证原油同时对调整开采方案、合理开发地下水具有重要意义。

    The method for depth reduction are not only for guiding pump setting depth scientifically, also reducing a great deal of work for pump tripping and ensuring oil production, and at the same...


  • 采用预测方法不仅科学指导了下深度,减少了大量起下泵工作量,保证原油同时对调整开采方案、合理开发地下水也具有重要意义。

    The method for depth reduction are not only for guiding pump setting depth scientifically, also reducing a great deal of work for pump tripping and ensuring oil production, and...


  • 非常规石油拯救我们即便启动开采加拿大沥青应急方案,到了2030年每天只能供500万

    Unconventional oil won't save us: even a crash programme to develop the Canadian tar sands could deliver only 5m barrels a day by 2030.


  • 计算结果表明原有设计方案深部开采导致局部破坏调整方案有效地改善深部边坡状况

    The results indicate that the designed deeply mining plan may lead to partial failure, and the adjusted plan effectively improves the condition of deep slope.


  • 非洲铜业公司正在研究开发地下方案以期开采较深的含矿物。

    African Copper is studying plans to develop an underground mine in order to exploit deeper sulphide mineralisation.


  • 按上述网格系统把储物性模型转化为气藏数值模型后,对气田的初步开发方案进行了论证,并且多种其它方法相对照,寻求气田开采最佳方式。

    This type of compound grid is used in the simulation of LuoDai gas field to demonstrate the best recovery scheme , with the aiding of other methods.


  • 强化开采技术以及如何实现强化开采进行分析探讨基础介绍了安庆铜矿强化开采工艺方案选择实施应用

    Based on the analysis and discussion of intensified mining and how to carry on it, the selection, implementing and application of intensified mining plan in Anqing Copper Mine are introduced.


  • 方案实施国内深井开采通风降温技术提出一条比较有效途径

    The implementation of the optimized design scheme has provided an effective way for the ventilation and temperature lowering in the deep mining in China.


  • 原因该矿生产组织管理、生产技术管理、施工工艺方案等未能适应该矿矿体的特定开采技术条件。

    The reason is that the mine's producing organizing management, producing technology management, construction arts and caving production don't suit the mine's special mining technology.


  • 针对其矿体稳固围岩中等稳固,以及存在较大采空区,矿体完整性破坏情况,提出了上向进路充填开采设计方案

    Because of these problems such as unstable ore bodies, moderately-stable wall rock, large work-out area, the design proposal of mining these ore bodies by filling-up method is presented.


  • 针对其矿体稳固围岩中等稳固,以及存在较大采空区,矿体完整性破坏情况,提出了上向进路充填开采设计方案

    Because of these problems such as unstable ore bodies, moderately-stable wall rock, large work-out area, the design proposal of mining these ore bodies by filling-up method is presented.


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