• 建筑地面抗磨面层。

    The anti-wear surface of building ground.


  • 上部结构建筑地面以上部分下部结构基础则是建筑地面以下的部分。

    The superstructure is that part of a building above ground, and the substructure and foundation is that part of a building below ground.


  • 事实上一些宝塔设计中甚至停留地面上,而是塔顶悬吊下来——松散地悬挂在建筑中间

    In fact, in some pagoda designs, it does not even rest on the ground, but is suspended from the top of the pagodahanging loosely down through the middle of the building.


  • 地面上,门口很小里面建筑很大

    Above the ground, the doorway is small, but inside, the building is huge.


  • 过度抽取地下水建造成千上万高层建筑加剧了地面沉降。

    Land subsidence has been aggravated by overpumping of underground water and the construction of thousands of high-rise buildings.


  • 雷达这样做是为了去除地面杂波有关山丘建筑信息需要这些。

    Radar does this to remove ground clutter, information about hills or buildings that it doesn't need.


  • 外面空气下方地面收集热量并用供应建筑供水所需的热量。

    It removes heat from the air outside or the ground below and uses it to supply heat to a building or its water supply.


  • 到达地面时,他其他人一起最近建筑移动

    When he gets to the ground, he moves with the others toward the nearest building.


  • 她们这栋建筑时看到,如今地面仅有一米

    They stepped off the building: the third floor now stood just one metre above ground.


  • 一幢幢公寓整个建筑复杂外形里穿梭逶迤这样公寓的地面设计便看上去荒诞不经

    The apartments wander through the complexity of the building's form, so their floor plans look insane.


  • 它们倒映着我们地面上那些高耸云端的伟大建筑比如金字塔,它们纪念碑又是坟墓。

    They are a mirror image to our towering achievements above ground and, like the pyramids, they are both monument and tomb.


  • 由于震中地面很近,7.0地震导致剧烈摇动,摧毁了高度在两三以上所有建筑

    With its epicenter close to the surface, the 7.0-magnitude earthquake resulted in massive shaking that toppled every building taller than two or three stories.


  • 但是所有明白哈马斯空中力量方面完全处于劣势将会设法诱使以色列地面部队进入建筑稠密加沙地带,游击队进行巷战

    But everyone understands, too, that Hamas, completely outgunned from the air, seeks to lure Israeli ground troops into the heavily built-up Gaza Strip to engage them with street-fighting guerrillas.


  • 水泥建筑外墙上油漆已经剥落地面也斑驳碎裂

    Grim cement buildings covered in peeling paint rise from the cracked pavement.


  • 然而奇异的解释描绘了地面打开裂缝人们建筑一起吞噬

    Still, more fantastic interpretations depict large fissures opening up and swallowing people and buildings whole.


  • 这个地牢砂岩上凿而成,地牢(图片下方)的位置在英国诺丁汉城堡(图片上方)的下面。地牢经过镭射扫描制成3d图片,并叠加地面建筑图片显现。

    Carved from sandstone, the dungeon (foreground) beneath England's Nottingham Castle (top) -scanned in 3-d via lasers-is superimposed on an image of the aboveground buildings.


  • 整个科考形状就像是一个机翼,它由36支撑柱托起,地面3米多高,极地可以建筑底下加速吹过,防止积雪堆积

    Sitting 10 feet off the ground on 36 stilts, the station is shaped like an airplane wing. Wind accelerates underneath and discourages snow from piling up.


  • 27个楼层覆盖满了相当于公顷森林面积的树木两座分别高365英尺(111米)260英尺(79米)的高楼变成了翠绿色。 这座塔式建筑种满730棵树木、500棵灌木以及1.1万株地面植物

    With trees equal to one hectare of forest spanning 27 floors, these 365 and 260-foot emerald, twin towers will be home to an astonishing 730 trees, 5, 000 shrubs and 11, 000 ground plants.


  • 坐落美丽沿海滨——福建石狮市江镇,60亩,始建于1990年。 公司现有标准厂房18000多平方米建筑面积达20000多平方米,二期花园式工业园已破土动工,下辖休闲茄克、休闲裤五个生产基地,固定资产1.5个亿,是中国休闲之都——石狮的服装龙头企业。

    Situated in the Shishi, the beautiful coastal city, Baowei covers a area of 60 mu(40 000 square meters) with 18 000 square meters of workshop and 20 000 square meters of construction area.


  • 这个中心看起来像是死亡星球一面球形玻璃钢制鸟巢一个但又很窄的地面拔地而起建筑构成。

    This center looks like the Death Star and consists of a spherical glass and steel nest and a very long, low building raised off the ground.


  • 这些塔楼不仅利用视觉厚重感建筑固定在地面上,有助于生成这种开阔内部空间环境所需严谨韵律感

    The towers, not only ground the buildings with their visual weight, but they also contribute to the rigor of rhythmic play needed in such expansive internal Spaces and environment.


  • 为了3 - D模型重现架双引擎飞机飞越城市浓密树冠,发射并采集地面建筑其他结构反射回来激光束

    To reproduce the landscape in 3-D, a twin-engine plane flew over the city and fired laser beams through the dense tree canopy. The beams bounced off the ground, buildings, and other structures below.


  • 2007年,吨重钢铁740英尺大楼坠落,把地面一位建筑砸成瘫痪

    In 2007, seven tons of steel fell off the 740-foot-tall building, paralyzing an architect on the ground.


  • 通过探测显示肉眼很难识别变化这些图像用于分析地面建筑威胁状况。

    These images can be used for threat analysis on the ground and on buildings, by detecting and showing changes not readily apparent to the human eye.


  • 稍大一些建筑窗户震得粉碎瓦房屋顶也崩塌地面的混凝土砖墙成了碎石

    The Windows of larger buildings were smashed and the tile roofs of houses had crumbled to the ground, while old concrete-block walls were reduced to rubble.


  • 但健康物理学家清楚这样使地面上的工人们暴露在掩埋原料遮蔽建筑本身散发辐射之中。

    Health physicists knew that workers at ground level would be exposed to radiation from buried materials and to radiation emanating from the shelter.


  • 根据参加会议的人士讲,还有批评人士认为天井过于宏大建筑设计师博物馆新任馆长要求更多地面空间

    Other critics said the atrium was too grandiose, while the museum's new director, himself an architect, wanted more floor space, according to participants in the meetings.


  • 根据参加会议的人士讲,还有批评人士认为天井过于宏大建筑设计师博物馆新任馆长要求更多地面空间

    Other critics said the atrium was too grandiose, while the museum's new director, himself an architect, wanted more floor space, according to participants in the meetings.


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