• 巨大的市场影响成本搜寻成本延迟成本,对于信息披露特殊要求,使得机构投资者选择大宗交易制度

    Huge markets will influence, search for and defer the cost. Owing to the special demand to the information revealing, institutional investors have to choose bulk transfer system.


  • 由于削减成本邮件递送可能延迟

    Deliveries of mail could be delayed because of cost-cutting.


  • 这个新的报价可以反映延迟支付成本例如提高价格减少服务或者更多客户责任

    This new offer reflects what the delayed payment will cost her, such as an increased price, less service, or more client responsibility.


  • 修改中介适应更改后的后服务带来某些风险包括增加维护成本部署这些服务方面的延迟

    Modifying the mediation to accommodate the changed back-end services poses some risks, including increased maintenance costs and delays in getting these new services deployed.


  • 延迟成本额外损失然而高价可能仅仅是卖方财富转移能为供给增加提供资金支持。

    The cost of delay is a deadweight loss, whereas a higher price would be merely a wealth transfer to the sellers and would finance an increase in supply.


  • 过去18个月中随着延迟不断增加成本逐步上升甚至飞机一些忠实拥开始担心起来

    In the past 18 months, as delays have mounted and costs escalated, even some of the plane's ardent fans have become alarmed.


  • 另外通过建模模拟原始”和“将来业务流程能够确定成本延迟实现自动化方面

    Also, modeling and simulating "as-is" and "to-be" (future) business processes will allow for the identification of costs, delays, or areas for automation.


  • 许多组织浪费大量事件来处理延迟决策大大地提高了商业成本

    Many organizations waste a tremendous amount of time dealing with postponed decisions, which raises the cost of business significantly.


  • 同时还会因为进度表延迟开发工作量的增加,以及额外测试工作导致成本增加,并且全球化支持方面导致质量交付

    This also leads to high cost due to schedule delays, development workload, and extra test effort, and can result in lower quality delivery for globalization support.


  • 从一开始就尝试整个范围接受SOA延迟项目将使成本增加以至于您的CIO在证实它业务价值出现麻烦。

    Trying to tackle SOA in its entirety can delay your project and cost so much that your CIO might have trouble justifying its value to the business.


  • 订货时,我们强调任何交货延迟无疑增加货物成本

    While placing our order we emphasized that any delay in delivery would definitely add to the cost of the goods.


  • 取得MVR记录需要成本,所以在实际我们尽可能在处理流程延迟获取MVR记录。

    Because of the cost incurred when obtaining these records, we actually order MVR records fairly late in the process.


  • 机型成本超过预算、发货日期不断延迟等问题发生管理层绞尽脑汁努力使空中客车重回正轨

    Management is struggling to get Airbus back on track after cost overruns and delays with its new jetliners.


  • 6年前葡萄牙GSC签署合同,采购U- 214潜艇总价7.7亿欧元(10亿美元),因为交付延迟成本继续增长

    Portugal signed a contract with GSC six years ago for two U-214 submarines for 770 million euros (1.0 billion dollars), a sum that has increased due to delays.


  • 相应地成本降低只能通过减少(降低总数)、避免(付出成本)延迟(晚一点付出成本)来达到。

    Correspondingly, cost reductions can be achieved only through decreases (lowering the amount), avoidance (not incurring costs), or delay (incurring costs later).


  • 现代应急存储设备可以控制之下提供所有这些好处,且其成本要比托管方案多,不会出现互联网延迟情况。

    Modern on-premise storage devices provide all of these benefits fully under your control, at a much lower cost than a hosted solution can offer, and without the lag time of the Internet.


  • 延迟初始化:如果初始化成本过高,有时推迟初始化过程很有用的。

    Lazy initialization: it sometimes makes sense to defer initialization if the cost of initialization is significant.


  • 提高效率赋予了企业长远而巨大的好处但是,只要企业在提高产出能够找到进一步削减成本措施他们可能会延迟聘用新员工

    Again, improved efficiency confers great benefits in the longer term. However, to the extent that firms are able to find further cost-cutting measures as output expands, they may delay hiring.


  • 网络成本另一个例子如果企业距离云提供商很远可能会遇到很长的延迟尤其是流量大的情况下。

    In another instance of incurring network costs, companies who are far from the location of cloud providers could experience latency, particularly when there is heavy traffic.


  • 延迟已经花掉数以百万计成本迫使空中客车公司多家客户重新谈判合同

    The delays have cost millions and forced Airbus to renegotiate contracts with several customers.


  • 南非表示已经取消了购买飞机合同原因是由于飞机延迟交付成本上升7倍。

    South Africa said it had cancelled a contract to buy eight of the aircraft because of delays and a seven-fold cost rise in rand terms.


  • 延迟相关衍生成本炼厂需求盆冷水。

    The delays - and the costs associated with them - could put a chill on the refiners' demand for now.


  • 延迟退休不仅仅由于生活成本飞速增长。

    It is not just the soaring cost of living which is triggering the delay.


  • 然后建立了不同延迟策略下,考虑资金时间价值因素考虑资金时间价值因素时产品成本模型

    On the basis of different type of postponement strategy, the product cost models with the factor of time cost and without are proposed.


  • 其他地方石油公司一样沙特也遭遇成本暴涨项目延迟

    Saudi Arabia has been hit by soaring costs and project delays, as have oil companies elsewhere.


  • 订货时,我们强调任何交货延迟无疑增加货物成本。故此,我们必须索回由此产生损失费。

    While placing our order we emphasized that any delay in delivery would definitely add to the cost of the goods. That is why we have to raise a claim on refunds for the loss incurred.


  • 然而建筑业很多组成部分很难计算成本时间延迟

    The construction Industry however has many components were it is difficult to calculate cost e. g. time delays.


  • 世界银行行长、经济学家NicholasStern十月份曾经表示,针对全球变暖采取紧急行动十分重要。如果延迟有可能增加20成本

    Former World Bank chief economist Nicholas Stern said in October that urgent action on global warming was vital and that delay would multiply the cost by up to 20 times.


  • 世界银行行长、经济学家NicholasStern十月份曾经表示,针对全球变暖采取紧急行动十分重要。如果延迟有可能增加20成本

    Former World Bank chief economist Nicholas Stern said in October that urgent action on global warming was vital and that delay would multiply the cost by up to 20 times.


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