• 为什么运动员们都记得帕弗努尔米?

    Why do athletes remember Paavo Nurmi?


  • 帕弗洛·特斯马斯希腊的一名记者

    Pavlos Tsimas is a journalist based in Greece.


  • 帕弗瑞说,认为中国市场一问题决定性考验

    I think the Chinese market is the litmus test for that.


  • 可能10次11自从拉斯维加斯职业比赛以来。”

    "It has probably been like 10 or 11 times since I've been a professional that I have fought in Las Vegas," said Pavlik.


  • 知道克会施以重拳战略无非重拳打伤获取尊重

    I know Pavlik is going to hit me with some big shots. His game plan is to try to hit me with a power shot and hurt me to get some respect.


  • 尽管克的头衔没有任何风险谁来说,都达到的高度一样的。

    Though Pavlik's title is not at risk, the stakes for each man are as high as they can be.


  • 保罗的同人帕弗开船来到旁非利亚的别加。约翰就离开他们耶路撒冷去

    13from Paphos, Paul and his companions sailed to Perga in Pamphylia, where John left them to return to Jerusalem.


  • 保罗同人帕弗开船来到旁非利亚的别加,约翰离开他们耶路撒冷去

    Now when Paul and his company loosed from Paphos, they came to Perga in Pamphylia: and John departing from them returned to Jerusalem.


  • 十三13保罗同伴帕弗开船来到旁非利亚的别加;约翰离开他们耶路撒冷去

    Acts 13:13 and putting out to sea from Paphos, Paul and his companions came to Perga of Pamphylia; and John departed from them and returned to Jerusalem.


  • 尽管最终结论压倒性地帕弗·里克有利但是数字显示泰勒来说,还是希望进入赛。

    Though the ultimate result was overwhelmingly in Pavlik's favor, the Numbers bear out some hope for Taylor going into the rematch.


  • 伊朗队长左路发出角球后卫侯赛因高高跃起头球,皮球越过了乌兹别克斯坦的守门员帕弗尔“布佳洛。”

    The skipper sent in a testing corner from the left and defender Hosseini rose high to head past Uzbek goalkeeper Pavel Bugalo.


  • 帕弗里克2000年11月拉斯维加斯首次登场第二回合击倒拉法耶特懒惰而发在佩佩尔米尔饭店卡西诺,此后5-0胜利五场。

    Pavlik debuted in Las Vegas with a November, 2000, second round knockout of Lafayett Randolph at the Peppermill Hotel and Casino, after which he was 5-0 with as many stoppages.


  • 研究互联网问题的哈佛法学院教授帕弗瑞(JohnPalfrey)谷歌中国境遇更加关系其它科技公司如何管理它们海外业务

    John Palfrey, a professor at Harvard Law School who studies the Internet, says Google's China situation has broader relevance for how other technology companies manage their overseas operations.


  • 研究互联网问题的哈佛法学院教授帕弗瑞(JohnPalfrey)[gm 66nd]在中国境遇更加关系其它科技公司如何管理它们海外业务

    John Palfrey, a professor at Harvard Law School who studies the Internet, says [gm99nd] 's China situation has broader relevance for how other technology companies manage their overseas operations.


  • 预测帕弗里克块头更大更强壮,是个一战中始终重拳出击并且在重赛中,这样情况因为两者他们的身材方面一点额外的数差别。

    The prediction: Pavlik was the bigger, stronger, consistently harder-hitting man in the first fight and such will be the case in the rematch now that both will have a few extra pounds on their frames.


  • 洛斯·德拉·龙特拉港出发向西航行

    He sailed westward from Palos de la Frontera.


  • 特里夏利·布鲁克斯的艺名部电影中饰演角色

    Under the stage name of Beverly Brooks, Patricia had small parts in several movies.


  • 朗索瓦丝·迪现存所有画作都融合了肖像画流派

    All of Francoise Duparc's surviving paintings blend portraiture and genre.


  • 可是,”兰兹坚持说,“想你大概也承认,的喽罗们这种,可都些流氓恶棍他们把你去的时候,除了绑票勒索以外,该没有别的动机了吧。”

    "Still," persisted Franz, "I suppose you will allow that such men as Vampa and his band are regular villains, who have no other motive than plunder when they seize your person."


  • 特里斯·侵犯,应该是个点球,裁判没有予以判罚。

    He was fouled by Patrice Evra and it should have been a penalty but the referee missed that as well.


  • 在现今美国西部南部地区生活,最到达罗里达州,接近墨西哥的契亚省。

    It inhabited the western and southern portion of the U.S. as far south as Florida, and nearly to Chiapas in Mexico.


  • 离开西塔他们到了瑞顿镇的公寓里,楼下就是一家洗衣店。

    When the Hi-Top folded they moved to a small apartment in Riverton up over a laundry.


  • 周五好莱坞《大象的眼泪》片场,罗伯特·丁森克里斯托·沃尔茨、茜·威瑟斯彭盛装亮相,完成影片的最后镜头拍摄。

    Robert Pattinson, Christoph Waltz, and Reese Witherspoon got all dressed up to film a few scenes from their latest flick Water for Elephants on Friday in L.A..


  • 洛杉矶港务局克里斯托·说:“我们大概已经被认定为全美国空气污浊的城市。”

    "We have the designation of perhaps having the worst air quality in the United States," noted Christopher Patton with the Port of Los Angeles.


  • 来自纽约市亨特学院心理学教授·t·表示一发现发现并不令人惊讶

    Jeffrey T. Parsons, professor of psychology at Hunter College in New York City, said the finding isn't surprising.


  • 雷斯诺平均气温5度。

    The difference in average temperature between Napa and Fresno was 5 degrees Fahrenheit.


  • 墨西哥伟大诗人奥克塔维奥•最伟大的喜剧演员坎鼎拉斯人证能用墨西哥提供证据

    Witnesses from Octavio Paz, the country’s greatest poet, to Cantinflas, its greatest comedian, are called to give evidence on the Mexican soul.


  • 联合国难民署女发言人詹尼格尼丝记录显示去年同期7,000多人到达也门相同死亡数

    UN refugee agency spokeswoman Jennifer Pagonis says records show that during the same period last year more than 7,000 people had arrived in Yemen and about the same number had perished.


  • 联合国难民署女发言人詹尼格尼丝记录显示去年同期7,000多人到达也门相同死亡数

    UN refugee agency spokeswoman Jennifer Pagonis says records show that during the same period last year more than 7,000 people had arrived in Yemen and about the same number had perished.


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