• 可以希望职位有所提升。

    You may hope for the career growth within our company.


  • 申请这个职位希望多于期待

    I applied for the post more in hope than expectation.


  • 受到欧元区困境困扰欧洲人迫切希望职位再次他们中的一个人担任。

    The Europeans, beset by difficulties in the eurozone, are desperate that the job should once again go to one of them.


  • 雇主们看到大学毕业生供过于求且又希望填补职位空缺,于是就增加了这一要求

    Employers seeing a surplus of college graduates and looking to fill jobs are just adding that requirement.


  • 他们希望看到更多女性担任公司职业阶梯更高职位

    They want to see more women take their place higher up the corporate or professional ladder.


  • 如果的话,我一定申请这个职位。我认为大有希望

    I should apply for the post if I were you, I think you stand a good chance.


  • 同样那些雇用自己孩子执行官甚至应该希望孩子能够相同职位其他人做得更好。

    Likewise, executives who hire their children should expect even more of them than of anyone else in the same position would.


  • 沃林希望有这么天,会再哪个职位——不管是家庭还是办公场合——适合男性还是女性做。

    Wallin said he hoped a time would come when no one would ask if any positionat home or the office — was right for a man or woman.


  • 在昨天晚上申请到了份美国职位爱尔兰公民需要绿卡或者赞助者才能去工作希望这些问题解决

    Only last night she applied for a position in the United States but Irish citizens require a green-card or sponsor to work there, so hopefully things will work out for her.


  • 欧元区重重困难所困扰的欧洲各国人民迫切希望这个职位一次由欧洲担任。

    The Europeans, beset by difficulties in the euro zone, are desperate that the job should once again go to one of them.


  • 告诉他们希望的是一个范围薪酬同时,也要询问这个职位的工资范围。

    'Tell them you're looking for compensation in X range and, at the same time, ask about the range for that position,' she says.


  • 希望自己在接手更高职位获得哪些忠告?

    What do you wish someone had told you before you took the bigger job?


  • 听完极有说服力就职演说后,希望奥巴桑乔能够其他人失败职位上取得成功

    After listening to his compelling inaugural address, I hoped Obasanjo would be able to succeed where others had failed.


  • 祝建勇自己申请一个设计师职位由于缺乏经验觉得自己希望渺茫

    Zhu wanted to apply for a position as a shoe designer, he said, but with his lack of experience he thought his chances were slim.


  • 计算机科学毕业生很多公司面试希望找到一网络管理质量工程程序编程、领域工程或者其它关键性职位的工作。

    Computer science graduates interview in many types of companies for jobs in network administration, quality engineering, programming positions, field engineering, and other critical positions.


  • 巴拉克显然希望通过同事面前摆弄这些充满诱惑的职位能够逐渐软化部下顽抗

    Mr Barak apparently hopes that by dangling these plums before their eyes he will, with time, soften his colleagues' recalcitrance.


  • 不管怎么说,只有这样机会见到负责招聘的亲手递交求职简历希望当这些公司出现空缺职位时,他们想起

    It was a chance to meet people, hand off my resume, and hope they would remember my face if an opening came up.


  • 居里夫妇希望因获得诺贝尔最终法国科学院得到职位给他们一个实验室

    The Curies had hoped that the Nobel Prize would finally bring the opportunity for a chair at the French Academy and the laboratory that went with it.


  • 希望公司哪个部门,就要结识这个部门同事关注职位空缺

    Get to know as many people as you can in other areas of the company where you might want to work, and keep an eye out for job openings.


  • 看看希望之后获得职位

    Look at the job you'd like to have a year from now.


  • 由于希望获得更高职位更多责任,离开现职

    I am desirous of leaving the employment in order to improve my position and have more responsiblility。


  • 安切洛蒂始终保持着良好幽默感问到作为切尔西年之内第五个主帅是否担心时,不置可否,只希望这个职位干下去。

    Ancelotti, who was in good humour throughout, brushed off any Suggestions that he is concerned about being Chelsea's fifth manager in five years and said he just wants to get on with the job.


  • 然而希望这些新增的“绿色职位”的同时,人们担心传统的工作形式丢失

    But hopes for those new green jobs are matched by fears that traditional ones will be lost.


  • 看看其他管理者——他们将来要雇佣合作互动了解那些管理者希望胜任某个职位人应具有什么品质。

    Seek input from other managers who will interact with the person to be hired to find out what kinds of qualities they would like to see in the position as well.


  • 许多职位描述充满陈词滥调没有突出特定工作职责以及企业希望获得的任职资格。

    Many job descriptions are filled with platitudes and cliches, instead of focusing on the specific tasks and qualifications that a firm is looking for.


  • 他们计划这位党派新任干部创建特殊职位其中一些站在自己的角度希望这个职位的人选锁定为克里斯蒂 诺伊姆这位来自南达科他州宣传一个萨拉佩林农场主

    They plan to create a special post for one of the party’s new intake, and some are angling to have it go to Kristi Noem, a rancher from South Dakota who is billed as the next Sarah Palin.


  • 每个人都明白美国人民希望我们把目光集中他们就业问题上,而不是我们自己的职位上。

    I think everybody understands that the American people want us to focus on their jobs, not ours.


  • 最后只是随机地投递简历,即雇主没有出广告说职位空缺但是希望得到工作的机会。

    Finally if you are sending out applications that are purely speculative; the employer hasn't actually advertised a vacancy but you hope there may be one.


  • 最后只是随机地投递简历,即雇主没有出广告说职位空缺但是希望得到工作的机会。

    Finally if you are sending out applications that are purely speculative; the employer hasn't actually advertised a vacancy but you hope there may be one.


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