• 因此他们认为中国很快需要重返市场,从而库存,再次引发人们对于市场短缺迫在眉睫的担忧

    Therefore, they say, China will soon need to return to the market, drawing down stocks and reawakening concerns of an impending shortage.


  • DB计划雇主必须弥补由于市场短缺而造成资金缺口;而在DC计划中,雇员则需要承担全部市场风险

    Under a DB scheme, it was up to the employer to fill any hole in the fund caused by a market shortfall; in a DC plan, the employee bears all the market risk.


  • 员工年度计费工作时间经历了始于2000劳动力市场短缺所导致的减少之后2004年起略有增加

    Annual billable hours for staff, which has been low ever since the tight labor market emerged in 2000, had increased slightly each year since 2004.


  • 开始面粉短缺巴基斯坦一些开放市场的面粉价格至了公斤60卢比大约1美元),工人每天都平均收入只有100卢比。

    Initially, flour shortages pushed up the price on the open market in Pakistan to as much as 60 rupees (about $1) per kilogram in some areas. The average day labourer earns only 100 rupees a day.


  • 因为员工短缺印度外包产业很难再维持较高的利润率,同时减少的还有国际市场份额

    Faced with a shortage of workers, India's outsourcing industry is struggling to maintain its profit margins-and its global market share.


  • 一个不那么流行的解释世界能源市场经过了精心的设计,可微小的供给问题中获利即使没有太多证据证明石油供应会出现实际短缺

    The less popular reason is that world energy markets have been carefully designed to profit from the slightest supply hiccup, even if there is little evidence of actual shortages.


  • 已经有许多来自波兰其它地方建筑工人正在返回国内部分原因在于火热住房市场正在迅速降温,部分原因则是国内由于劳工短缺工资已经上涨

    Already many construction workers from Poland and elsewhere are returning, partly because hot housing markets are cooling fast, partly because wages at home have risen in response to Labour shortages.


  • 其他增长强劲房地产市场一样,以色列房地产市场也是由于房产供给的短缺利率创纪录新低而被炒得火热。

    Similar to many other robust real estate markets, Israel's housing market is fueled by a shortage of properties and record low interest rates.


  • 美国至少公司而言信贷短缺后果正在缓和,因为它们有利用债券市场能力。

    In America the consequences of this credit crunch are being mitigated, at least for large firms, by the ability to tap the bond market.


  • 只要保持市场透明就不会出现货币短缺

    As long as the market is allowed to clear, no shortage of money can emerge.


  • 产品定价太高库存就要积压;低于市场心理价格则会出现产品短缺,但立刻套现。

    Price the product too high and inventories mount; under price what the market is willing to pay and shortages occur and money is left on the table.


  • 由于优惠券短缺,将炸鸡投放市场行为引起公共关系混乱但是新的更为健康产品帮助肯德基扭转了在美国销售颓势

    The launch of its grilled chicken meal was a pr mess due to a coupon shortage, but the new, healthier product helped turn around KFC's declining U.S. sales.


  • 他们抓住了一些可以为资金短缺西方银行提供银团贷款市场

    They grabbed some of the market for syndicated loans from cash-strapped Western Banks.


  • 住房短缺利率下调帮助市场恢复

    Helping the market to recover is a housing shortage and a fall in interest rates.


  • 航运市场目前运力短缺的情况下,这些新船公司创造丰厚利润。

    Those are ships for which the company should be able to charge a big premium, given the current tightness in the shipping market.


  • 但是赫特尔指出,粮食变得极度短缺时,市场做出反应。

    But when food gets scarce, Hertel says, markets do respond.


  • 恐慌短暂货币短缺加剧,并向金融市场袭来央行提供流动性的特殊机会——也就是美联储建立的原始目的之一

    When panic strikes financial markets, aggravated by temporary shortages, the central bank has a unique opportunity to provide liquiditythis was, after all, one of its original purposes.


  • 东芝持有全世界NAND闪存市场35% 的份额,这次灾难其位于日本北部一处关键生产设施遭遇电力短缺

    Toshiba, which holds around 35% of the world's NAND flash market, suffered a power outage in a key production facility in northern Japan during the disaster.


  • 但是雷曼兄弟破产货币市场利率飙升银行存款流动性短缺,民众存款时对银行选择出现显著变化

    But there was a sharp spike in money-market interest rates after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, a liquidity squeeze and a notable shift in deposits.


  • 房地产市场泡沫破裂造成严重信贷损失大多数西方国家金融机构资金短缺部分已经破产。

    The bursting of the housing bubble has led to hefty credit losses: most Western financial institutions are short of capital and some are insolvent.


  • 了解现金重要性可以帮助他们更好生产人员合作制定更为合理市场预测这样公司可以削减库存同时不至于造成商品短缺

    Knowing the importance of cash could get them to work with production people to develop more reasonable forecasts so the company can reduce inventories without risking stockouts.


  • 另外随着市场需求的增长,消费者发现新的旅店客房资源已经开始短缺

    What's more, as demand returns, customers are finding a dearth of new hotel rooms.


  • 从总体上来讲我国市场短缺阶段进入相对过剩阶段,供求关系改变导致企业顾客关系发生根本变化

    Generally speaking, the supply and demand of the China market change from shortage to relative overproduction, which leads to the fundamental change in the relationship between firms and customers.


  • 就业市场新加坡可能高度竞争的,没有任何短缺现有技能的工作

    The job market in Singapore may be highly competitive, but there isn't any shortage of available skilled jobs.


  • 经营国际化一个最主要动因旧有市场劳动力的短缺成本问题,以及新兴工业国家地区成本生产

    A major driver of internationalization of business has been Labour shortages and costs in established markets, and the availability of low-cost production in newly industrialized regions.


  • 研究认为,第一,在信贷市场短缺经济走向过剩经济情况下,“服务溢价”成为关键性环节;

    First, service premium is a key issue of credit market with the transition from shortage economy to surplus one.


  • 分析人士认为,从长远看,这一趋势日本劳动力市场不详之兆,因为这会造成熟练工人短缺

    Analysts have said the trend bodes ill for Japan's labor market in the long term because it would lead to a shortage of skilled workers.


  • 技能短缺含义就是劳动力市场技能工人职业技能供不应求

    Skills shortage means short supply of skilled workers or professional skills in Labor Market.


  • 短缺明显地支持一年中国市场强劲猪价,同时刺激北美欧洲持续进口大量猪肉

    This shortfall will obviously support having strong prices in China over the next year while stimulating continued large pork imports from North American and Europe.


  • 短缺明显地支持一年中国市场强劲猪价,同时刺激北美欧洲持续进口大量猪肉

    This shortfall will obviously support having strong prices in China over the next year while stimulating continued large pork imports from North American and Europe.


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