• 政客们希望这些举措改变市场心理

    Politicians hope the measures will change the psychology of the market.


  • 动量可能更多基于市场参与者行为,即市场心理

    Momentum may be more based on behavioral issues - the psychology of markets.


  • 这种情况下市场心理变化关注至关重要的。

    In such circumstances, paying attention to shifts in market psychology becomes essential.


  • 软件产品为了满足一个市场心理需求而开发的时,总是存在关于

    When a software product is developed to satisfy a perceived marketplace need, there will always be uncertainty as to.


  • 第二技术通常软件产品开发加强满足一个市场心理需求情况下被应用

    The second set of techniques is usually applied when a software product is developed or enhanced to fulfill a perceived marketplace need.


  • 产品定价太高库存就要积压;低于市场心理价格则会出现产品短缺,但立刻套现。

    Price the product too high and inventories mount; under price what the market is willing to pay and shortages occur and money is left on the table.


  • 本文的适用范围限于市场心理需要目标软件项目包括那些按照合同满足具体客户需要的执行项目。

    The scope of the paper is limited to software projects that target perceived needs of the marketplace; it does not include projects performed under contract to fulfill specific customer needs.


  • 这些反应都很自然,我们发达国家所见所闻完全相同。随着金融经济效应不断蔓延市场心理挑战也将向全球蔓延。

    The challenges of psychology will spread around the world as the financial and economic effects spread.


  • BacheCommodities高级油籽分析师安妮·弗里克(AnneFrick)表示大豆价格可能容易出现回调”,因为供应量的小幅上升就可能逆转市场心理

    However Anne frick senior oilseeds analyst at bache commodities says soyabean prices could be "vulnerable to a setback" as a small increase in supply could reverse the market's psychology.


  • 虽然人们体重自我认知影响自尊心心理健康健康行为但是普通人对体重的自我认知劳动力市场结果之间没有关联。 

    We found no relationship between the average person's self-perception of weight and labor market outcomes, although self-perceived weight can influence self-esteem, mental health and health behaviors.


  • 歪风蔓延开来的时候,有时最好站在一旁减少头寸。因为心理情绪蔓延,这将导致市场移动合理的”水平

    When "contagion" spreads, it is sometimes best to step aside and reduce positions because psychology and emotions can also spread - causing markets to move past any "reasonable" level.


  • 美国心理协会以及其他组织呼吁清除市场所有孩子们售出的食品,罗宾逊提出的这个观点合理的。

    The American Psychological Association and other organizations have likewise called for the elimination of all marketing of food products to children, a stance that Robinson says is reasonable.


  • 怎样才能抑制危机爆发之前使这些奖金膨胀,驾驭这么市场活动短期及欲一变富的心理

    How can the short-term, get-rich-quick mentality that drove so much market activity before the crash - and inflated those bonuses - be curbed?


  • 我们不仅市场作战也是在和自己情绪稳定心理健康作战。

    We don't just battle the markets, but our own emotional stability and mental health.


  • 一个心理问题情绪依然驱动市场

    And that's a psychological question. Emotion still drives the markets.


  • 所以我们知道恐慌心理弥漫整个市场,基于一点不断地调低定价的责任

    So, we know that fear has pervaded the market and at this point is somewhat responsible for continuously lower re-pricing.


  • 价值受到市场实践影响——例如品牌——这种实践试图增加产品心理价值。

    Value is also influenced by marketing practices -- for example, branding -- that attempt to increase the perceived value of a product.


  • 市场削减利率真正有多大影响持怀疑态度至少心理上起到了安抚人们的作用。

    "The markets are still very skeptical about what the real impact is going to be, but at least from the psychological viewpoint this rate cut has already improved some sentiment," Anusorn said.


  • 如果手中个别公司股票不是心理承受力特强的话,就是年初市场动荡的时候开始就一门心思死

    If you are still holding stocks and shares in individual companies you're either a hardy soul or have been burying your head in the sand as the markets have been jittery since the start of the year.


  • 可是,“耳刮子”效应只有市场面临的问题主要心理方面时候才能起作用

    But slap-in-the-face only works if the market’s problems are mainly a matter of psychology.


  • Debenhams百货在对整个女鞋市场进行广泛调查过程中发现了高跟鞋对于女性心理重要意义

    The central role of high heels in a woman's psyche emerged during Debenhams continuing extensive research into the entire women's shoe market.


  • 巴西外汇市场收盘时,美元兑雷亚尔汇率收于1.54雷亚尔,跌穿1.55雷亚尔这心理支撑位。

    South America's most in-demand currency closed at BRL1.54 to the dollar, breaking through yet another psychological marker of BRL1.55.


  • 10月份消费物价指数上涨了4.4%,预计还会进一步上升尽管新兴市场角度幅度不大,但超出中国居民的心理承受水平。

    Consumer price inflation rose to 4.4 percent in October and a further increase is expected. This is higher than we are used to in China, although it is modest in an emerging market perspective.


  • 之所以提到这个例子是因为强调心理框架心理障碍对于建立金融市场重要性

    I mention this tax example because I want to stress that framing and psychological barriers are important problems for creating financial markets.


  • 这样结果应该让任何人感到意外过去市场心理状态已经高度焦虑转向试探性乐观

    This outcome shouldn't have surprised anyone. Over the last few weeks, the market's psychology has shifted from high anxiety to tentative optimism.


  • 如果欧洲各国自愿屈服市场惩罚,是因为他们对狼群恐惧心理甚至家庭无法保护他们的担忧。

    If European states voluntarily submit to the rod, it will be because of their terror of the wolf-pack, and their fear that even the family will not be able to protect them.


  • 心理学家认为该现象可解释为旁观者无情感’。当王驰等待医生的最新消息时,说:“一直担忧”!王驰昌在佛山市场了一家硬件商店

    Psychologist explains 'bystander apathy' "I'm still so worried," said Wang Chichang, who runs a hardware store in the Foshan market, as he waited for updates from doctors.


  • 案例中的做法可以市场人员心理产生错误想法

    It's just that the mentality of the small change can create a misleading mindset for marketers.


  • 奥仁斯坦跟市场营销商社会历史学家家长心理学家医生谈话。她觉得理由担心

    After speaking to marketers, social historians, parents, psychologists and doctors, Orenstein found there was cause to worry.


  • 奥仁斯坦跟市场营销商社会历史学家家长心理学家医生谈话。她觉得理由担心

    After speaking to marketers, social historians, parents, psychologists and doctors, Orenstein found there was cause to worry.


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