• 导演对于改编魔幻巨制经验

    The director has experience bringing an epic fantasy franchise to the screen.


  • 红楼梦一部鸿篇巨制

    "Dream of Red Mansions" is a masterwork.


  • 一部鸿篇巨制

    The film would be huge.


  • 看到富人伟人鸿篇巨制是否也心潮澎湃?

    Are you surging your emotions after seeing richer or a masterwork of a great man?


  • 随后8时间完成巨制——西的《末日审判》。

    Later, it took him 8 years to complete the magnificent - Last Judgement on the west wall.


  • 《淮南西汉时期一部宏篇巨制著作它反映了西汉前期语言面貌

    Huai Nan Zi is the first huge works of the period of Eastern Han Dynasty and reflects the language features of the early Western Han.


  • 贝多芬音乐音乐史第一人类命运历史终极关怀作为主题的美学巨制

    Beethoven music is the first musical composition in musical history that took man's fate and historical ultimate solicitude as the theme.


  • 本月随着一部灾难巨制《末日浩劫》上映看上去此类主题成为当下的大趋势。

    With the release of another apocalypse-based film, The Road, this month, it seems this theme is having its moment.


  • 这部史诗巨制中,多莉沿加利福尼亚海岸冒险之旅得到尼莫马林的鼎力相助。

    Dory is helped by Nemo and Marlin in this epic adventure along the coast of California.


  • 毕生心血撰写中国科学技术史》,是一部研究中国古代科学技术文明成就的鸿篇巨制

    He devoted his entire life to the writing of science and Civilization in China, a monumental work for study on ancient Chinese science and technology and cultural achievements.


  • 不过得先鸿篇巨制最后一哈利·波特死亡圣徒》另外九月份准备大学了。

    I've got the colossal final book 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' to finish off, and I'm going to university in September.


  • 就算哈利·波特肩头赫敏安慰的小手,也难以掩饰因为这部魔幻巨制全部完结的深深哀伤。

    Harry Potter has Hermione's consoling hand on his shoulder - but he can't seem to hide his despair about the blockbuster film series coming to an end.


  • 迪斯尼公司3D奇幻巨制爱丽丝梦游仙境》周末北美票房达1.163亿美元,创多项纪录

    Walt Disney Co's 3D update of "Alice in Wonderland" smashed multiple records during its first weekend at the North American box office, selling $116.3m in tickets.


  • CCTV正在热播一部鸿篇巨制——《李小龙传奇》。首播几天立即成为中国的时尚话题。

    CCTV is now broadcasting an epic drama series that is The Legend of Bruce Lee, that has immediately become a craze in China since its debut a few days ago.


  • 倾注毕生心血撰写中国科学技术史》,是一部研究中国古代科学技术文明成就的鸿篇巨制

    He devoted his entire life to the writing of science and civilization in China, a monumental work for study on ancient Chinese science and technology and cultural achievements.


  • 合作多年魔幻巨制之后显然已经结下了深厚的友谊,接受合影时候亲密自然地相拥

    The pair, who are clearly close after their many years on the set of the hit wizard franchise, hugged affectionately as they posed for the camera.


  • 哈利·波特》男主角丹尼尔·雷德克里夫拍摄这部魔幻冒险巨制最后一组场景情到深处、泪洒现场。

    'Harry Potter' star Daniel Radcliffe broke down in tears while filming the last scene for the final instalment of the fantasy-adventure movie.


  • 清代弹词出现数十万乃至百万字的长篇巨制中国文学史仅见的,在世界文学史上也是罕见的。

    There are several long narrative poem in the Tanci of Qing Dynasty, and this is special case not only in Chinese literature, but also in world literature.


  • 《哈利·波特男主角丹尼尔·雷德克里夫拍摄这部魔幻冒险巨制最后一场景情到深处泪洒现场。

    'Harry Potter' star Daniel Radcliffe broke down in tears while filming the last scene for the final of the -adventure movie.


  • 迪曼德先生指出费雪从未凯恩斯著述《就业利息货币通论》那样自己诸多想法融汇同样的宏编巨制

    Mr Dimand notes that Fisher never pulled the many strands of his thought together into a grand synthesis as Keynes did in "the General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money".


  • 星球大战:力觉醒》超过2009年3d科幻巨制《阿达》,成为美国加拿大历史上票房最高的电影

    Star Wars: the Force Awakens has become the highest-grossing film of all time in the United States and Canada, beating 2009's hit 3d sci-fi movie "Avatar."


  • 艾玛·沃森上周在家哈利波特》剧照朋友们操办了散夥,用于纪念他们片场合作这部魔法巨制点点滴滴

    EMMA WATSON threw a dinner party for her HARRY POTTER co-stars during the last week of filming - to mark the end of the franchise and reminisceabout their time on-set.


  • 卡文。斯达鸿篇巨制系列书籍第8册《美国加州梦》中描绘了截然不同一个时代当时的加州梦最具说服力

    By contrast Kevin Starr's eighth offering in his epic series, "Americans and the California dream", covers a period when the dream was at its most persuasive.


  • 洪水消退 后,他们留下地质特征规模上完全瓦格纳式的 宏篇巨制砂砾沉积物堆积的沙洲超过250

    When the waters receded, they revealed geological features that are positively Wagnerian in scale: bars of gravel and sediment heaped up more than 250 metres high;


  • 今天发布了由安德鲁·加菲尔饰演蜘蛛侠首张剧照,网络世界热议可能意味着重启鸿篇巨制系列电影的时刻到来。

    The first image of Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man was released today, and the online world is buzzing about what it could mean for the upcoming reboot of the blockbuster film franchise.


  • 今天发布了由安德鲁·加菲尔饰演蜘蛛侠首张剧照,网络世界热议可能意味着重启鸿篇巨制系列电影的时刻到来。

    The first image of Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man was released today, and the online world is buzzing about what it could mean for the upcoming reboot of the blockbuster film franchise.


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