• 本文主要就铁道工程物资管理存在理由,提出物资管理的具体措施

    In this paper, the main problems existing in railway engineering material management, material management of specific measures are put forward.


  • 本文通过研究海洋工程项目建造特点阐述了如何使用批次管理方法海洋工程物资进行管理。

    In this paper, I study the construction features of Marine engineering products, and describe how to use the batch management to supervise the materials.


  • 通过目前铁路项目建设工程物资供应形势分析,对工程物资集中采购供应进行了积极的探讨,提出今后改进的设想。

    Through the analysis of material supply situation of constructing railway, the focused material procurement and supply was explored and future improvement was proposed.


  • 有关单位负责修建本单位的人员物资掩蔽工程

    The relevant units shall be responsible for constructing works for sheltering their own employees, goods and materials.


  • 加强对抗震救灾灾后恢复重建资金物资监管确保工程建设质量

    We will intensify the oversight of the use of materials and funds for disaster relief and post-quake reconstruction and ensure the quality of construction projects.


  • 美国国会正在就8000亿美元的一揽子经济刺激法案中的一项条款进行激烈辩论。条款极其极端要求公共工程建设中必须使用美国生产的物资材料。

    Congress is arguing about a clause in the $800 billion-plus stimulus package that in its most extreme form would press for the use of American materials in public works.


  • 确实很喜欢从事工程,从中能获得真正进步——例如,在?JIT工程我们物资耗费每月节省1万多美元

    A: I really enjoy working on any re? Engineering project where a true improvement results, for example, the JIT project in hich we saved more than ten thousand dollars per month in inventory costs.


  • 其次根据部门之间操作流程数据流程所提出要求,本文分别进行了系统管理计划管理、预算管理、工程管理、物资管理、财务管理统计管理等模块开发

    Secondly, the management module of system, scheme, budget, project, material, finance and statistic were developed according to the flow of operation and data and requirement of every department.


  • 阐述公路工程招投标价格形成,并通过设计物资采购施工等管理实现招投标价格有效控制

    The paper elaborates on the price formations of highway project bidding work, realize the effective control for it by managing design, supplies, purchase, construction.


  • 提供定点多点采购支持运营制造工程产品导入服务MRO需求所需固定物资采购。

    Provide site, and multi-site procurement, support to secure required materials for operations, manufacturing, Engineering, New Product Introduction, Services, and MRO needs.


  • 南丹物资转运站安全高效运转是确保龙滩工程建设物资材料保障供应关键环节

    The safe and high-efficient service of Nandan material transfer station plays an important role to ensure material supply for the construction of Longtan Hydropower Project.


  • 发达国家承包国际工程设备物资进口量相当

    The amount of imported materials and equipment may be very large when an international project is contracted in an underdeveloped country.


  • 最后论文讨论了建筑业物资管理CIMS工程网络体系结构以及其开发工具管理要素

    At last, the network system configuration, imploding tools and managing element of CIMS engineering in material management of building industry are discussed in this paper.


  • 本文从目前工程项目企业物资管理存在的问题出发,提出现代物资管理的五项标准

    Starting with the problems of materials management in project-based undertaking, we advance five standards of modern materials management.


  • 公司成为综合性工程机械物资企业预计销售额可达10亿以上,实现利润1亿余元。

    Company will be integrated materials engineering machinery enterprises, expected annual sales of up to 10 billion yuan, while profits of 100 million yuan.


  • 铁路工程存在问题被列首位的铁路建设施工监理物资服务类招标均存在人为干预现象

    The principle problem in railway sector is human intervention in the bids for construction, supervision, materials and service contracts.


  • 建筑工程施工项目物资管理系统科技完成。

    Material management system for building construction project was built by CABR Technology Co. , Ltd.


  • 监督重点筹备举办奥运会过程中有关资金物资人员以及奥运工程建设项目等方面重大事项。

    It exercises independent supervision over major activities related to funds, goods and personnel recruitment and construction projects in the preparation and running of the Olympic Games.


  • 它由计划管理财务管理、物资管理、工程管理4个子系统组成主要功能包括工程安全工程质量工程技术工程档案等4个方面的管理。

    The system consists of 4 sub-systems, including management of planning, financing, goods and material, engineering. Its main functions cover engineering safety, quality, technique and filing.


  • 保存工程储藏室物资存货充足严格控制其使用。

    Maintains the Engineering store and keeps close control on consumption of material and inventory.


  • 进口设备物资一个不容忽视环节委托清关公司代理报关国际工程惯例

    The customs clearing for imported materials and equipment should be a link not to be ignored and to entrust a clearing agent with declaration is an international practice.


  • 大麦分类起源演化研究野生物资保护利用遗传育种工程具有重要的意义学术价值

    This study should be academic value and significant in classification, origin and evolution, further protection and utilization of wild plants, and genetics and breeding engineering.


  • 大连耀船舶设备有限公司一家销售船舶海洋工程设备物资、船舶主副机备件的专业化公司及产品服务商

    Dalian RichRising Marine Equipment Co. , Ltd. is a professional supplier & servicer whom sell shipping & offshore equipments & materials, marine spare parts.


  • 好的开发利用途径通过植物次级代谢物细胞工程

    Cell technology of secondary metabolites is a better way in exploitation and utilization of plant resources.


  • 所以水电工程建设物资保质、保量及时有效运输保证水电工程顺利建设,早日产生效益的关键

    So it is a key for being early in operation by supplying enough in amount and in quality during the process of construct and the effective transportation.


  • 所以水电工程建设物资保质、保量及时有效运输保证水电工程顺利建设,早日产生效益的关键

    So it is a key for being early in operation by supplying enough in amount and in quality during the process of construct and the effective transportation.


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