• 汽车服务站经理起草加油站汽车修理厂指导方针,决定运营时间分配工作职责服务产品定价

    An automobile service station manager draws up guidelines for gas stations and automotive repair shops and decides on hours of operation, assigns job duties and sets prices for services and products.


  • 对于确定定价管理那些重新打包贷款对于银行来说天赋滥用因为这项工作利润率只有0.03%,但是如果额度大的话,利润收入也是很可观的。

    Repackaging loans identified, priced and managed by the Banks is, therefore, a waste of their talents. The margins on this work can be as low as 0.03%.


  • 只需找到正确发行版(distro),确定工作使用许可模型定价模型,然后下载使用发行版。

    All you have to do is find the right distribution (distro), decide on a licensing or pricing model that works for you, and download and use the distro.


  • 旧金山生活期间,在Gap从事采购工作,负责挑选衣物定价

    Once in San Francisco, she got a job at Gap as a merchandiser, selecting items of clothing and deciding how much to order.


  • 为了确保管理计算允许的范围内尽可能有效地规避风险和精准地制定价格,高盛其它大型投资银行均加倍努力开展工作

    Goldman and the other big investment Banks have worked furiously hard to ensure that their risks are as efficiently hedged and as finely priced as management and mathematics will allow.


  • 一个定价服务执行定价工作

    A pricing service, which performs only the pricing part.


  • 如果客户习惯于模型购买开发工作或者具有正式指导原则,则采用敏捷开发流程客户来说非常——甚至不可能——的更改。

    If the customer is used to buying development with a fixed price model, or has formal guidelines, it can be quite a big-or even impossible-change for the customer.


  • 一方面,项目一般短期不由市场定价工作

    Projects, on the other hand, are generally short-term endeavors that are not priced by a market.


  • 指导工程装修材料成本询价定价鉴定工作

    Guidance of construction material cost price inquiry, pricing of work and identify price.


  • 本文主要工作电力市场环境研究基于最优潮流定价问题。

    The main work of this paper is reactive power pricing research basing on OPF under the environment of power market.


  • 本文前人研究基础上,结合自己所做一些工作分别推导出了没有中间红利的几何平均算术平均亚期权的定价公式。

    Based of the former conclusions of others and some works of myself, the article deduced the pricing formula in the case of the arithmetic average and geometric average of the stock price.


  • 迷宫弹珠迷宫现在工作最终设计乐高定价可用性尚未公布

    The Labyrinth Marble Maze will now be worked up to a final design by Lego, with pricing and availability yet to be announced.


  • 实行预约定价制度可以较好地解决转让定价滥用和国际双重征税不征税问题提高税务部门工作效率

    Advance pricing Arrangements (APA) helps resolve the problems of transfer pricing abuse and double taxation or double non-taxation, thus the tax department can improve their working efficiency.


  • 职业竞赛门票收入俱乐部主要收入来源,各个职业俱乐部都门票定价上作了大量工作

    Entrance ticket is the main income for clubs and ticket price is paid much attention by different professional clubs.


  • 一旦手头工作多,就要清楚定价策略了,一般是按每小时收多少,或是每个项目收多少计算

    Once you have enough work in your pipeline, however, you need to set parameters, both on an hourly and project basis.


  • 随着商业全球化速度进一步加快我们可以预见转让定价继续保持跨国集团税务部门工作中的重要地位

    Along with further speed up growth of business globalization, we can foresee, transfer pricing will continue to maintain its important position in both MNC and tax Bureau.


  • 本文具体工作内容如下首先总结了国内外铁路客票定价理论的研究现状旅客时间价值的计算理论方法

    Specific work of this article reads as follows:First, Summarize the theory of railway ticket pricing situation and the time value of passengers theoretical method of calculation.


  • 随着全球经济一体化进程加快化工产品市场竞争变得更加激烈,化工产品定价工作随之变得越来越复杂

    With the acceleration of global economic integration process, chemical product market competition becomes more intense, and chemical products pricing practices are becoming increasingly complex.


  • 目前金融市场上交易期权大部分美式期权,因此美式期权定价研究工作显得尤为重要

    Up to now, the American option transactions are the most popular in the current financial market, thus, the research on American option pricing is particularly important.


  • 举措广大信息使用者提供了一个公开了解审计服务平台同时学术工作研究审计定价提供依据契机。

    This behavior provide an open platform for the majority of information users for understanding the audit services, as well as an opportunity and a basis for academic workers to study audit pricing.


  • 一位新加坡工作荷兰银行的经济学者指出,这反过来又会增加风险硬着陆,明智的做法是应该更好市场为其信贷定价

    That, in turn , has increased the risk of a hard landing, says Dominique Dwor -Frecaut, an economist at ABN AMRO in Singapore : better to let the market set the price of credit .


  • 定价取决于视频风格是否需要招聘演员是否需要租用工作或者制作动画效果

    The pricing depends on the style of the video, whether it involves hiring actors, renting a studio setting or creating animations.


  • 实证工作着重于二元期权定价尤其是最大认购期权。通过比较不同的二元期权定价模型本文方法优势尤为突出。

    We concern on pricing bivariate options, particularly, call-on-max options in the empirical work, and we compare different bivariate option pricing models, which presents our method's advantages.


  • 依据价格法》,组织纳入中央定价目录价格听证工作

    To organize hearings on prices listed in the Central Government Price Catalogue according the Price Law;


  • 近年来,随着北京房地产迅猛发展写字楼交易案例急剧增加,房地产定价成为企业经营不可缺少的一项专业性、技术性的工作

    With the rapid development of the real estate market in Beijing, the cases concerning Beijing office properties are now on the sharp rise.


  • 有很多人都要做3- 4工作支付根据附近假期住房成本定价税费。

    Many hold three to four jobs to pay the high taxes given the cost of vacation properties nearby.


  • 有很多人都要做3- 4工作支付根据附近假期住房成本定价税费。

    Many hold three to four jobs to pay the high taxes given the cost of vacation properties nearby.


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