• 人群居住中心看到很多事件因为人类自己请求地球协助提升蜕变。

    You are going to see more events in population centers because humanity has requested help from Planet Earth.


  • 美国佛罗里达东部城市,位于奥兰多以东设立于1886年,一个商业中心居住中心人口39,394。

    A city of eastern Florida east of Orlando. Incorporated in 1886, it is a commercial and residential center. Population, 39,394.


  • 居住中心贫民区孩子教育方面可能处于不利的地位。

    Children living in inner-city areas may be educationally disadvantaged.


  • 游客可以北京中心居住吃饭

    Tourists can live and eat downtown in Beijing.


  • 20世纪后期考古学家发现复杂民族遗迹他们的居住可能一个鲜为人知文明中心

    In the late twentieth century, archaeologists discovered the remains of a sophisticated people whose settlement might have been the hub of a civilization few people even thought existed.


  • 照片上,刚刚穿上企鹅“埃尔维斯”居住新西兰赖斯特彻奇“国际南极中心18只企鹅中的只。

    The newly shod bird, seen here, is one of 18 "second chance" little penguins now living at the International Antarctic Centre in Christchurch, New Zealand.


  • 城市中心也许是个工作或者娱乐好去处却可能不适合居住

    The centre may be a place to visit for work or entertainment rather than to live in.


  • 长沙土地拍卖中心开始允许更多的土地作为居住用途开发因为开发商纷纷避开需要更多资金投入的商业项目

    The Changsha center also allowed more land to be developed for residential use, as developers are shunning commercial projects, which usually cost more to complete.


  • 现在岛上居民600人,他们大部分都居住中心公寓大楼里。

    The population of Takashima has now dropped to about 600, the majority of whom live in one large apartment complex on the center of the island.


  • 居住西孟加拉邦东部夫妇拒绝服从命令将此事反映到了当地家庭事务咨询中心

    The couple, who live in the eastern state of West Bengal, have refused to obey the order and the issue has been referred to a local family counseling center.


  • 如果恒星大小接近我们太阳大小,则可能一个类似太阳系的行星系统中心,并且那个行星可能适合居住

    If the star is approximately the same size as our sun, it could be the center of a planetary system much like our own-and that planet could be habitable.


  • 比如随着人们开始搬离中心居住汽车作为交通工具变得更加重要

    For example, as people began moving further away from city centers, cars became important for transportation.


  • 疾病控制预防中心营养体力活动肥胖部主任威廉·报表强调居住环境很重要

    William Dietz, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity, says that this report emphasizes "that place matters.


  • 美国国际留学中心网站展示居住旅馆灵顿的图片,这些宣传图片使决定读书

    An American International Student Centers Internet slide show touting the Tollgate Inn and Torrington encouraged Li to enroll, he said.


  • 居住纽约Rochester,我们在纽约Rochester研究中心,的资深研究员,是普林斯顿毕业物理学家

    Peter Cream I live in Rochester New York, and Peter Cream with me here today is a senior Fellow in our research center in Rochester, New York and a Princeton graduate physicist.


  • 高尔夫球场郊区住房使这个地方看起来还适宜居住一些当地人越来越心仪于艾伯塔油砂和麦克默里堡(Fort McMurray)了。 这个小镇位于油砂矿区的中心

    But golf courses and suburban housing make the place liveable, and some locals have grown attached to Alberta’s tar sands and Fort McMurray, the town at the centre of them.


  • 美国宇航局艾姆斯研究中心开普勒项目负责人比尔•伯鲁奇:“我们现在已经证实‘开普勒22b’适合居住。”

    Bill Borucki, Kepler principal investigator at NASA Ames Research Centre, said: “We have now got good planet confirmation with Kepler 22b.


  • 本周下达的一项法庭裁定要求该市必须为迁出的住户找到其他居住要求一定城镇中心

    A court ruled this week that the city has to find them another place to live, although it does not have to be in the centre of town.


  • 当然带来了贫富差距拉大,生活成本上涨过快中产阶级的生活也压力越来越大他们不得不搬到中心愈加遥远的地方去居住

    Yet there is also growing inequality, a steep rise in the cost of living and increasing pressure on middle-class families who are having to live ever farther away from city centres.


  • 温哥华不列颠哥伦比亚省——这个城市绿洲被广泛认为是世界上适宜居住地方之一位于中心东区的15街区

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia - in this urban oasis widely considered one of the most livable places in the world, the Downtown Eastside is about 15 square blocks of something else.


  • 我们使用信息数据筛选其它适合退休居住的因素,比如距离健康中心比较近犯罪率

    We also used the Onboard Informatics data to screen for other retiree-friendly characteristics, such as access to health care and a low crime rate.


  • 居住佛吉尼亚中心需要一些东西均找不到。

    I wanted something that would not seem out of place in the historic Virginia downtown where we live.


  • 一行禅师最终法国南部定居成立了中心也是佛教徒进行冥思的中心,也是至今居住道院

    Nhat Hanh eventually settled in Southern France and founded Plum Village, the Buddhist meditation practice center and monastery where he still lives.


  • 当然火车到达中心穿过有有色人种聚居的乡镇,也就是亚伯拉罕,那位剧场工人居住地方加,一个黑人聚居的乡镇也都有警察部署。

    That included the train line that ran through the colored township where Mr.Abrahams, the theater worker, lives and Langa, a black township, before reaching downtown.


  • 当然火车到达中心穿过有有色人种聚居的乡镇,也就是亚伯拉罕,那位剧场工人居住地方加,一个黑人聚居的乡镇也都有警察部署。

    That included the train line that ran through the colored township where Mr.Abrahams, the theater worker, lives and Langa, a black township, before reaching downtown.


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